15 posts tagged with GYOB and mefi.
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This is a forum post, not an FPP

posted by ChasFile on Apr 12, 2006 - 90 comments

A grand experiment in this phenomenon

Is y2karl's compulsive 'make huge extract, link and run' behaviour a grand experiment in this phenomenon?
posted by Firas on Jan 7, 2006 - 130 comments

Is someone using Mefi as his own private soapbox?

Is someone using Mefi as his own private soapbox?

He has his opinions and that's great (even though I strongly disagree with a lot of them), but I don't think providing a platform for the Gospel According To Cleardawn was what matt had in mind.
posted by jonmc on Sep 5, 2005 - 134 comments

How to deal with partisan posts on MeFi.

Metafilter is not Wikipedia. There's no expectation of neutrality here. So instead of telling the poster to get his own blog, why not read the links, then add more links and observations from your own perspective. That's why they call them comments.
posted by Saucy Intruder on Mar 15, 2005 - 38 comments

Spock...get your own damn.......blog

Spock...get your own damn.......blog
posted by briank on Mar 12, 2005 - 40 comments

google made me awesome

I know that lots of people love y2karl's posts, but when he damn near admits that his work is courtesy of Google, then we've moved beyond being the "best of the web" and into the realm of "you need your own blog".
posted by Avogadro on Feb 25, 2005 - 131 comments

The weight of agenda.

The weight of agenda. Can the burden not be borne on personal weblogs?
posted by the fire you left me on Jun 14, 2004 - 63 comments

anti-religious remarks belong on your own blog

It's all well and good for skallas to post his opinions on his own weblog, but couldn't he keep any anti-religious remarks out of his FPPs?
posted by VulcanMike on Feb 27, 2004 - 254 comments

I really liked that movie -> FPP

Is this thread front page material? [more inside]
posted by Hildago on Sep 3, 2002 - 55 comments

Anyone want to see my vacation slides?

On initial inspection, this post by y2karl appears to me more suited to his own weblog. For me it just doesn't seem to belong on the front page. It's long winded, with lots of "this" for the links. Yet it seems to work as well..? It seems to highlight a desire for the 'community' to exchange not only ideas and opinions but also experiences and holiday destinations....
Perhaps it's a 'bridge' of a post that signifies a new direction for MeFi?

posted by Frasermoo on Aug 9, 2002 - 67 comments

Writing twice as much stuff for twice as many blogs

For those of you with your own weblogs who also are heavy contributors here: How do you split your "output" between your own joint and Metafilter? Is there so much to say and link that both places get a lot of original stuff? Do you post/talk about the same things both places? Do you only comment in threads here, and save links for your own blog? I'm curious. What brought it to mind was Miguel's prodigous posting here, knowing he's got that crazy-remunerative blog gig (blig) going on over there.

Also, for the first 38 yrs of my life I said "renumerative." ::shrug:: It seemed to make sense.
posted by luser on Jul 25, 2002 - 55 comments

This post should be on the poster's blog, not mefi

A post like this seems like it should be on someone's personal 'blog and not Mefi...
posted by owillis on Nov 28, 2001 - 69 comments

MeFi Posting Frequency

The posting debate has been thrown open. I've posted my response as a comment here, and would love to here other's comments about how frequently people should be posting and what constitutes quality.
posted by feelinglistless on Apr 27, 2001 - 22 comments

I found this on my blog, which you should read

While arguably all good posts, radio_mookie has posted 6 links in the last three days, while only having 4 comments, and all of the links seem to be cut and paste from his weblog... Does this fall under using the front page as your own blog with Metafilter being your commenting system?
posted by Neb on Apr 5, 2001 - 39 comments

I have my own blog but maybe this belongs on MeFi

[the following question is probably un-answer-able]: how do you all decide what interesting things you run across to post on your own personal weblogs vs. post on metafilter? [after all, MF has no central theme or organizing philosophy..., but then again no one should post several times daily on MF...]
posted by palegirl on Mar 30, 2000 - 5 comments

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