Why was this post not deleted? January 2, 2025 5:34 PM   Subscribe

This post does not seem beloved by its countrymen.
posted by Lemkin to MetaFilter-Related at 5:34 PM (106 comments total) 6 users marked this as a favorite

I wouldn't have linked this to my own comment. So just for the record, before me comes judgments like "repulsive", "uncomfortable", and "murdered good taste".
posted by Lemkin at 5:36 PM on January 2 [4 favorites]

Mod note: Chiming to say that the mod on duty brought it up to the rest of the team for review; and so far, our agreement has been that this post is in poor taste, but not deletable. I have approved the Meta sooner rather than later so that way we can listen and adjust on how to go about cases like this one.
posted by loup (staff) at 5:38 PM on January 2 [11 favorites]

- A FPP can suck for an unlimited number of reasons.
- You are under no obligation to click on any links / discussions posted to the front page.
- That post is a great example of how a block function will improve the Mefi Experience by 500%.
posted by Diskeater at 6:28 PM on January 2 [29 favorites]

Mod note: Folks can use MyMefi to block out certain posts. It's not perfect, but it's what we have at the moment.

You can put in keywords of tags that you want to avoid seeing or tags of stuff you definitely want to see. Then just click on the MyMeFi tab on desktop or the dropdown in mobile, and you'll only see stuff that you want. I added the tag 'deathlist' to the post being mentioned, so folks can use that to remove it from their front page.

Again, not quite a block feature, but its what we have for now.
posted by Brandon Blatcher (staff) at 6:37 PM on January 2 [5 favorites]

If the mod team agrees it's in poor taste, and about a third of the comments (so far) agree, this seems like a pretty easy decision to make. Maybe the question you should ask the mod team is, "do you want a post celebrating an article that ranks the likelihood of people to die to be on the front page of your website"?
posted by jonathanhughes at 6:38 PM on January 2 [8 favorites]

Naw, nothing to do with flags or moderation. It wasn't deleted because I'm god's favorite and he knows I love when a sanctimonious poster has to sit with their regrettable decisions.
posted by phunniemee at 6:39 PM on January 2 [22 favorites]

You are under no obligation to click on any links / discussions posted to the front page.

And I didn't click this one. But, to use an extreme hypothetical by way of making a point...

Startling videos proving Jews control the weather [more inside]

.... would be an intolerably offensive post whether or not anyone chose to click the links.

Obviously, this was more of a judgment call, the mods made one, and I'm OK with that. But given the unanimity of dislike in the comments, I think it would have been helpful if the mod on duty had stuck their head in to say "We see the flags, but we're letting this ride".

As it was, I had to wonder if it was possible that mid-week, mid-afternoon was now "thin coverage" time.
posted by Lemkin at 6:42 PM on January 2 [5 favorites]

i'm not intentionally driving a wedge and i'm not kicking the mods for past actions. the intent of my following comment is only about consistency of moderation between similarly charged topics:

if posts like this are allowed then i don't think a blanket ban on comments talking about retribution against the ruling classes is justified
posted by glonous keming at 6:44 PM on January 2 [20 favorites]

.... would be an intolerably offensive post whether or not anyone chose to click the links.

Correct - and it would be deleted as it goes against the guidelines.

The FPP in this MeTa sucks but "this post sucks and everyone hates it" isn't in the guidelines.
posted by Diskeater at 6:55 PM on January 2 [19 favorites]

Agreed. It was a bad post, but, like… it was just a bad post. It’s gross to say “Dick Van Dyke will probably kick it this year, huh?” but it’s just gross, not problematic. Everyone dies, and 100 year olds in particular.
posted by bowbeacon at 7:05 PM on January 2 [15 favorites]

Excellent job advertising it. I wouldn't have noticed it otherwise.
Mostly useful as a "these people are still alive?" list...
posted by stormyteal at 7:44 PM on January 2 [3 favorites]

I have no problem at all with the post, and would hate to see future posts deleted simply based on an undefined "yuck" factor if they don't go against guidelines.

if posts like this are allowed then i don't think a blanket ban on comments talking about retribution against the ruling classes is justified

Well, but that's an important difference! The post in question is definitively not advocating for anyone's death or for any sort of action. People speculate about death aloud all the time (probably even most of those calling for the post's removal). I like calls for action against the ruling class too, but Metafilter isn't the place for making possibly incriminating statements.
posted by demonic winged headgear at 8:44 PM on January 2 [17 favorites]

I think that the post is in bad taste and I don’t like it it, nor did I click on the link but I agree that it doesn’t break the guidelines, so let it stay.

I like that this meta is here and that Loup and brandon explained why it’s left up as well as to see what the community has to say.
posted by ashbury at 9:00 PM on January 2 [31 favorites]

Metafilter isn't the place for making possibly incriminating statements.

Metafilter is the place to make statements that are so such eye-rollingly toothless that they couldn't possibly be incriminating. MeFites who so love making such declarations of retribution will never come close to actually accomplishing anything of the sort.
posted by 2N2222 at 11:57 PM on January 2 [7 favorites]

Metafilter isn't the place for making possibly incriminating statements

Be smart from the very beginning, y'all. Pulverize the teeth.
posted by away for regrooving at 12:28 AM on January 3 [20 favorites]

Not a great link but doesn't break any rule I'm aware of. Disrespect for the dead doesn't seem to be banned on Metafilter: see pretty much any obituary thread.
posted by TheophileEscargot at 2:11 AM on January 3 [12 favorites]

Chiming to say that the mod on duty brought it up to the rest of the team for review; and so far, our agreement has been that this post is in poor taste, but not deletable.

"This is a single-link post that is thin gruel" has historically been a pretty popular rationale for deleting FPPs by mods, and I can't really see any difference between those kinds of posts and this one. On top of that, this one has the added bonus of the only other link in the post being to a previous MF thread where the very first comment from fifteen years ago had the exact same sentiment.

So, are thinness and poor taste of a post is no longer a policy for deletion going forward? If so, how does one gauge the paucity of links and possibility of coming off as awful in a way that lets their posts go through? Also, there has been plenty of pushback both here and on the blue against ageism, and this is just a list of old people, sorted by age. Is it now back on the table as an acceptable rationale for making posts, or is that also dependent on some unknowable context?
posted by Glegrinof the Pig-Man at 2:16 AM on January 3 [8 favorites]

I am glad to see some pushback here against the MeFi tendency to want to delete things simply because people don't like them.

The post in question feels in poor taste to me, but clearly there exist:
- people who enjoy speculating about which celebrities might be next to kick the bucket
- people who may like to get a heads-up that someone they hadn't thought about in a while is getting really old now
- people who like to get off on telling others that making lists like this is repulsive

All of which should be valid discourse here as long as it remains within the guidelines.

(For my part I am sad to see Dennis Skinner on the list, but it also amused me to click through to the discussion and see that they've been listing him since 2006, and I hope to delight in watching him outlive their expectations for many years to come.)

What can fuck all the way off into the sun, however, is the tedious and predictable tendency for people to find tenuous ways to recast their dislike as a social justice issue.

It is not ageist to observe that people become more likely to die as they get older. For fuck's sake.
posted by automatronic at 2:47 AM on January 3 [51 favorites]

I flagged this post and contacted the mods to request its deletion. People talk about celebrity deaths all the time, and dead pools are a thing, but I don't want it here any more than a ton of other things that normal people should be able to agree are odious.

This post should not be retained on free speech grounds. MetaFilter is not a bastion of free speech, for all that there are sometimes really good discussions and cool links here. Non-reality-based claims circulate here as secular gospel every day, and utterly banal ideas violating site orthodoxy are routinely pilloried as monstrous, destructive, the end of society, etc. It's fine to nuke a ghoul post.

This post is not a social justice issue. People die, old and young, more of the old. The mods have historically sometimes turned a blind eye to ageism, and I dislike that, but this post should not be deleted on ageist grounds.

This post is no thinner than many other single-link posts. If we're seriously leaning into that, it's time for me and many other MeFites to ease on down the road.
posted by cupcakeninja at 5:17 AM on January 3 [1 favorite]

Disrespect for the dead doesn't seem to be banned on Metafilter: see pretty much any obituary thread.

The post is disrespect for the living, which is generally only acceptable when they’ve done something to earn it - and getting very old shouldn’t count.
posted by Lemkin at 5:52 AM on January 3 [3 favorites]

I think it’s healthy for the community to have an occasional unstuffed pinata post qua sin eater.
posted by lucidium at 5:55 AM on January 3 [8 favorites]

But we already have AI posts!
posted by cupcakeninja at 5:57 AM on January 3 [3 favorites]

Come to think of it, if Mr. Van Dyke dies this afternoon and his dot-filled obituary thread is interrupted by someone making a joke about the list, that probably won’t go over well either.
posted by Lemkin at 6:00 AM on January 3 [1 favorite]

I found it ghoulish but just passed it by because I don't really feel like speculating which Old Famous Person is going to die. It wasn't to my taste so I let it be.

But -- I will say that I have noticed--sometimes subtle, sometimes not--that I suspect because MeFi has hemorrhaged so many users for quite a while now that the mods (and owner) see any engagement as good engagement because if they removed or dealt with every complaint raised, it might start really killing the site. It's why I think that fighty interactions are allowed to go on longer than usual. It means people are participating! Of course, we're not going to let full on Nazi/TERFs/transphobes (though we do have a few of those) go on posting rampages, but there is a touch of the sweaty when mods don't really intervene until it's much too late.
posted by Kitteh at 6:12 AM on January 3 [8 favorites]

It was a terrible post years ago and is a terrible post now, in my opinion. Deletable, I'm less sure, but approving this thread in a timely fashion and explaining the rationale for not deleting it shows truly positive improvements in communication so I've now circled back around to being happy it was posted so that everyone can learn things they need to learn
posted by donnagirl at 6:21 AM on January 3 [26 favorites]

Sounds like the bar where I hang out with my fellow mercenary killers. Have you guys really never entertained yourselves about guessing when people will die?
posted by snofoam at 7:51 AM on January 3 [10 favorites]

Personally, I found the post at worst kinda boring. Everyone dies. Some people are more likely to die than others. None of that strikes me as particularly offensive. I certainly have more side-eye towards the people getting their feathers ruffled over this. Celebrities in their nice houses stocked with nice food, however old or frail they may be, are not at the top of the list of "categories of people I'm worried about in 2025."
posted by coffeecat at 8:08 AM on January 3 [4 favorites]

I don’t think we’re going to reach a Platonic ideal of posting.

What I like about how this is being handled is the post is up, for those who want to engage, and this MetaTalk is up, to discuss the other side of the coin. People making FPPs can adjust accordingly.
posted by warriorqueen at 8:14 AM on January 3 [17 favorites]

Deadpooling has been around a long time. I don't find it offensive so much as I find it try-hard. Like, these people want to seem transgressive by speculating that 'ooooh, these old people might die'. So cool. So nihilistic. [insert eye-rolling emoji here]

I don't think the post needed to be deleted, and as long as the criticism of the linked site doesn't become sharp criticism of the poster, I also don't think the discussion about why it is shitty needs to be deleted either.
posted by jacquilynne at 8:23 AM on January 3 [12 favorites]

There's a lot of comments in that thread that don't amount to much more than "your favourite band sucks".
posted by Dysk at 8:26 AM on January 3 [8 favorites]

The site would be more interesting with a rise in the number of mercenary killers security contractors as MeFites. More diversity of lived experience, opinions, philosophy, and interests. Maybe we need a MetaHeresy subsite?
posted by cupcakeninja at 8:46 AM on January 3 [3 favorites]

Once the Interim board starts creating committees, we can create a committee on what types of posts we allow.
posted by 922257033c4a0f3cecdbd819a46d626999d1af4a at 8:48 AM on January 3 [1 favorite]

Lemkin: Startling videos proving Jews control the weather [more inside] .... would be an intolerably offensive post whether or not anyone chose to click the links.

Someone please work on finding proof of this so I can figure out how to use my Jew powers to make it snow next week.
posted by capricorn at 9:02 AM on January 3 [10 favorites]

I will say that I have noticed--sometimes subtle, sometimes not--that I suspect because MeFi has hemorrhaged so many users for quite a while now that the mods (and owner) see any engagement as good engagement because if they removed or dealt with every complaint raised, it might start really killing the site.

This is undoubtedly true. There is another FPP up right now about RFK, Jr. that I’m absolutely positive would have been quickly deleted for overly editorializing in its presentation back when this site was more heavily trafficked and more stringent about its rules. Today it seems the attitude is more like “People are engaging with it, let it fly…”
posted by The Gooch at 9:07 AM on January 3 [8 favorites]

And I didn't click this one.

You did, though. Your MetaTalk post links to your own comment in the thread you don't like.
posted by emelenjr at 9:21 AM on January 3 [5 favorites]

One can comment without following links in posts. Lemkin's point is clearly "maybe this is bad, just on its face, even if I don't give that site traffic" so there's no gotcha there to be gotten.

Also, death pools are fine, this one just seems to try extra hard to offend, so this MeTa is a good callout even if one isn't wildly offended.
posted by donnagirl at 9:29 AM on January 3 [2 favorites]

There is another FPP up right now about RFK, Jr. that I’m absolutely positive would have been quickly deleted for overly editorializing in its presentation back when this site was more heavily trafficked and more stringent about its rules.

In the days of old, even the single-link post on “the Democrats suck at messaging” would have been lucky to survive, I think.
posted by Lemkin at 9:40 AM on January 3 [1 favorite]

In the days of old,

time makes conservatives of all of us
posted by ginger.beef at 9:42 AM on January 3 [3 favorites]

I will say that I have noticed--sometimes subtle, sometimes not--that I suspect because MeFi has hemorrhaged so many users for quite a while now that the mods (and owner) see any engagement as good engagement because if they removed or dealt with every complaint raised, it might start really killing the site.

Circular firing squads do have fewer people in them as time goes on, yes.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 9:48 AM on January 3 [22 favorites]

I suspect because MeFi has hemorrhaged so many users for quite a while now that the mods (and owner) see any engagement as good engagement because if they removed or dealt with every complaint raised, it might start really killing the site

Reminder that there was an extensive survey done in 2022 on how users feel about the site. One part:
While many members commented on how far the site had come from the boyzone era, there’s a growing vocal concern about increasingly narrowing acceptable political viewpoints with very little tolerance for opposing or even adjacent views.

The site feels smaller. Several commenters mentioned missing particular members who had left the site, while others mentioned that the posting numbers have dwindled on both the green and the blue.

The site feels more aggressive. Commenters routinely mentioned not participating or hesitating to participate due to the fear of saying the wrong thing – or even the right thing in the wrong way – and very quickly finding themselves at the bottom of a pile-on. Vocal members tend to dominate discussions, particularly in MetaTalk.

We’re a tough crowd to crack. Many respondents praised the diverse member base and thoughtful discussion. People feel pressure to write well and respond well, and many report feeling too intimidated to participate. Newer members often feel discouraged by carefully composed posts and comments that fail to gain traction.
I haven't seen any convincing of evidence that users are being put off Metafilter by the presence of bad content, or that more deletions and bannings are the solution to Metafilter's problems. It's the emptiness and the hostility that are the reported problems.

Metafilter feels like a bar that used to be popular twenty years ago, and whose long-term members are still desperately concerned with keeping the riff-raff out at all costs, even though the riff-raff long since stopped wanting to get in. It needs better drinks and music, not tougher dress codes and more belligerent bouncers.
posted by TheophileEscargot at 11:28 AM on January 3 [89 favorites]

things that normal people should be able to agree are odious

I don't identify as "normal", and if this place ever turns into a site for "normal" people only then I'm out.
posted by automatronic at 11:30 AM on January 3 [11 favorites]

Perhaps "normal" was the wrong word to use. This is, after all, a text-based discussion platform in 2025, so none of us are exactly mainstream.

I also appreciate the comments here about the post, and posts generally, and why we should have all sort of posts. I still don't particularly like it, but maybe I should just do more of that keeping scrolling and not bothering with content that's not for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Speaking of content that's for me, automatronic, looking at your post history, I hope you make more posts as you have time! You've put up some cool stuff over the years.)
posted by cupcakeninja at 11:43 AM on January 3 [4 favorites]

It needs better drinks and music, not tougher dress codes and more belligerent bouncers

Picturing Jon Taffer spilling a list of buttoned user names on the floor and screaming “This is your failure!!”
posted by Lemkin at 12:13 PM on January 3 [2 favorites]

time makes conservatives of all of us

LOL nope
posted by cooker girl at 1:03 PM on January 3 [17 favorites]

Someone please work on finding proof of this so I can figure out how to use my Jew powers to make it snow next week.

If you were trying to *stop* it snowing I might be inclined to help.
posted by Tell Me No Lies at 4:20 PM on January 3 [3 favorites]

(Also what's with the "by its countrymen" framing? Is the implication that only Brits get to have meaningful opinions on this post?)
posted by Dysk at 7:16 PM on January 3 [3 favorites]

Fuck me, we're barrelling face first into openly fascist USA and you're upset that someone made a list about EXTREMELY OLD people who may die?! Really?!
I think some folks need to straighten their fucking priorities up.
posted by evilDoug at 9:27 PM on January 3 [12 favorites]

Metafilter feels like a bar that used to be popular twenty years ago, and whose long-term members are still desperately concerned with keeping the riff-raff out at all costs, even though the riff-raff long since stopped wanting to get in. It needs better drinks and music, not tougher dress codes and more belligerent bouncers.

And a few less gatekeepers that believe that their supposedly enlightened way is the one true path, when it's yet another pathetic version of bias and bigotry, just aimed in the opposite direction.
posted by stormyteal at 9:30 PM on January 3 [4 favorites]

Fuck me, we're barrelling face first into openly fascist USA and you're upset that someone made a list about EXTREMELY OLD people who may die?!

Well if that's the only topic worth raising why even allow people to make FPPs about any other topic? The post should be barred on those grounds alone, if we follow through on your reductive logic.
posted by biffa at 1:24 AM on January 4 [13 favorites]

Happy new year to the members of a newly nonprofit enterprise! How delightful to see this MetaTalk post up so quickly and to read the various responses. Thanks, Lemkin, and thanks, loup.

This reminds me a bit of an offhand joke made by a commenter long ago. I don't remember it exactly, but it was along the lines of "I would rather kill a child than have one." The comment made me, a parent, laugh out loud in sympathy, while the on-duty mod, also a parent, completely lost their shit and gave us a strident lecture about the comment's utter lack of redeeming qualities, etc.

But I thought it was entertaining. Deadpools are not my thing but the FPP does not distress me. Also, I seem to recall some survey results in which people asked for more single-link FPPs. What may be thin gruel to some can be a tasty snack to others. That is my take from a currently frozen central Sweden. Sending virtual hugs to anyone who needs 'em.
posted by Bella Donna at 1:49 AM on January 4 [31 favorites]

I think some folks need to straighten their fucking priorities up.

Sir, this is a Wendy's.
posted by donnagirl at 2:54 AM on January 4 [30 favorites]

I’m not comfortable relying on “taste” as a deletion criteria.
posted by Miko at 5:17 AM on January 4 [30 favorites]

We need more posts, not fewer. And I didn't read the link but the post can exist without me just fine. It's fine.
posted by tiny frying pan at 5:33 AM on January 4 [19 favorites]

(Also what's with the "by its countrymen" framing? Is the implication that only Brits get to have meaningful opinions on this post?)

I don't understand if this means you're assuming I'm British.

If you are, it's funny, because as I was reviewing my posting history earlier, I realized that it could foster that impression. But no, I'm a product of USA.

The framing was simply a rhetorical flourish. (I like those.)

We need more posts, not fewer.

Yes, but not more posts like that. If that's the price of survival, I'd rather the place die with dignity.
posted by Lemkin at 6:47 AM on January 4 [2 favorites]

No, I didn't think you were British, I thought you were appealing to the opinions of Brits in the thread being somehow more important. It's a weird rhetorical flourish, because it makes a statement you don't mean to, and it sounds like you didn't want it to mean anything at all?
posted by Dysk at 7:02 AM on January 4 [4 favorites]

Yes, but not more posts like that. If that's the price of survival, I'd rather the place die with dignity.

Speak for yourself. You can always just not read or participate in the thread.
posted by Dysk at 7:03 AM on January 4 [18 favorites]

Lemkin is speaking for himself, this is a perfectly normal old-school MeTa, which by your own logic you can decline to participate in. Also, there's certainly never been a dearth of rhetorical flourishes around these parts. I think it's weird you assumed it meant only British opinions were welcome, and weird that you came in so hot at Lemkin when that's absolutely not the temperature here. I have certainly been in plenty of heated MeTas and this just isn't that.
posted by donnagirl at 7:54 AM on January 4 [9 favorites]

I took it for a friends romans countrymen thing and stopped thinking at that point.
posted by Ashenmote at 7:54 AM on January 4 [8 favorites]

I think it's weird that the person who has posted 2 normally very lazy posts to the blue every day since they joined less than a month ago is policing the quality of other people's posts, but at least doing that is better than derailing every thread with his hatred of Kamala Harris, I guess.
posted by ambrosen at 8:01 AM on January 4 [19 favorites]

I get the feeling Lemkin’s been here a while under a different name, no?
posted by mochapickle at 8:17 AM on January 4 [20 favorites]

I think it's weird that the person who has posted 2 normally very lazy posts to the blue every day since they joined less than a month ago is policing the quality of other people's posts, but at least doing that is better than derailing every thread with his hatred of Kamala Harris, I guess.

Given the impressive average number of favorites you get for your posts, I take the charge of laziness seriously - though of course I dispute it.

But does your own derail-flavored mention of my dislike for Kamala Harris not give the game away?
posted by Lemkin at 8:22 AM on January 4 [3 favorites]

So I poked around and the closest thing there is to describe the fallacy of "people can only worry about one thing at a time" is "false dilemma." I'm thinking "Conversation Of Angst" myself.
posted by Tell Me No Lies at 8:23 AM on January 4 [2 favorites]

The framing was simply a rhetorical flourish. (I like those.)

I would argue that you were being lazy.
posted by ambrosen at 8:26 AM on January 4

I would argue that you were being lazy.

You do seem to favor stating things directly.

Then I shall be inspired by your example: If you don't like my politics, you are cordially invited to deal with it.
posted by Lemkin at 8:35 AM on January 4 [1 favorite]

I, for one, welcome rhetorical flourishes! What is a building bereft of rococo ornamentation but mere brutalist shelter? What is a cat without plush fur but a pile of angry clawing wrinkles? How barren and thin the easily-diagrammed sentence is, lying neatly dissected on the chalkboard, its verb and subject naked and alone. Words are free, why not build something elegant?

I skipped the post that this one is complaining about, as it looked to not be relevant to my interests, which is all I can say about that.
posted by Vatnesine at 9:23 AM on January 4 [15 favorites]

ambrosen: "I think it's weird that the person who has posted 2 normally very lazy posts to the blue every day since they joined less than a month ago is policing the quality of other people's posts, but at least doing that is better than derailing every thread with his hatred of Kamala Harris, I guess."

This is a weird comment on multiple levels:

- looking at their perfectly cromulent posts, you seem to define "lazy" as "single-link" (or maybe "single source/topic"), despite there being nothing wrong with that -- it applies to many if not most posts here. If such "lazy" posts point to neat content and/or give rise to an interesting discussion, then by all means people, please be lazier. I say that as somebody that likes to assemble a Drudge-worthy number of links on occasion. (But seriously, broadly dismissing someone going out of their way to share stuff is gross)

- finding a post-worthy link twice a day and writing it up actually does take some effort, or at least isn't "lazy". I've tried keeping that pace and it can be hard to sustain!

- you yourself have posted 6 FPPs in the last year -- nothing wrong with that ofc, people who don't even post FPPs at all are still valuable -- but in terms of posting effort it's objectively closer to "lazy" than posting twice a day every day, especially given your posts look similar to theirs in terms of length/content (your last one is even a single link!)

- calling out an anti-Harris derail is *especially* weird given I've seen you post snide dismissive off-topic comments about her in multiple threads that had to be deleted

I encourage everyone -- especially people who haven't posted before -- to ignore gatekeeping about post complexity and feel free to post whatever they find worthwhile to share. There's also a monthly LinkMe thread for sharing random links in an easy low-stakes way, many of which have since been turned into FPPs by other MeFites.
posted by Rhaomi at 10:41 AM on January 4 [22 favorites]

I've seen you post snide dismissive off-topic comments about her

I was copying Lemkin's (non deleted) comment from a separate post, because he shitted up my and many other people's mood in that post, so it seemed fair to shit up his post.
posted by ambrosen at 10:48 AM on January 4

ambrosen: "I was copying Lemkin's (non deleted) comment from a separate post, he shitted up my and many other people's mood in that post, so it seemed fair to shit up his post."

"Someone left an annoying comment, so in retaliation, I made the same annoying comment multiple times!"

This seems immature at best.
posted by Rhaomi at 10:57 AM on January 4 [22 favorites]

2 normally very lazy posts
I have more than once posted a single link YouTube to a cute animal video (with the understanding it would not be everyone's cup of tea and some people might even think it is beneath the dignity of the blue or whatnot) - those videos seem to cheer people up and many people like them.

Is that a lazy post? Do some people believe that all posts should be the same kind of long, thoughtful multi-link posts we often see (that are also very appreciated, and can be quite impressive in thoughtfulness and scope). If there is room for both like I think there is, do we really need to use the label lazy? I just think "lazy" is unnecessarily dismissive.

Typing that out makes me think I am word-policing - probably because of all the complaints of policing around here - and I did not really mean it like that. I am just trying to say, it is not lazy to make a single link post. It's often just someone seeing something neat or cute and thinking other people might also find it neat and cute. I appreciate that people who have been here the longest are used to less of that, maybe? I have only been here 13 years. And the oldies still make me feel like a newb often. It would not feel like Metafilter if they didn't!
posted by Glinn at 10:59 AM on January 4 [4 favorites]

so it seemed fair to shit up his post

as someone who swore off MeTa recently I can see shit is back on the menu and I'm here for it

these are the loving kind of knives out right
posted by ginger.beef at 11:04 AM on January 4 [4 favorites]

Mod note: I was copying Lemkin's (non deleted) comment from a separate post, because he shitted up my and many other people's mood in that post, so it seemed fair to shit up his post.

This is not encouraged or ok. Please flag comments you find problematic and let the mods take a look. Trying to get back another community member does nothing constructive, while escalating situations unnecessarily.

Continuing to do this behavior may result in comments being removed and possibly banning.
posted by Brandon Blatcher (staff) at 11:06 AM on January 4 [19 favorites]

FWIW, my Pinter post was my attempt to, Rhaomi-style, swing for the fences.

Lazy? That fucker took hours.
posted by Lemkin at 11:06 AM on January 4 [4 favorites]

I'm flattered! But a word of advice: if you're going to put that much time into a post, hiding it behind such a nondescript lede is (literally) selling it short! I made that mistake a few times early on. These days, when I'm really enamored with a topic, I try to put as much descriptive detail above the fold as possible, and tease the [more inside] if there's significantly more. It can verge on Upworthy-style breathless overselling sometimes, but better that than have a really cool subject get overlooked, imho.
posted by Rhaomi at 11:30 AM on January 4 [11 favorites]

Metafilter: Fuck me, we're barrelling face first into openly fascist USA and you're upset that someone *insert action here*?! Really?! I think some folks need to straighten their fucking priorities up.
posted by B_Ghost_User at 12:04 PM on January 4 [5 favorites]

There is another FPP up right now about RFK, Jr. that I’m absolutely positive would have been quickly deleted for overly editorializing in its presentation back when this site was more heavily trafficked and more stringent about its rules.

Yeah I realize that concepts like “best of the web” and “outragefilter” have always been subjective but I do feel like these kinds of posts are often contrary to the spirit of MetaFilter as I think of it, to the way I’d like it to be different from the rest of the web. There are lots of places to link stuff to get mad at!

There’s an irony, too, in contrasting with the way people react to more thoughtful, less openly bait-y takes from writers or publications that display bad politics elsewhere. Is the key to avoiding being reprimanded for this to end the post with a link for MeFites to unsubscribe from fucking Compact Magazine or whatever?
posted by atoxyl at 12:44 PM on January 4 [4 favorites]

That said, while there are posts that annoy me, and while I have some sympathy for this

MetaFilter is not a bastion of free speech, for all that there are sometimes really good discussions and cool links here. Non-reality-based claims circulate here as secular gospel every day

in my own way on my own pet topics, my conclusion is not broadly “so let’s delete more stuff.” Somewhat the opposite.
posted by atoxyl at 12:48 PM on January 4 [2 favorites]

but "this post sucks and everyone hates it" isn't in the guidelines.

and correct me if I'm wrong -- everyone doesn't hate it. Based on some of the comments, some folks seem to be enjoying that thread. How dare they!?!?

Also ...

Everyone dies, and 100 year olds in particular.

fun fact. Statistics say, until you hit one hundred, you always have at least a fifty-percent chance of making it to your next birthday. I read this somewhere, some time ago.
posted by philip-random at 2:26 PM on January 4 [2 favorites]

Lemkin and ambrosen, food fight at dawn in Jersey (everything’s legal in Jersey). Seconds are recommended.
posted by ashbury at 2:31 PM on January 4 [5 favorites]

Seconds are recommended.

But then there's no room for dessert.
posted by mittens at 2:45 PM on January 4 [7 favorites]

I have it from un reliable information that Mr. Van Dyke will live to be at least 109 and the first commercial suborbital nightclub Shall becalled The U.F.S Ethel Merman with the Van Dyke cabaret and 3d Laugh track gas lounge.

Nerf bats, I've got 10 on Philip into the 7th round.
posted by clavdivs at 2:45 PM on January 4 [5 favorites]

Someone please work on finding proof of this so I can figure out how to use my Jew powers to make it snow next week.

This may need to be another MeTa post (or maybe an AskMe), but what's the best religion for superpowers? Please no Catholics, they talk a big game (particularly via the nunsploitation genre) but I was raised Catholic and know better. I'm still holding out that the pagans will get tired of my asking and admit that Kamar-Taj is real, but am entertaining other options.
posted by Halloween Jack at 6:12 PM on January 4 [2 favorites]

I'm glad it wasn't deleted. Didn't break any rules. It's not a style of link we see a ton of, so it's not like it's setting the tone for the site. I guess we post a link to that site every 15 years, only now with a trigger warning? Seems easy to deal with it by ignoring it (or almost as easy to deal with by posting lots of comments about not liking it, if that's you're preference.)

MeFi needs more diversity of topics, not fewer. Links that aren't for everyone--or are for almost no one--can be tolerated.
posted by mark k at 9:52 PM on January 4 [5 favorites]

I didn't mind that post:

- I learned there are several people I would assume are dead are still very much alive - good for them!
- I thought of a very stupid joke about Dick Van Dyke's eventual death that made me chuckle.
- I considered but then refrained from posting another very stupid joke about how problematic it was that many of my fellow MeFites seemed to wish horrific pedophile and rapist Stuart Hall a long life, so I got to feel good about my self-control.
- However, if sick humour and bad jokes were forbidden, it would eliminate 95% of the PoliticsFilter, so maybe the anti- people have a point.

I also don't mind this post, I learned Lemkin was previously someone else and there's some sort of animosity going on with ambrosen, which I appreciate because I like messy nonsense and it's very funny when the #100k+ people fight.
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 10:03 PM on January 4 [8 favorites]

What is the base rate for a “new” user on the blue not being an old user at this point? It’s gotta be really low.

(I never got around to writing the response I wanted to Kattullus’ claim that the site is healthy but I guess this serves well enough as the abridged version!)
posted by atoxyl at 11:30 PM on January 4 [7 favorites]

Is it safe to say anyone with an account 10/+ years is an old?
posted by ginger.beef at 1:53 AM on January 5

How Do You Do, Fellow Elders of Metafilter?
posted by Ashenmote at 2:39 AM on January 5 [14 favorites]

What is the base rate for a “new” user on the blue not being an old user at this point? It’s gotta be really low.

More than half of comments and posts are from 15+ years old accounts (and three quarters are from 10+ years old accounts).

In an average recent month, 20-25 accounts make their first comment or post.
posted by Klipspringer at 5:25 AM on January 5 [10 favorites]

I would guess that 25% or more of new accounts are opened by previous users. Whatever the actual percentage, "new" users are definitely a split between socks for existing users, former users coming back under a new account and actual new people.
posted by snofoam at 5:35 AM on January 5 [5 favorites]

Is it safe to say anyone with an account 10/+ years is an old?

oh no i'm an old now; how did this happen? (time)

More topically, from an old, I thought it was an interesting post that looked at something I didn't realize existed anymore. The only real qualms I had was in how it classified individuals (Yoko Ono as Mrs. Lennon instead of say, artist; Hans Blix as a weapons inspector. ) But I also liked that Weinstein was just a sex offender, so I contain multitudes depending on the day and how a secondary source treats the things I know about.
posted by Torosaurus at 6:43 AM on January 5 [7 favorites]

Is it safe to say anyone with an account 10/+ years is an old?

Well, surely that makes sense if one is a newer person here, or one who may not be aware of the gulf between the really old olds and the not-as-old olds. If we DO decide 10+ makes one an old, then the very old olds (18 yrs+? 20+?) need a new category - ancients, historians, grumpy sages, the wizened?

p.s. I love all you guys. Partly because paduasoy made an excellent get stuff done IRL post and I've been getting stuff done and guess what, it also boosts your mood. Highly recommend.
posted by Glinn at 7:57 AM on January 5 [8 favorites]

Arguing about the proper length and content of a FPP is old school Metafilter and I appreciate it.
posted by tofu_crouton at 8:07 AM on January 5 [14 favorites]

Maybe the George Orwell Memorial Prize: One foot, ten thousand socks, stamping its foot on MetaTalk forever.
posted by effluvia at 8:41 AM on January 5 [1 favorite]

Emoji-One Ryobi and the L'Ancien Régime.
posted by clavdivs at 2:09 PM on January 5

I would guess that 25% or more of new accounts are opened by previous users.

Why so high? I'm surprised that the amount of MeFites doing this isn't insignificant.
posted by Rash at 9:32 PM on January 5 [1 favorite]

If you don't like my politics, you are cordially invited to deal with it.

ooh you're this close to getting it
posted by some little punk in a rocket at 1:41 AM on January 6 [2 favorites]

That post generated quite a few comments. Although hardly anyone liked it, more than a few people didn't believe it should be deleted. The post didn't violate MetaFilter guidelines.

A Deadpool doesn't interest me, so I don't pay them any mind. Frankly, I am more offended by one person (in this thread) who presumes to define normality for the rest of us. That doesn't mean I want their comment deleted.
posted by mule98J at 4:54 PM on January 6 [2 favorites]

I’m assuming the Stuart Hall comments were deleted? I also just got reminded there are two major famous Stuart Halls, and the good one died in 2014.
posted by lokta at 1:12 AM on January 7 [1 favorite]

No comments were deleted from the thread. I don't know if that helps answer your actual question, which I guess I don't understand. (I do understand who you are referring to.)
posted by taz (staff) at 2:14 AM on January 7

[insert eye-rolling emoji here]


but what's the best religion for superpowers?

for this thread? taoism: immortality [wiki]
posted by HearHere at 3:52 AM on January 7

I realised that I just made a post about a link that everybody hated, myself included.

And yet thus far nobody seems to want it deleted, and I feel like that illustrates some kind of point here:

Nobody seems to get worked up about wanting to delete links to things that everyone agrees on disliking.

But folks will go absolutely nuts about trying to get something deleted when they dislike it and someone else doesn't, which I think says a lot about the motivations that are really in play.

There was a period when it really felt like the site was being held to ransom by a minority of folks demanding that the site cater to their preferences, and that drove a lot of users away, including myself for a while. Not really because of those people - who could simply have been ignored - but because they were effectively given control of the site via the reactive approach of the moderation team (i.e. flags / complaints -> delete things until the tantrums stop).

This thread gives me some hope that we might have turned a corner on that, but I think there's still a lot more to be done in terms of understanding how that pattern happened, and recognising and preventing it in the future.
posted by automatronic at 6:48 AM on January 7 [14 favorites]

I realised that I just made a post about a link that everybody hated, myself included.

And yet thus far nobody seems to want it deleted, and I feel like that illustrates some kind of point here:

Nobody seems to get worked up about wanting to delete links to things that everyone agrees on disliking.

But folks will go absolutely nuts about trying to get something deleted when they dislike it and someone else doesn't, which I think says a lot about the motivations that are really in play.

I didn't like either so I didn't initially click over to either because... I didn't think I would like either. I do think the deadpool one is on the border and I would have preferred for it to be deleted. I cannot articulate why.

While your thesis may be correct, it does not fit for all instances of wanting deletion. To me, there is a huge gap between "Clicker game. Pass" and "Who's dying this year? That's a bit morbid. Does that really belong here?".

posted by a non mouse, a cow herd at 7:31 AM on January 7 [2 favorites]

The list has claimed #15. If it continues to kill off the shitty people by manifesting their demises in some sort of Death Note situation, I think a lot of people owe it an apology.
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 7:56 AM on January 7 [4 favorites]

I made the post. Is the concept of “dark humor” so awful that it must be wiped from the internet? Many of us use it to cope.

Also, what automatronic said. I really worry about this place sometimes.
posted by Melismata at 12:37 PM on January 7 [3 favorites]

I really worry about this place sometimes.

I'm sure the mods appreciate the respite from the pitchforks-and-torches crowd, you done them a solid at least

the past week has seemed pretty positive: looks like we're moving toward mod oversight policies that might make mods and MeFites happier? discussion on improving FanFare, etc. We've had worse weeks
posted by ginger.beef at 3:35 PM on January 7 [1 favorite]

Is the concept of “dark humor” so awful that it must be wiped from the internet? Many of us use it to cope.

For sure, dark humor is awesome. Some things I use dark humor to cope with: the sad mismanagement of a community I love, and members of said community who insist that management is awesome at every turn!
posted by donnagirl at 5:02 AM on January 8 [13 favorites]

I like to try out new recipes to cope.
posted by bowmaniac at 6:26 AM on January 8 [4 favorites]

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