21 posts tagged with Change.
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How about an update conversation on the post megathread era?

It seems to me that the change has been a positive good for Metafilter. Change being the doing away with the Megathreads. Even the sidebar has stopped moving. What are your thoughts?
posted by Mrs Potato on Dec 16, 2019 - 93 comments

It Turns Out to Be A Case of Mistaken Identity!

A conversation-starter as another incredible week draws to a close... Let's talk about intentionally shedding one or more of aspects of identity: the what, the why, the how, and the results vis-a-vis your state of mind. Did some part of your identity become a burden, perhaps an affiliation with a social/religious group or just being The One Who Loves Pigs And So Will Be Given Porcine Porcelain Forever? Did you discover unacceptable limitations associated with an aspect of your identity, like never being able to do or say [x] because it conflicted with that persona? Was it easy or hard to let go? Did you decide to recast your vocation as an avocation (or vice versa)? Or tell us about how you came to re-home your hobby gear. Was it part of finding true purpose, living authentically, embracing growing up, removing a source of guilt, or simply moving on? Did the shedding happen as a consequence of other identities you chose intentionally, like becoming a parent? Did your identity shift gears, perhaps because you decided to be a maker and creator of [x] instead of a consumer and aficionado of it? Did you affirmatively let something go, put it on a shelf or let it drift away? Are you at peace with it? And how did it go if you chose to announce your decision, e.g., the equivalent of, "I don't collect pigs anymore," to your friends and family? [more inside]
posted by carmicha on Aug 23, 2019 - 29 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Change Your Mind!

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, ricochet biscuit wants to know, "What is the last thing you changed your mind about?" [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Aug 17, 2019 - 71 comments

Does MetaFilter age?

I am attributing this thought to a Simpsons-related thread from October. Does/will MetaFilter age? [more inside]
posted by 0 answers on Nov 17, 2013 - 135 comments

Notification of Changes to IRL Meetups

Is it possible to get a memail if there have been date/time/location changes to an IRL event they've RSVP'd to? And as an extension, possibly a notification when a proposed event is confirmed? [more inside]
posted by youngergirl44 on Feb 2, 2013 - 30 comments

How has MeFi changed in the past few years?

How has MeFi changed in the past 2-3 years? [more inside]
posted by deacon_blues on Dec 10, 2012 - 207 comments

The background of MeFi Projects sings to me

Is there any way to make the background color of one page apply to the others? Or different themes beyond default and plain? [more inside]
posted by OnTheLastCastle on Feb 2, 2012 - 26 comments

Mefi Suggestion Box

Obviously we all love Metafilter or we wouldn't be here posting and reading day after day... But, if there was one thing you could change/modify about your Metafilter experience, what would it be?
posted by amyms on Oct 4, 2008 - 257 comments

More Inside? You bet.

More inside everywhere! [more inside]
posted by pb on Sep 6, 2007 - 45 comments

Changing details about contacts

Is there a feature to modify links to others?
I checked, no dice.
posted by nj_subgenius on Dec 25, 2006 - 14 comments

Did the spell check button on MeFi comments go away?

Did the spell check button on MeFi comments go away? Has this been discussed already and if so will I be made fun of in the comments for this post?
posted by xmutex on Sep 22, 2006 - 7 comments

Can we have a changelog?

Would it be feasible to have an admin-only message board, maybe in the sidebar? There are enough postings where #1 explains the addition or removal of a feature to merit some kind ot tracking.

I guess what I want is a Meta-Changelog (say, changes.metafilter.com?) that could just be a plain-text, "on this date there was..." sort of list.

Or, there's always the ubiquitous RSS feed.

How about it? Simple pony?
posted by ChrisR on Apr 12, 2006 - 7 comments

Can we move the byline to the top?

Suggestion for a small format change: how about putting the byline on top of the comment in discussion threads? This would allow us to efficiently skip comments from users we don't want to hear from without resorting to user killfiles, and without wasting precious seconds of I'm-surfing-at-work-and-I-really-shouldn't-be-doing-this time to realize that this is a comment from that guy. Having the byline at the top would save a bit of scrolling and skimming, since you'd know what you're getting into right from the start. Also, some MeFites are "must-reads" for me and I'd like to make sure I don't blow past them.
posted by Quietgal on Dec 17, 2005 - 43 comments

I can't get my posts to switch font modes in a single text area.

I can't get my posts to switch font modes in a single area of the text, it's all or nothing. I have a mac with OS 10.4 and use safari.
posted by iwouldificould on Jul 29, 2005 - 13 comments

Do you ever wish you could change your username?

Do you ever wish you could change your username? What would you change it to?
posted by PrinceValium on Oct 1, 2004 - 127 comments

AskMe inspired job

Thank you thank you, AskMe! [more specific thanks inside]
posted by littlegreenlights on Aug 12, 2004 - 17 comments

MeFi Passwords

Perhaps it's right in front of my nose....

Where do we go to change our MeFi passwords? What do we do if we, heaven forbid, LOSE our password to MeFi? Do we get kicked out of the kingdom for being big dorkuses? Am I just missing it?
posted by answergrape on Jul 31, 2004 - 16 comments

Changing user names?

Question on how to use Mefi, from a newbie....
posted by pjgulliver on Sep 5, 2002 - 54 comments

Should we be allowed to change our MetaFilter usernames?

Should we be allowed to change our MetaFilter usernames / nicknames? I only ask, because I'd certainly like to change mine, after being ribbed several times for not using British English (because I have 'Brit' in my nick doesn't necessarily mean I'm British). Or would a nick change feature cause lots of problems with people harassing others and then hiding behind new names? Discuss.
posted by wackybrit on Aug 10, 2002 - 27 comments

Change password

Can we get a form to change our MeFi password? I haven't been able to find it, so I guess this is a feature request...hope I haven't just missed the link somewhere on the front page :)
posted by pnevares on Jun 28, 2001 - 0 comments

Text preferences not changing on second computer

I read MeFi from two different computers (one at home, one at work); I changed my MeFi text preferences on my machine at work and they applied without problem. The prefs don't take on my home machine, though, even after I went to the bother of going back into the prefs on my home machine and resetting them again to be exactly the same as my work machine.

Yes, I have the same fonts on both machines, as well as the same browser (IE 5.5 SP1).

Any clues?
posted by briank on Mar 31, 2001 - 3 comments

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