26 posts tagged with MeFi and meta.
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diachronic panposticon
Please help me collect some meta MeTa Data data. Ta! –Me.
Hi Everybody! I'm trying to come up with a "MeFi glossary of terms / phrases / behaviors" to include in my PhD dissertation about linguistics and MetaFilter. If you could help me with this, that would be fantastic. I'm looking to create a list of the types of things that say to you (or to others) "Oh, that's so MetaFilter!" or "That sounds like something a MeFite would say." This could be anything from the use of a single character to a phrase or meme, to a way of doing things here. If you can think of something to add, please share it in the comments. Thanks! [more inside]
Why MetaFilter is Awesome
Why MetaFilter is Awesome And Why the World Needs to Know [more inside]
I make a hardcore tater hotdish
Twin Cities meetup [more inside]
Nesting posts
Posts within posts? [more inside]
Mefi Suggestion Box
Obviously we all love Metafilter or we wouldn't be here posting and reading day after day... But, if there was one thing you could change/modify about your Metafilter experience, what would it be?
MetaFilter History
Is there interesting MetaFilter history that newcomers wouldn't know about, but might find interesting? [more inside]
Tagging Metafilter
Is there any way of having an overlapping system of tags to categorize these MetaTalk posts? So for 'feature requests' that could be a sub-tag of either the 'Metafilter', 'Ask Metafilter' or 'Metatalk' tags. So when I want to see what is being discussed about improving Ask Metafilter I start by selecting that tag and then start clicking the sub tags to get more specific. Finally, the reason I am asking is because I am concerned about the flooding of questions on AskMe and the thing I would do is have a separate section for technology questions as those questions seem to be at least 50% of all questions asked. Cheers.
Pony: Lofi for AskMe, MeTa et al, too?
lofi.mefi works for the main Metafilter page, but not AskMe, MeTa, etc. More inside.
Pronunciation of MeFi and MeFite?
MeFi: may-fee [mefi] or mee-fie [mifaɪ]? Mefite: mee-fight or may-fight? I was a little disconcerted at a meet-up to realise that some people pronounce these terms differently than I do. Is there a dominant pronounciation? Any other variants? (idle curiosity of a linguistics student)
"Capital and Stratification within Virtual Community: A Case Study of Metafilter.com"
After much discussion, debate and support, here my defended (and revised) thesis: "Capital and Stratification within Virtual Community: A Case Study of Metafilter.com". [mi]
Pony Request: Highlight 'fantastic comment' flagged posts like AskMe's 'best answers'
It's possible for an AskMeFi poster to mark responses as best answers. It's possible for anyone to flag an answer as a fantastic comment. Why not amalgamate the two and have all the top answers in one place? Then, why not highlight all comments flagged as fantastic in AskMeFi, MetaFilter and MetaTalk the way best answers are currently highlighted in AskMeFi?
Live preview for posting to MeFi and MeTa?
How's about getting Live Preview for posting new FPPs on MeFi and MeTa? I think it would be even more useful there than it is for comments.
Only 6 FPP today, only 10 yesterday. Why?
The slowest day for MetaFilter in recent history? Only six FPP today. Ten yesterday. What gives? Summer started?
Here is my case study of MeFi for an ecommunities class.
Some of you may remember that I've been working on a case study about MeFi for an ecommunities class. Well, as promised, here is my paper.
(As a reminder, this is NOT research.)
(As a reminder, this is NOT research.)
Valid HTML
What HTML tags are allowed on the three main Metafilter sections? (I dare not experiment for obvious reasons.)
Is the redesign going to be similar across all the subsites?
The HTML markup of Metafilter proper ("the blue") differs from the markup of Metatalk and Ask Metafilter. Given the upcoming changes to Metafilter's look, can we expect similarity in markup across the site, or should we explicitly not rely on undocumented features of Metafilter? [mi]
Can I post a link to a question on Ask to the blue?
Can I post a link to a question on Ask to the blue? It's not my question, so it's not self-linking, but it feels a bit too.... uh, meta.
MeFi and MeTa: booze-fueled commentary?
More than any other community weblog, MetaFilter and MetaTalk are associated with drunkenness and even alcoholism. This is an honest question: do most members here drink more than others/they ought to/than what's good for them? Is it OK to post while drunk, unless you really foul up? Is it considered funny or something? Why are there (comparatively) few other drugs extolled here? In sum, is MeFi quickly becoming MeFried?
Good FPP derail belongs in Metatalk?
After seeing this thread denigrate into a debate over the question of whether it was a good FPP or not, I started wondering: is a metatalk thread an appropriate vehicle for trying to divert etiquette debate out a blue thread even when the metatalk thread itself is likely to turn into a rehash of a zillion other metatalk threads?
Threads Have Titles Now?
Hey - if this isn't a new feature, or if I missed a memo, please tell me, but does each thread have it's own title now? I only ask because when I just thought better of posting to the "pancakes" thread and saw "Prattling On About Pancakes" up in the title bar, it startled me a wee bit, and now I see that each thread is similarly titled. New thing?
MeFi & MeTa thread pages 404 when logged in
IfI try to read any thread on MetaFilter or MetaTalk and I'm logged in, I get 404, yo. If I'm not logged in, I can read the threads. I've tried logging out and logging back in, and I deleted my MetaCookies.
Thread and Comment Nofications
idea (or has this been suggested before?):
what if each thread and comment had a "notify" link next to it; click the link and you get a pop-up window asking if you'd like to send the note, and if you clicked yes, a notification would be sent to matt, saying "this thread needs your attention" or "this comment needs your attention".
that way, people could notify matt of double posts and flamewars while they were reading the thread; this would eliminate the need for matt to constantly monitor the board himself, and potentially cut down on all those annoying double post comments.
the note could either send a separate email to matt, or it could just send a note telling him to go to a page that would compile the red flags by thread. he could see at a glance that 1 person flagged thread (a) and 12 flagged thread (b), and so on. this page would have check boxes next to each comment that had been flagged, so that matt could delete each notice once he had dealt with the trouble post.
if that seems like it would generate too much mail for matt, then a hybrid "star chamber/notification system" : this feature would be activated for 20 active, trusted members (preferably in various time zones).
the main result of this feature would be to eliminate the need for matt to continuously monitor the board himself, while at the same time ensuring that he makes all the calls regarding the appropriateness of any given post.
does my description make sense, and is this an idea that would save you time, matt?
what if each thread and comment had a "notify" link next to it; click the link and you get a pop-up window asking if you'd like to send the note, and if you clicked yes, a notification would be sent to matt, saying "this thread needs your attention" or "this comment needs your attention".
that way, people could notify matt of double posts and flamewars while they were reading the thread; this would eliminate the need for matt to constantly monitor the board himself, and potentially cut down on all those annoying double post comments.
the note could either send a separate email to matt, or it could just send a note telling him to go to a page that would compile the red flags by thread. he could see at a glance that 1 person flagged thread (a) and 12 flagged thread (b), and so on. this page would have check boxes next to each comment that had been flagged, so that matt could delete each notice once he had dealt with the trouble post.
if that seems like it would generate too much mail for matt, then a hybrid "star chamber/notification system" : this feature would be activated for 20 active, trusted members (preferably in various time zones).
the main result of this feature would be to eliminate the need for matt to continuously monitor the board himself, while at the same time ensuring that he makes all the calls regarding the appropriateness of any given post.
does my description make sense, and is this an idea that would save you time, matt?
Pony: activity tracking for MeTa, MeFi
it would be neat if we could bookmark metafilter and metatalk threads to see when they change. for example, if you enter a comment, you can bookmark the thread for when further comments have been made in response. at the moment, i'm using spyonit.com, but it'd definitely be neat if there was an incorporated feature at metafilter for everyone to use. email notification would be another option.
I can't post to the front page yet, so here's an interesting link about the moon landings
I was browsing the internet last nite doing some research on a theory that NASA's claim of landing on the moon is a hoax(which was actually in the news on FOX) and I came across this website. I'm sorry but I was just way too lazy to post it up on the main page cuz I don't have those rights yets, but maybe one of you will. Well, anyways, go to this website... http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/therevelation2.shtml
A lot of the topics it talks about are very disturbing to me, especially the stuff about Satan's connection to the United States. I was looking for a disclaimer saying it was false, but I couldn't really find one. However, do note that it doesn't really list many references so it might be fake. But lots of interesting reading at this site.
A lot of the topics it talks about are very disturbing to me, especially the stuff about Satan's connection to the United States. I was looking for a disclaimer saying it was false, but I couldn't really find one. However, do note that it doesn't really list many references so it might be fake. But lots of interesting reading at this site.
What's the difference between MetaFilter and MetaTalk?
What's the difference between MetaFilter and MetaTalk?