278 posts tagged with FPP.
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confirming - occasional chatty posts on the Blue?

I seem to recall that chatty posts on the Blue were discouraged, but that that's changed (hence the rise of the weekly-ish Free Thread). Can we confirm policy and maybe get it in the FAQ? [more inside]
posted by kristi on Jun 10, 2024 - 20 comments

FPP about manipulated Reality TV show

I'm looking for a FPP for an article about a Reality TV show. It was about a woman, maybe LGBTQ+, who went to live on a ranch or a house, and the producers had lied to the participants about her identity, or her circumstances, etc. I can't remember if they said she wasn't LGBTQ+ and then it came out she was, or something like that. I think there was something in it where the other participants treated her poorly, but overall she wasn't as upset as you might expect.
posted by Gorgik on May 16, 2024 - 6 comments

MetaFilter: The Quickening

Proposition: We should consider lowering the waiting time for new posts on the blue from one day to 12 hours. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Oct 10, 2023 - 124 comments

WTF did I just see?!

kanuck posted some straight-up blackpill content on the front page. It's still up. I've flagged the post with a note for the mods, but how can we as a community respond more assertively to blatant misogyny that's "well packaged"? [more inside]
posted by MiraK on Oct 6, 2023 - 181 comments

please consider content warnings for AI interaction

i would like to respectfully ask the community to please consider placing some textual warnings in FPP text when linking directly to websites that will lead to interaction with chatGPT or similar machine-learning systems. [more inside]
posted by glonous keming on May 12, 2023 - 195 comments

Would more youtube content be appreciated? Discuss

I love learning cool new stuff. I find all sorts of cool stuff on Youtube, spotify, Nebula, and podcasts that I'd like to share. And, it's hard to find, and I wish you all shared more cool audio and video content as well. I thought we could talk about how cool it is to post more cool content. Along with this is a question about the place for subscription-based or paywall audio/video content as well. [more inside]
posted by rebent on Mar 22, 2023 - 23 comments

Posting for December: Advent2022 tag

I'm committing to post an FPP every day from Dec 1 to Dec 24 for Metafilter - seeing more activity and diversity on the blue is a direct action to boost Metafilter for our current and future users. Please join in and tag away with #Advent2022! I apologise in advance for using a tag which has religious elements but the Advent concept of a countdown with a gift every day seemed ideal, and I didn't want to commit to posting during my actual Christmas days which are usually packed (or devoted to post-food coma). Happy to change to alternatives that fit proposed below.
posted by dorothyisunderwood on Dec 2, 2022 - 11 comments

Blaseball anniversary post?

Is anyone working on a Year 1 blaseball post? I started to work on a Garages update (THIRTY ALBUMS) and got wondering if there was interest in collaborating on a post (or two?) sharing the works that have come out of the cultural event we've been participating in. The game itself is fairly ephemeral, but we've got SIBR archives, fan art and music, the Anchor's summaries, etc we can link to.
posted by curious nu on Aug 3, 2021 - 6 comments

Adding archive.org links to old posts

Is it possible and desirable to add Internet Archive links to old posts? [more inside]
posted by autopilot on May 15, 2021 - 7 comments

"Talk... less."

In addition to the ~biweekly megathreads, the 2016 DNC saw four daily threads with 12,536 total comments, plus a 1,598-comment VP thread for literal potato Tim Kaine. This cycle there are no megathreads, and a grand total of *checks notes* zero posts or comments on either the DNC or VP nominee Kamala Harris, a charismatic woman of color with a complex record who may potentially lead the nation for a dozen years if everything breaks her way. I know the megathreads were a burden, but this seems sub-optimal, especially given the desire on the site and in society generally to spotlight women leaders, black voters, and the push for criminal justice reform. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Aug 18, 2020 - 303 comments

Platform/system requirements in video game posts

Many thanks to everyone who makes MetaFilter posts about cool new video games! And one request: When possible, could these posts please include information about which platforms the game runs on? [more inside]
posted by mbrubeck on Mar 1, 2020 - 33 comments

Someone else should do this

How about a way to offer up a suggestion for a FPP that they themselves don't feel capable of doing, like, "Hey y'know what would be a great FPP? Something about how there's all these different 'colors' of noise; white noise, pink noise, brown noise, now there's green noise, and they're all different and special but I am not a noise scientist and in fact am pretty stupid when it comes to numbers and science so maybe someone else can make a post about it so I can enjoy it." Thank you.
posted by Pastor of Muppets on Sep 30, 2019 - 29 comments

Good discussions on the Blue about Big Things at their infancy?

Inspired by today's post about pulsed power fusion, I wondered what it looked like when Tesla was first being discussed and found this thread that came out in 2009 just as the Model S was being introduced. It's fascinating to read people's takes. That reminded me of the 2001 thread discussing the nascent iPod, which is even better. Do you have any favorite posts discussing now giant things when they were just being born? Tech especially is cool but more serious things like the two "Trump is running for president" threads from 2011 - where Artw presciently calls him "America's Boris Johnson!" - and 2015 are interesting too.
posted by AgentRocket on Sep 18, 2019 - 45 comments


What are the rules on editorializing, exactly? I notice some posts with a strong poster's-own-voice getting through, and some getting deleted, and I haven't been able to figure out the rules behind the rule. [more inside]
posted by clawsoon on Sep 12, 2019 - 60 comments

Post about cooking brunch and listening to music?

Looking for a FPP that I think was from NPR. It was a series of articles where the writer paired a brunch recipe with an album. I've tried searching on here to no avail. Halp?
posted by too bad you're not me on Aug 13, 2019 - 7 comments

Determining "D'oh!" draft delay

Would it be possible to create draft FPPs before the end of the 24-hour delay? In other words, you would get the D'oh!/"you have already posted a link in the past 24 hours" page after hitting publish instead of when you click on New Post. I think the 24-hour delay is a good thing but it's intended to prevent people from posting not writing. Changing the order would allow people to check HTML formatting and link accuracy earlier in the writing process if they want to post on back-to-back days. Aside from changing the back end of the publishing process (which I know nothing about and may very well be insurmountable) would it add additional work or issues for the mods over time? Is this something that other people who post FPPs would like? [more inside]
posted by not_the_water on Jan 30, 2019 - 20 comments

An impatient pony: queuing FPPs?

I find that a lot of why I don't post as many FPPs as I used to is that I prefer to post them in the earlyish morning, although I might write them at other times, and in the afternoon I wind up going "well, I'll just submit it tomorrow." I also tend to get into spates of writing FPPs, and when I've just submitted one is (bar none) the time most likely for me to get excited and want to write another one. I would love the ability to be able to submit my FPP of the day before the 24-hour delay is up, so that it will be posted either at a time of my choosing or else when the 24-hour delay has ended. I think this would be something that would make posting FPPs easier, at least for me. Thoughts?
posted by sciatrix on Dec 13, 2018 - 9 comments

Possibility of occasionally doing two FPPs in a day?

This has happened several times, but today's example is a bit frustrating. I did a post about Norway and the Winter Olympics, which went live at 12:02. At 12:14, I spotted the perfect fodder for another (even better) FPP, namely the spectacular hair of MulletFest. But couldn't do a post (or even start to edit one) as over 23 hours still had to elapse (and I'm away tomorrow judging a baking competition somewhere hopefully warm and, ironically, getting a haircut, so I can't post then anyway). As this afternoon has gone on, more linkworthy content has appeared [1][2][3], making it more frustrating that I can't do an FPP. Could there be exceptions, or a place on MetaFilter where people can drop a "I can't post about X, but it's there if someone else wants to"? Otherwise most MeFites remain unaware of e.g. the latest hair fashions. Thank you.
posted by Wordshore on Feb 26, 2018 - 58 comments

Let’s see what’s out there

With the December Post Contest beginning tomorrow, I thought it might be nice to review and update this conversation from 2013 of possible places where ideas for fun Metafilter posts can be found. Please feel free to share where you find the stuff you post to Mefi in the comments. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Nov 30, 2017 - 21 comments

Looking back on ten years of FPPs

I've joined many web communities in my life, but none for as long or as wholeheartedly as MetaFilter. I've learned a lot, grown as a person, and taken direction from the thousands of smart, funny, and caring people who write here. And I've been inspired to write, too, putting more time and effort into researching worthwhile posts than I have at any other creative hobby. Sadly, what with work and the news chaos and competing interests it feels like there's less and less time to focus lately, and seeing linkrot erode what I do post is a drag. So when showbiz_liz's lovely celebration of ten years on the blue made me realize my own 10th Mefiversary was approaching, I was moved to do something about it. Nothing on the web lasts forever, but armed with old notes files, the Wayback Machine, and a drive to rediscover my own personal Best of the Web, I plowed through all 149 posts (and a few comments) to recover lost links, check on what had happened since, and organize it all into a single FPP omnibus for your reading pleasure. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Oct 29, 2017 - 28 comments

Making an FPP for Women's March? Let's chat.

As the call for a Women's March MeTa has gone dead, I figured here might be a good space for brainstorming topics, asking for help crafting FPPs, and talking about what makes a good FPP. Women are particularly welcome to come and post and look for support here. [more inside]
posted by sciatrix on Mar 6, 2017 - 37 comments

WomensMarch 2: Electric Boogaloo?

Not the actual physical Women's March on Washington--the MeFi traditional version of a month where we encourage women to make front page posts to the Blue, especially first time posters. More on that if you aren't familiar under the cut. It's occurred to me that we have a whole lotta focus on politics right now, in part because pretty much everyone with ties to the USA and a lot of people who don't are currently terrified of fascists. Consequently, the politics megathreads are taking up a lot of energy and attention. I miss this site having a lot of interesting front page posts so that I can take breaks and do things besides endless screaming sometimes here, too. And I remember our MonthByWomen events as being a great effort for womens' solidarity, as well as a really good way to get more voices bringing up lots of interesting and useful topics. Is anyone else interested in holding another WomensMarch here on MeFi? [more inside]
posted by sciatrix on Feb 3, 2017 - 49 comments

Obit Post Fatigue

It seems like there have been more and more obit posts lately. I understand that some luminaries have passed, but is it really necessary to post an obit for every celebrity/musician? Do these posts live up to the "Best of the Web" standard we set for posts to the Blue? [more inside]
posted by reenum on Jan 23, 2017 - 107 comments

FPP on the development of black paint/pigment

I recall, but cannot locate, an FPP from a couple years ago (I think) that linked to an article/essay, or maybe a few essays, about the historical development of black pigments and paints. Any help? Thanks! [more inside]
posted by still bill on Oct 10, 2016 - 4 comments

Bug and bad UI in 'blank link' detector

Error: Your post contains a blank link. Please check your HTML for a a href= or a href="http://" tag and remove it or add a full URL., O rilly? Do tell me more! [more inside]
posted by Devonian on Aug 8, 2016 - 20 comments

post it!

You should post that. That link you saw would make a good post - you even said so. Post it! [more inside]
posted by the man of twists and turns on Jul 7, 2016 - 45 comments

Should FPPs be invisibly edited?

I am reliably informed that FPPs get modified with no notice to either the poster, or the rest of the sites' users, if they are deemed too lengthy for the Blue. How long is too long? [more inside]
posted by birdsquared on Feb 9, 2016 - 213 comments

Look for a book (or maybe website) on cycling

Many years ago (maybe 8?) there was a FPP about the owner of a cycling website who had passed away. [more inside]
posted by Brittanie on Dec 27, 2015 - 12 comments

Label fiction please?

In this post there is a fictional tale. The title/body of the post itself does not contain any indication this is fictional. [more inside]
posted by el io on Sep 25, 2015 - 202 comments

Being kind about framing

Sometimes bad framing can make a discussion instantly go pear shaped. I would ask other users to pause and try to give links at least a cursory read-through before responding to solely what is written on the front page. Especially when your response is overridingly negative. Even a post with bad framing can have content that will generate quality discussion. [more inside]
posted by codacorolla on Feb 17, 2015 - 51 comments

Almost-paywalls, not quite subscription only.

This is just to say that I was disappointed I couldn't access the article linked in this FPP, and the link was essentially the entire FPP. [more inside]
posted by blue suede stockings on Jan 14, 2015 - 34 comments

What do you write your draft posts in?

Having a discussion on Twitter and I thought I could get some more answers from the community about what you use to draft your fpps in. Ideally looking for freebies I can download. Also somewhat interested in how people work, although this is just for curiosity's sake, and not really a problem to solve. (Particularly interested in 'heavy hitters' like filthy light thief, flex, the man of twists and turns, Rhaomi, etc.) [more inside]
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome on Jan 13, 2015 - 47 comments

FPP titles that made you smile or laugh

One of the more splendid attributes of the MetaFilter community is the regular ability of MeFites to write titles of posts that are offbeat, witty, hilarious or smart. A few recent ones I've enjoyed include this and this. While Y(humor)MMV, what post titles have you particularly enjoyed?
posted by Wordshore on Oct 21, 2014 - 29 comments

"You got your Male Privilege in my White Privilege!"

The recent post that draws an analogy between White privilege and being a bicyclist in a world designed for cars was deleted for being too similar to a post two months ago that draws an analogy between male privilege and being a bicyclist in a world designed for cars. [more inside]
posted by Johann Georg Faust on Sep 8, 2014 - 74 comments

I think this Pony would be loved by many: previewing before 24 hours

Would it be possible to be able to preview your FPP, prior to your 24 hour time limit? [more inside]
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome on Jul 28, 2014 - 45 comments

unique distinct idiosyncratic peculiar

I've noticed that I use a pair of tags for my front page posts that no other or only a few other posters use. Doing some digging, I've found a few unique or highly limited tags. Do you know of any more? [more inside]
posted by the man of twists and turns on Jul 4, 2014 - 53 comments

How much is too much?

I know the general consensus seems to be that big posts are good posts - the December Posting Contest seemed to lean favourably towards link-heavy posts, much like this one that JHarris just posted. But where is the line drawn at how much is too much? [more inside]
posted by crossoverman on Jan 23, 2014 - 294 comments

Pony Request: Math is hard!

Last week I was going to make an FPP and got the "too soon!" message. I see this often because I tend to post in bursts, so I look up the last posting time and do some mental math. Since the form knows I've already posted in the last 24 hours, would it be possible to just have it tell me at what time I can make the next post? On attempted posting preview: I was notified that I had posted a MeTa within the last seven days so this had to wait, too. Maybe this pony could ride across the whole site.
posted by Room 641-A on Jan 6, 2014 - 44 comments

Dear Buddha, please bring me a pony and a plastic rocket...

Out of curiosity, has any thought been given to another August Best Post contest? [more inside]
posted by zarq on Aug 2, 2013 - 15 comments

Is this where cowards go to request FPP?

I can't believe no one started a thread on the Emmy nominations, Emmy analysis, Emmy predictions, Emmy snubs(!!!), and Emmy reactions! So, would someone?
posted by MoxieProxy on Jul 18, 2013 - 2 comments

Famous Dates in FPP History

NEVAR FORGET the Microsoft Kin!!!1!
An FPP that will live in infamy. -> Birds
Is it "Back, and to the left," or, "Back and to the left"?
Today's FPP: it is important that you wear underpants.

You get the idea -- the FPP# corresponds to the famous date, written as [MMDDYY]. What are some more famous dates' FPPs?

Bastille Day? A surprise volcano!
[more inside]
posted by not_on_display on Jul 6, 2013 - 43 comments

Backdoor FPP?

Is there a consensus on "backdoor FPPs?" I have noticed a few - do people think they unnecessarily steer a thread? Takeover discussion? Provide a new viewpoint and welcome context? [more inside]
posted by the man of twists and turns on May 6, 2013 - 71 comments

Next up, the Achewood strip generator!

Tweeted by User Number One himself, a creation of Matt Round: Meta Mitchell & Webfilter, pairing a Mitchell & Webb sketch to almost any (every?) Metafilter post topic.
posted by The Whelk on May 2, 2013 - 20 comments

Not A Forum

Should "Metafilter is a community blog, not a forum" be in the guidelines? [more inside]
posted by capricorn on Apr 12, 2013 - 48 comments

A simple complaint about

what it says on the tin. [more inside]
posted by phunniemee on Apr 3, 2013 - 98 comments

An emergent pattern on Metafilter FPPs

Noticing a disproportionate number of posts gravitating toward a particular set of subjects in the Blue over recent weeks and months. [more inside]
posted by quadog on Mar 30, 2013 - 58 comments

Searching for doubles

I've noticed that the search function doesn't catch YouTube doubles if the URL isn't exact. Here's a tip: grab the alphanumeric ID of the video from its URL and search mefi using only that. For example, searching for 9Iq5yCoHp4o pulls up this post, but a search for http://​youtu.be/​9Iq5yCoHp4o and http://​www.youtube.com/​embed/​9Iq5yCoHp4o fail, even though they all point to the same video.
posted by desjardins on Mar 25, 2013 - 19 comments

Putting the "Meta" in "MetaFilter"

Based on the front page, I can tell that other posters use some of the same resources to find potential FPPs that I do. I'll lay my cards on the table, and hope you do the same... [more inside]
posted by the man of twists and turns on Feb 26, 2013 - 84 comments

Insert Title Here

This maybe just me with a particular writing hangup, but does anyone else find it difficult, sometimes have a "mental block", to come up with a title for the FPP they have constructed? End up sometimes spending more time on the title than constructing the rest of the FPP? Have abandoned FPPs as cannot come up with a decent title? Or have a fear that, no matter how good the FPP, a rubbish title will mean everyone will pass over it? Highly related; any tips for coming up with "good" (subjective, yes) titles. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Feb 18, 2013 - 38 comments

Many versions of the same thing

I like the FPPs that have many versions of the same thing, such as this cups and balls post. I'm sure I've seen others in the past, but I can't remember them, and the search engine is letting me down. Are there any other FPPs that have many versions of the same thing - song, short film, etc?
posted by LSK on Jan 24, 2013 - 27 comments

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