Nothing is being posted? February 4, 2003 9:37 PM   Subscribe

I've "previewed"... hit "post", the button reacts, the aura around the button glows, but nothing is sent as far as a reply is concerned.


Halfway down the thread, the indent disappears and the remainder replies are flush hard left.

Could this be my problem?

er, our problem?

posted by alicesshoe to Bugs at 9:37 PM (12 comments total)

posted by mathowie (staff) at 10:23 PM on February 4, 2003

try logging out and back in.
posted by mathowie (staff) at 10:28 PM on February 4, 2003

Feb 4,
the two finalists for the WTC site.... posted by MintSauce. The flush left starts after Yelling At Nothing's reply.

Yes, I logged off, [actually deleted all cookies once also], logged back on.....hmmm, yet, I can post here. Hell, I even quit the browser and ran Norton! That's dedication, I know.

While the "post" button stays glowing, there is no delivery, yet, I can open another browser window etc., there's no freeze up....

Thanks again for your help.
posted by alicesshoe at 11:38 PM on February 4, 2003

Off topic: Is anybody else getting spam pop-up ads at the lower area of their monitors?

I thought I had a bug at work, but it's followed me. What the heck is it?
posted by hama7 at 5:24 AM on February 5, 2003

Sounds like spyware hama7, maybe you installed the same app at work and home? Did you run ad-aware?
posted by malphigian at 6:44 AM on February 5, 2003

For some reason, it worked as it should this morning.
You're a genius! heh-heh.

hama7, no spam popup ads on my monitor. Could it be you haven't quite cleaned up all your windows after visiting a link? Cookies still on? That's probably where they're following you from, I suspect.
posted by alicesshoe at 6:49 AM on February 5, 2003

alicesshoe: cookies can't cause pop ups on other sites, and you can't get spyware by just visiting a link, you have to install something (sometimes cleverly concealed, but you do have to install them).
posted by malphigian at 7:29 AM on February 5, 2003

Ive been getting a bunch of popups in the lower corner of my monitor too. They have dollar signs in the corner. I thought it was coming through one of my messenger services.
posted by Recockulous at 8:59 AM on February 5, 2003

Maybe oissubke has something to do with it...
posted by Recockulous at 9:01 AM on February 5, 2003

I thought it was coming through one of my messenger services.

That's what I thought too, but I don't use messengers at work. I'll try the cookies suggestion. Thanks.
posted by hama7 at 3:25 PM on February 5, 2003

That's what I thought too, but I don't use messengers at work.

Sounds like spyware, download ad aware and make sure your system is clean.
posted by mathowie (staff) at 3:49 PM on February 5, 2003

download ad aware and make sure your system is clean.

Many thanks!
posted by hama7 at 4:22 PM on February 5, 2003

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