8 posts tagged with OMG.
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Fucking Fuck XVII: Fucksgiving
It's the day after Thanksgiving, when we can give all the fucks we were holding back during the holiday. This is the new Fucking Fuck Thread. [more inside]
Fucking Fuck XIV: F-Bombs Away!
Fuck it, I can't thinking of anything fucking witty to say. This is the new fucking fuck venting thread. [more inside]
Fucking Fuck XII - Extreme Fuckery
There was a call out for a new venting thread. Here it is. Vent to your heart's content here and remember, we're all in this together. Also, everybody needs a hug.
Fucking Fuck X - The Enfuckenating
Do not go gentle into that good night [more inside]
Fucking Fuck IX
The venting thread is dead, long live the venting thread. [more inside]
Fucking Fuck 8th Edition
US Politics (& whatever else) vent thread. The old one closed (over 30 days old). [more inside]
Our eyes are watching YouTube
Hey Ask Me: What are the most inexplicable internet videos you know of? The results? Awesome
Go with Goddess
Looks like Mark has found his Goddess, but don't despair ladies, it may not be too late. He's "accepting backup replies." [more inside]