13 posts tagged with Depression.
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Anxiety/​depression/​ADHD/​autism/​bipolar & other neurodivergences on MeFi

If you are neurodivergent, how does MetaFilter affect you, and how does your neurodivergence affect your participation in and use of MetaFilter? How could MetaFiter -- technologically and socially -- better accommodate your neurodivergence? [more inside]
posted by diss track able on Jul 30, 2019 - 339 comments

Post on the Blue about theory of depression as an immune response

Does anyone remember a post on the Blue that was talking about a theory that depression is an adaptation and/or (to use a metaphor) the same program that your body runs when you're sick, because it's treating emotional pain like physical pain, so we need to slow down and stay in bed until it's over. [more inside]
posted by bleep on Apr 24, 2019 - 8 comments

Finding an AskMe re kids' post-holiday blues

I seem to remember reading an AskMe two or three years ago (though the question may have been older) where the asker described their child (daughter?) acting sort of ungrateful after Christmas, complaining that there weren't enough gifts, etc. One of the answers suggested that the child didn't really want more gifts, but was just feeling some post-holiday letdown, and offered some suggestions for dealing with that. [more inside]
posted by Paul the Octopus on Dec 30, 2014 - 2 comments

Using askme as therapy?

I don't want to call anyone out specifically, because I don't want to bring extra negative attention to people that are clearly having a hard time, but I think anyone that reads askme regularly will notice certain repeat askers, who always ask variations on 'I am depressed, and my life is terrible, tell me how to be okay with that." And basically never take any advice from anyone. Is there a point where the mods will tell them that it's not a great use of askme? Or should they? Is everyone okay with using askme as a therapist when they clearly need to be in actual therapy?
posted by empath on Apr 13, 2014 - 205 comments

How can we make ThereIsHelp even better?

The ThereIsHelp page on the MeFi wiki is a helpful compilation of resources for people who are struggling with depression, suicidal ideation, alcoholism, domestic violence, and sexual assault. It's also a living document, originally created through the collaboration of MeFites over three years ago in memory of Bill Zeller, and I'd like to continue the conversation about how we as a community can make it even better. [more inside]
posted by beryllium on Feb 16, 2014 - 21 comments

This AskMe is depressing me

I'm concerned about the answers to this AskMe post. Although I feel personal experiences can certainly inform our answers, in this case they seem to have become a basis for a debate on the efficacy/evilness of anti-depressants, with some over-the-top rhetoric thrown in that makes me really uncomfortable. [more inside]
posted by misha on Dec 19, 2013 - 166 comments

Post with an old list of techniques for coping with depression?

I'm sure that some time in the last month I read a post on AskMe related to stress/depression, and somebody posted a list, or a link to a list, of coping techniques originally created a long time ago (early 1900s?). As well as the usual exercise, read, spend time with friends etc, I remember one of the points starting along the lines of "don't expect too much of the human race..." I thought I had favorited it, but can't find it, and site/google searches have failed me. Anyone able to point me to it?
posted by valleys on Apr 28, 2013 - 6 comments

AskMe songs about courage

Help me find a particular AskMe about music? [more inside]
posted by b33j on Dec 15, 2011 - 14 comments

Uplifting thoughts for friend in need

I want to suggest some uplifting askme threads that deal with feelings of inadequacy, stress and depression to a friend. Which ones? [more inside]
posted by litleozy on Apr 13, 2011 - 5 comments

There is help. Mefi win.

Buried deep in the Bill Zeller obit thread is this (new?) gem from the Mefi Wiki: There is Help. [more inside]
posted by nevercalm on Jan 18, 2011 - 25 comments

You kinda can't just get over it

I've noticed that in posts dealing with OCD, anxiety, depression, or other related mental health issues (most recently this thread, though maybe that's not the best example) there often seems to be a pretty dismissive attitude on the part of a number of commenters. What's up with that?
posted by OverlappingElvis on Jul 6, 2010 - 100 comments

Should this really have gone through?

This makes me very uncomfortable. [more inside]
posted by phearlez on Feb 12, 2009 - 19 comments

Best posts on depression?

Which is the best thread/comment related to depression on AskMe? [more inside]
posted by PinkButterfly on Mar 24, 2008 - 34 comments

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