I <3 nineRED... February 25, 2009 4:42 PM   Subscribe

I just wanted to say that nineRED is awesome!

So, I posted a question asking if anyone knew where I could find a shirt similar to what Jennifer Aniston's character from "Office Space" was wearing. And nineRED stepped up. (Thanks, man!) I just thought you should know how our group costume turned out. We didn't win, but everyone in our group thought we were robbed...
posted by ObscureReferenceMan to MetaFilter-Related at 4:42 PM (15 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

Awesome. What was the winning group dressed as?
posted by Science! at 4:55 PM on February 25, 2009

I don't see 37 pieces of flair.
posted by gman at 5:10 PM on February 25, 2009 [3 favorites]

... everyone in our group thought we were robbed...

You didn't burn the place down or anything, did you?

Oh, & you should post this in the original thread too.

posted by Pronoiac at 5:25 PM on February 25, 2009

That thread is still open, you know.
posted by Sys Rq at 5:25 PM on February 25, 2009

Well, since you didn't win we're going to have to ask you to come in on Saturday, m'kay? Great.
posted by trinity8-director at 5:44 PM on February 25, 2009 [4 favorites]

The winning group was dressed as hippies. They only won because they had more of their co-workers there to cheer for them. Grrr...

And, you can't see, but Joanna had exactly 15 pieces of flair.
posted by ObscureReferenceMan at 6:30 PM on February 25, 2009

Damn hippies.
posted by gman at 6:39 PM on February 25, 2009 [2 favorites]

I don't see 37 pieces of flair.

Try not to pin any flair on your way through the parking lot.
posted by carsonb at 7:27 PM on February 25, 2009 [6 favorites]

What an obscure reference.
posted by Curry at 8:13 PM on February 25, 2009

I don't want you to wear more flair. I want you to want to wear more flair.
posted by Fuzzy Skinner at 8:44 PM on February 25, 2009

Ah! Yeah. It's just we like putting updates to still-open AskMe threads in the thread itself now. So if you could go ahead and try to remember to do that from now on, that'd be greeeeeeeeat. All right!
posted by Effigy2000 at 9:24 PM on February 25, 2009 [3 favorites]

So did nineRED just have the shirt laying around or what? Were there any suspicious stains on it?
posted by dead cousin ted at 10:20 PM on February 25, 2009

Just make sure you never meet nineRed in person. We met up once and nineRed tried to convince me that we should fry up my penis, eat it, and then try to kill me.

I agree. You should try and kill yourself after your last meal.
posted by gman at 4:27 AM on February 26, 2009

Curry, were you being ironic, or did I miss a reference other than "Office Space" and "Clerks"?
posted by Grither at 5:32 AM on February 26, 2009

And then I saw the OP's name.... d'oh!
posted by Grither at 5:54 AM on February 26, 2009

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