175 posts tagged with MeFi and policy.
Displaying 1 through 50 of 175. Subscribe:

IRL post achiving pre-event

This IRL post concerns an event with a long lead time. It's been closed/archived long before the event. Should we rethink archiving posts long before the event? [I tried to use the contact form, but got some weird error page about an invalid construct]
posted by pjern on Apr 6, 2017 - 16 comments

Give full disclosure; get deleted.

Give full disclosure; get deleted. [more inside]
posted by ZenMasterThis on Apr 11, 2012 - 110 comments

Email harvester

Is linking to email harvester sites okay? [more inside]
posted by Blazecock Pileon on Sep 14, 2008 - 19 comments

No more dead baby jokes.

In the abandoned baby thread someone made a joke about dead babies. Then someone complained about it. So the new rule is, dead baby jokes are a bad thing on MetaFilter. [more inside]
posted by Meatbomb on Sep 11, 2008 - 227 comments

Are favorites not enough?

Please join me in flagging all comments with nothing to add but "QFT" as noise.
posted by vira on Sep 7, 2008 - 18 comments

Mac Envy / Windows Envy / Eliminating Envy is a Step to Buddha-Nature

From this to this - when Windows people are left out it's justified, when Mac users are left out it's a tragedy that must be addressed. Note: tongue firmly in cheek, I know these are two different users. I'm just feeling snarky.
posted by OverlappingElvis on Jul 30, 2008 - 9 comments

"Second Editions"

I would like to know what people's thoughts are on the idea of allowing Metafilter posters to make a "second edition" of a post after a certain amount of time has passed (a week?, a year?). [more inside]
posted by rongorongo on Jul 14, 2008 - 16 comments

How to recall conversations with other users

Is there any way to identify threads that contain comments by me and another user? I'm picturing a world where I could click on someone else's profile, and there would be a link "conversations you've had with this user." I suspect I am missing something, but I can't find it.
posted by one_bean on Jun 15, 2008 - 44 comments

Make that in triplicate!

Religious issues aside, do we really need three separate posts covering slight variations of the same thing? [more inside]
posted by tkolar on Jun 3, 2008 - 68 comments

Mods vs White Lobster

This is an example of a double that should have been left alone. [more inside]
posted by wfrgms on Feb 13, 2008 - 34 comments

Those Run of the Mill Hasidic Landlords

What's the ruling on borderline anti-Semitism? [more inside]
posted by The Gooch on Jan 17, 2008 - 310 comments

Sexism debate, displaced.

It appears that some people feel that a non sequitur remark made in the "more inside" portion of a recent post was sexist. Others remain unconvinced. [more inside]
posted by CitrusFreak12 on Dec 5, 2007 - 566 comments


Do we really need two LOLZ RELIGION!!1! posts in one day?
posted by proj on Nov 30, 2007 - 100 comments

Top Ten Best List Posts.

List posts. Sometimes they are good, but sometimes they are bad. Something should be done?
posted by ND¢ on Oct 9, 2007 - 37 comments

Should I post this?

So I've been reading a lot about a particular issue I'm involved in as part of my job (and personally), and I think that a lot of the stuff I've been reading online is MeFi -worthy. At the same time, does the fact that I do have some personal stake in this stuff getting read (in the sense that it would make me happy if more people knew about this particular issue) make this a self-link? I didn't provide content to these sites, or have anything to do with what goes on there. Can I safely post these on the front page, or should I just not? Also, I know that once you ask yourself "should I post this" the answer is probably no. At the same time, I'm pretty passionate about this stuff and don't want to just not post anything...
posted by OverlappingElvis on Aug 23, 2007 - 29 comments

IraqFilter Really Sucks.

IraqFilter Is Awful. Is there some wide swath of MeFi users who derive a lot of enjoyment or benefit out of posts like this, which seem to surface whenever somebody pens an op-ed that criticizes the Iraq war (i.e., fairly frequently)? Here's the pattern: (1) op-ed is published; (2) op-ed is copied to MeFi; (3) posters say how bad President Bush is; (4) a poster or two will defend the administration; and (4) posters will attack the defenders until they no longer respond. Am I the only one who thinks that is tedious?
posted by Slap Factory on Jul 22, 2007 - 407 comments

What exactly is a link?

Should linking to a Google cache of pedophile site as opposed to the actual site itself be allowed? (It's the last link, titled "Here it is").
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Jun 11, 2007 - 24 comments


No. Can we have some standards and not participate in this crap? I'd also like to ask for a pre-emptive strike on any NewsFilter post about the latest missing and found dead rich white girl they're talking about now.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim on Jun 8, 2007 - 127 comments

An Alarming Trend

Advertisments are not the best of the web.
posted by BeerFilter on Jun 8, 2007 - 76 comments

My Friend's Dull Blog

This is a one-link post to a photo-blog consisting of a painful flash interface, 32 (uninteresting) pictures of a guy's trip to japan and some exceedingly lame attempts at humorous commentary. Surprise! It's the poster's friend's blog! What's the policy on almost-self-links?
posted by The Bellman on Jun 6, 2007 - 69 comments

Don't Get the Delete High

Getting the dog high? Why wasn't the whole thing deleted? Letting any comments ride on that one is a slippery slope, I should think. Especially ones condoning it or speaking of giving a dog something toxic.
posted by valentinepig on May 30, 2007 - 146 comments

Religious / Political Threads Largely Repetitive

MetaFilter discussions about religion and politics tend to have comments which are basically the same as other MetaFilter discussions about religion and politics.
posted by Bugbread on May 7, 2007 - 89 comments

suicide video link

This comment links to a video of a real life suicide without warning (other than "I'm a terrible person"). Normally I'd flag this and move on, but this is possibly the worst thing I've ever seen on metafilter and I'd like to see it deleted as quickly as possible.
posted by null terminated on Apr 28, 2007 - 57 comments


Reposting on MeFi after a long period of lurkage. I need some advice about self-linking. While I know the rule is "don't!", I've worked with a video collective that would be relevant in light of recent posts about Night Flight. I don't run the site, but I feel that I should mention that I've worked with them in the past. Can I post this website, and should I mention my involvement after a [more inside] jump?
posted by pxe2000 on Apr 26, 2007 - 10 comments

Why are links removed?

Could someone direct me to specific policies that state why posts are removed? I had one removed today because someone chose to use inappropriate language in a comment. The language use was apparently blamed on the article I posted. That is very strange. I don't know where the policy is that states what can and can't be posted.
posted by scissorhand2 on Apr 20, 2007 - 223 comments


Today's edition of what irks me: Hijacking threads with unsupported claims of doubleness. Either put up or shut up--don't shit on good threads just because you read boing boing and have a bad memory.
posted by null terminated on Apr 10, 2007 - 62 comments


What happened to the thread of photos off the p2p networks? Did that link get removed for any particular reason? Was it to make room for the Zelda/Golden Ratio thread? Hmm. I am kind of disappointed.
posted by kuatto on Mar 7, 2007 - 15 comments

MeFi ReCurrents

An Immodest Proposal: One of the interesting phenomena I've noticed as other aggregating sites are on their ascendancy (can you Digg it?) is that many links that had been MetaFiltered long ago (in Web time) get a new wave of attention, which flows back around here, and BANG! Double-triple-quadruple post!. And how many times lately have we seen comments like "Didn't see it the first time; glad it was reposted"? Maybe what we need is a separate place for "Re-Current" posts or links, where we can acknowledge that WE got it months/years ago, and re-open comments on it. Obviously, such a sub-Meta would require a lot of moderation/maintenance, and maybe it should be an off-site project. How should it work? Can we/you make it work? Why bother? Any volunteers?
posted by wendell on Mar 6, 2007 - 33 comments

I like stavros. I like copyright infringement.

I like stavros. I like copyright infringement. I like the kind of hard work that goes into a FPP like this. But there's something about this Wii-winning post that doesn't sit well with me. Could you help me put my finger on it?
posted by localhuman on Dec 29, 2006 - 258 comments

My father is cool, but is he linkable?

My father has done some things that I think would be of great interest to a lot of MeFites. I have no connection to the work other than being related to the fellow who did them. Does it belong in projects, or in the blue?
posted by phrontist on Dec 10, 2006 - 20 comments

Is it okay to lift meterial from a blog?

Um. If someone admits in an FPP that most of the material was lifted from a blog, is it time for an upside-down pitchfork party?
posted by scrump on Dec 7, 2006 - 68 comments

Newsfilter: Zero Tolerance

Newsfilter: Zero Tolerance. [mi]
posted by Eideteker on Nov 8, 2006 - 116 comments

Dawkins should be discussed sometimes.

I was sorry to see this post on Dawkins get deleted becuase it was "yet another Dawkings post", when the one from three weeks earlier was deleted as well. I understand he's discussed alot, perhaps ad nauseum to some folks, but they can skip the post. I think the mistake being made here is that the same arguments will always be rehashed over and over. This disregards the fact that new people may have registered since the last time the topic was discussed.

In a very "meta" sense, the addition of new people to the discussion allows the argument to evolve, over the course of multiple debates. These kinds of topics - religion, rights, abortion, etc. - appear not to have objectively correct answers, however the passions on all sides and the articulation of arguments are a reflection of the community and our collective culture. By returning to the argument, with newer and older members we start to understand everyone's basis for their position, the forces that motivate the passions behind people's positions and give rise to the issue in the first place.
posted by Pastabagel on Oct 13, 2006 - 99 comments

Semen-eating monkeys aren't welcome on MetaFilter.

You knew it was coming, and here it is! Is this really what Metafilter is about? Matt almost got run out of town by a howling mob for allowing ads for a popular site with scantily clad women, but videos of monkeys eating their own semen is A-OK and best of the web?
posted by Justinian on Aug 19, 2006 - 74 comments

dimeadozen.org, a torrent site, requires signing up for an account. Would it make a good post?

I just found a site, dimeadozen.org, that I think might make a good Metafilter post. It's got torrents of tons and tons of live concerts. (I'm listening right now to the Tom Waits show in Nashville that I saw last weekend.) The problem is that it requires you to sign up for an account, and there's a limited number of account slots available each day. Would this still make a good post?
posted by UKnowForKids on Aug 11, 2006 - 26 comments

"Humorous" titles give no clue on content by rss

I find the MetaFilter font page unreadable. And I mean that in the best possible way. I joined MetaFilter so I could participate in its well-above-average discussions that kept turning up in my Google searches. But now that I'm here, I can't find posts I'm interested in on the front page.

I use an RSS reader, and often the jokey headlines give no clue of the post's content. This is just a bad idea. And I understand that links are encouraged, but the visual distraction of link-overloaded posts, compounded with the 15 minutes minimum it would take me to digest them all, leads me to move on before I'm even sure what the post was about. If I only want to click on few, how do I know which of the ten are the best? And where are they going?

Maybe this is just my problem. I'm not dedicated enough to enjoy M.F. But I think it would be better to have a style guide that encourages clarity.
posted by Doctor Barnett on Aug 3, 2006 - 126 comments

Limits on posts for Askme, mefi

This has to have been covered before, but why one question per subscriber per week on AskMeFi, but no discernable limit (or is there) on postings to MetaFilter?

Referrals to previous threads on this subject welcomed. I did a quick search and didn't come up with anything obvious.
posted by hwestiii on Jul 7, 2006 - 28 comments

Why are some goofy threads deleted, and not others?

Just out of curiosity, how is it that some posts get deleted because the thread is full of the same animated gifs we always see, and some posts continue to live way past their prime? Is it the presence of ceiling cat?
I understand some of these are left in for humor value; such was the case with the infamous Mushroom post. But when the only thing that's different is the original post, and there are no actual responses anyhow, what's the criteria?
posted by hoborg on Jun 14, 2006 - 33 comments

TV Spoilers

Can't get enough of the "TV spoilers" debate from the grey, well, it's now available on the blue.
]insert tasteless inline pic here[
posted by mischief on May 25, 2006 - 51 comments

Upcoming symposium post okay? Toronto specific.

hi. i've just found out about an upcoming symposium series that i think would really be appealing to the sort of folks that frequent metafilter. however, the event is taking place next week here in toronto, and therefore people not-in-toronto might not care. is this kosher? i can spice the post up with links to interesting projects from previous years if that would make it not suck.
posted by sergeant sandwich on May 24, 2006 - 14 comments

Can I repost it as an FPP?

I posted a link in a comment on the blue. Can I repost it as an FPP?
posted by anjamu on May 12, 2006 - 42 comments

Not sure where this post would go

Etiquettefilter: I want to bring mefites attention to a project, but am not sure if it is a FPP on the blue (with supporting links of course), a project (as I am not the creator) or, most importantly, a horrible Pepsi Blue self-promotion that will end up getting me banned. [mi]
posted by slimepuppy on May 11, 2006 - 13 comments

where does breaking news update go?

This morning two Australian miners were freed after being trapped underground for 15 days. And this morning on MeFi, we had not one but two threads devoted to it. The latter was deleted but the former still stands. Which raises the question of why, when there was already a thread devoted to the subject only a few days ago, wherein this news belongs.
posted by Effigy2000 on May 8, 2006 - 36 comments

Is our children learning is verboten

So have we really reached the point where posting a direct quote from the President is considered too vile a slander to let stand (twice)?
posted by rkent on May 7, 2006 - 95 comments

Is this too gossipy?

Gossipfilter? Is this appropriate for Metafilter, or should insomnia_lj just have his hot-tub party rights revoked?
posted by dhartung on Apr 8, 2006 - 85 comments

Bad newsfilter post.

This is why single link newsfilter posts are bad.
posted by TedW on Apr 8, 2006 - 31 comments

Doing away with double deletions?

Doubleposts and deletions; now that MeFi is a bit of a monster, rather than a very small community, is it time to perhaps do away with the concept of doubleposts, and just let topics stand? For instance, this post was deleted as being a double, although the comments and links inside were significantly more active and amusing than the original, which wasn't linked by the deleter. (As an aside, if we're going to make content disappear because of doubleposts, may I request that the deleter please link to the original topic?)
posted by dejah420 on Mar 14, 2006 - 33 comments

"My comments": truncation causes truculence?

I'm not sure of this is a bug or a feature, but I've noticed that in "My Comments" long comments are cut off. If it's a bug: "Hey Matt, I found a bug!" If it's a feature...well I suppose I see the logic, so whatever.
posted by duck on Feb 1, 2006 - 2 comments

It may be time for someone to get his own blog.

Not necessarily a callout, because I always find myself reading the religion posts even when I don't agree with them, but as doctor_negative points out in brownpau's latest thread it may be time for someone to get his own blog.
posted by BackwardsCity on Jan 27, 2006 - 206 comments

boy performing cunnilingus on cattle - NSFW!!

Can we please stop pandering to idiots. [more inside]
posted by y6y6y6 on Jan 26, 2006 - 131 comments

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