July 2022 Archives (all archives)
July 30
Metatalktail Hour: Better than Sour Meat!
My favorite thing from social media this week was the Redditor whose boyfriend has pet-named her "Tony Pizza." Now I need to know the most embarrassing or off the wall pet names or nicknames that you've been called, or that you've used for a loved one. [more inside]
July 27
[MeFi Site Update] July 27th
Hi there, Metafilter!
Happy Wednesday! You’ll find some updates regarding the site below. I’m looking forward to your feedback and questions. [more inside]
July 26
Linking urls as links
It feels to me like I am seeing more and more urls just copy-pasted into comments, where people haven’t bothered adding them as links. It’s really easy to add a link, even when using Metafilter on a phone. On the bottom right of the input box, just click where it says “link” and copy-paste the url there in addition to in the text of the comment. Then make sure the text you want to be the clickable link is in between the tags (the two sets of angled brackets). Is there some reason people aren’t doing this? Is there a good way to encourage people to do it without berating them in threads or in a MetaTalk post like this? [more inside]
July 25
MetaFilter Steering Committee Self-Nominations Open
The Transition Team (TT) is now seeking self-nominations from people who would like to become members of the MetaFilter Steering Committee (SC). Self-nominations will be open July 25 through August 7. SC member selections and voting will take place over the following weeks. The Steering Committee will launch on September 1, 2022. [more inside]
July 23
Metatalktail Hour: Life's Unwritten Rules
Some things we know, but don't know we know, y'know? [more inside]
July 21
New Ukraine post?
It looks like the most recent Ukraine thread I know of has just been closed due to being a month old. In past posts, someone had always made a new one when the comment thread got large, and added a comment to the older post linking to the new post. That didn't happen this time. And using Metafilter's search for "Ukraine" doesn't show any new post at all. [more inside]
July 17
Transition Team Post #4 (July 2022) User survey results
Hi everyone, as promised, we’re sharing the initial survey results. Huge thank-you to iamkimiam for writing the questions, and to bleep, kimberrussell, librarylis, mochapickle, tiny frying pan, and valleys for stepping in to help us tag and summarize the data. bleep jumped in and put together some great dashboards for us to more easily count tags, do error-checking and get a handle on how to start those summaries. Again, these are the initial summaries for this MetaTalk, so necessarily a little abbreviated, but we hope it gives a broad-strokes picture of where the site is right now. [more inside]
July 16
Metatalktail Hour: Aid and Comfort
Happy Metatalktail Hour, chat fans! This week I'd like to ask you about your comfort food(s): what are they, and why are they comforting? Something from your childhood, or just a taste / texture that is somehow soothing or reassuring? Are there rules for comfort foods? Only certain colors? Is crunch allowed? Required? Do you ever acquire *new* comfort food, or is it The One True Nosh forever? [more inside]
July 12
Is there some trick to making "X new" work?
It will often happen that a post will say "N comments (X new)" for me, when "X" is wildly inaccurate. Sometimes there are 0 new when it tells me there are some, and other times there are some new but not as many as it says. Is there something within my control to improve how well this works? [more inside]
What are you good for?
Tell me about some odd, offbeat, or under-recognized talent you have. [more inside]
July 9
Metatalktail Hour: Message in a bottle
Sleep deprived me is not so creative today, but still as snoopy as usual, so I'll just ask you all to share the latest SFW, SFP (safe for privacy) image, vid, gif, etc. that you sent in a message. Or received. [more inside]
July 6
[MeFi Site Update] July 8th
Hi there, Metafilter!
Happy Wednesday! You’ll find some updates regarding the site below. I’m looking forward to your feedback and questions. [more inside]
July 5
186: Am I Being A User Right Now
It's episode 186 of the MeFi podcast, with Jessamyn and I...and loup! Who joined us to talk a bit about their experiences with internet past and present and their last couple of years as they've been working here. The three of us have a long and winding conversation about community management, internet ethics, MeFi in particular, the recent transition process, etc. Runs about 90 minutes. [more inside]
July 2
I... HAVE... THE POWER 🎨🖌️
Back in April, I made an in-depth post to the blue about OpenAI's DALL-E 2, an unbelievable new AI system that can generate hi-res artistic or photorealistic images of anything you can describe in just a few seconds. Now, after more than two months of waiting (and a comedy of errors), I've gained rare access to this amazing technology... and I'm passing the savings along to you! Post a text prompt you'd like DALL-E to generate in this thread, and I'll share the results! (Examples, conditions, and tips inside.) [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Rhymes with "Quilty Treasure"
Inspired by this post, this week I'd like to ask you to share some of those secret indulgences that help to pass the time, soothe your anxiety and / or comfort your soul ... even though they may not necessarily be the hobbies or interests you'd choose to feature on your CV or dating profile. [more inside]