68 posts tagged with Language.
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It's the best of the web - and it is not in English
Posting links to websites in languages other than English: previously discussed, but without clear guidelines. There's a great link I could post -- but even if the images are a key part of what makes that site's interesting, it's not in English. More inside.
Troll is so ... quaint
"Troll" may have a respectable lineage on the Web but, frankly, for some of us who joined later in the day, it seems like a quaint, medieval way of classifying anyone who's the least bit provocative, thought-provoking or even unorthodox. Recently, any forceful, strongly-worded attempt to spark discussion with a non-mainstream viewpoint, generally from the Left, has been lamely denounced as a "troll". Could it be time to give the ye olde troll accusation a well-deserved rest? I hope so. The English language is one of the richest in the world and troll sounds parochial, pimply, nerdish, cliquey, incestuous and, ultimately, meaningless.
[Max field length is 100] Is a bad choice of words a derogation during Ask Mefi?
I did not stumble; I came with purpose!
You've stumbled upon a non-existent post, or one that was deleted for various reasons.
Interesting use of language in feed description
Interesting use of language in feed description. Well yes I laughed and went straight to the article for an explaination. It is a great link. I have no problem with the use of colourful language under normal circumstances and I don't want to sound like a prude, but I was just worried about site image. Also aren't there going to be issues in some workplaces with filters and that sort of thing?
Be Nice to the N00bs.
I'd like to remind everyone that we have some new users, and we really ought to encourage them as much as possible. While I agree entirely with the Q-man's sentiment, name-calling is counterproductive to the site, especially when it's a user's first FPP.
This isn't so much a call-out on quonsar, but a reminder that discouraging the new users is detrimental to the health of the site.
This isn't so much a call-out on quonsar, but a reminder that discouraging the new users is detrimental to the health of the site.
Can we stop with the vagina comments?
Can we stop with the vagina comments?
Nice posts, but extremely aggravating titles.
Use of "retard" draws ire
apparently, i'm a 'navel-gazing twit', but i'm just wondering: when are the developmentally disabled going to get the same degree of respect we afford the niggers, kikes, bitches, wetbacks, and gooks?
Why is thomcatspike incomprehensible?
Matt has just deleted thomcatspike's latest incomprehensible post. Although some think he's just pulling our chains, many of us think that he's simply having trouble with English. If that's the case, how can we help him?
Localized weblog services?
Pick a language, any language.
LiveJournal has added support for its users to translate the entire site into other languages. Translation teams have formed for over twenty languages, with more on the way.
Are there other localized weblog services out there that anyone is aware of?
LiveJournal has added support for its users to translate the entire site into other languages. Translation teams have formed for over twenty languages, with more on the way.
Are there other localized weblog services out there that anyone is aware of?
Strong stuff!
"Strong Stuff" 2X? (Is this a subtle form of flaming?)
Is it alright to post sites that aren't in English?
Is it alright to post sites that aren't in English? I know many MeFites speak other languages, and don't see why it should be limited to English-language sites.
Do we need all this alarmist language?
are we FearFilter now? lots of alarmist language used in frontpage posts in the past few months. it seems like we're posting with language forms we've learned from major news sources, which have turned into "all-crisi-all-the-time" media channels. is it appropriate?
MetaFilter jargon.
MeFi's secret language has been growing by leaps and bounds lately. It's always more fun when you're in on the joke, so here's the spot to post glossary definitions.
The Metafiler Official Language Request
Is it appropriate to post non-English links to the front page? For the majority of MeFites, it's equivalent to a linkless post, no? Or worse: In this case, at least there was no warning until the very end of the comment, so I'm sure many wasted their time clicking a useless link. But hey, maybe everyone here speaks French but me.
Anybody have a problem with the word "niggling"?
Anybody have a problem with the word "niggling"? We already decided "fuck" was no problem amongst adults, will we shoot down innocent words?
should language be group-regulated?
I looked in the guidelines, but found no general direction on language. SKOT's comment on the Reparations Thread is what precipitated this question. I'd like some feedback/discussion on what is or is not appropriate language... should language be group-regulated, or should there be some direction from Matt on this? Either way, what should we expect from posters?
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