37 posts tagged with support.
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Support for those isolating with COVID - poetry edition

Hello all! I wanted to make a post where people who are isolating from their families because of COVID can support one another and receive support from the community. All support is welcome but because I am a lover of poetry, I am specifically requesting poems that help you be brave, feel gratitude, take heart, and/or continue on. [more inside]
posted by CMcG on Nov 18, 2021 - 21 comments

August is MetaFilter fundraising month

It's fundraising time! MetaFilter depends primarily on user and reader support to continue to operate: that funding pays for moderation, site development, and basic administrative costs like server hosting. It is increasingly difficult to operate a site like ours in the modern web economy, and your financial contributions through one-time contributions and recurring subscriptions have made, and will make, all the difference in keeping MeFi going.

You can start or increase your subscription here. I'll answer some questions about what we need, where the money goes, and what's coming up below, so come on inside if you want more detail. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Aug 2, 2021 - 74 comments

How to help people with computers post

A few years ago I came across a comment in this site which talked about how to teach people how to solve their computer issues compassionately. [more inside]
posted by eleanna on Jul 6, 2020 - 6 comments

Thank you!!!

My dearest mefites: back in August, I asked for the favor of encouragement from the community to get through a difficult exam. I’m so pleased to report that I PASSED STEP 2 CS! I get to graduate from medical school this December! [more inside]
posted by ocherdraco on Oct 16, 2019 - 112 comments

Hugging Hug: Electric Huggaloo

It's been a few months since the last hugging hug thread , and things being what they have been recently, it seems like a good time to open another one up. [more inside]
posted by Sparky Buttons on Oct 10, 2019 - 46 comments

A favor from the community

Hello, mefites. I could use a favor: messages of encouragement. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by ocherdraco on Aug 4, 2019 - 109 comments

Support for Survivors

This is a very difficult week for survivors of sexual assault. I’d like to request that the community come together...to provide resources, poems/literature, articles, and really anything that focuses on supporting survivors. To clarify: this post is not about discussing the facts of the current news cycle, but a request to show love and support to our fellow mefites who may be suffering.
posted by CMcG on Sep 28, 2018 - 27 comments

Fucking Fuck XIV: F-Bombs Away!

Fuck it, I can't thinking of anything fucking witty to say. This is the new fucking fuck venting thread. [more inside]
posted by Doktor Zed on Aug 21, 2018 - 171 comments

Fucking Fuck XII - Extreme Fuckery

There was a call out for a new venting thread. Here it is. Vent to your heart's content here and remember, we're all in this together. Also, everybody needs a hug.
posted by Sophie1 on Jun 18, 2018 - 432 comments

Fucking Fuck X - The Enfuckenating

Do not go gentle into that good night [more inside]
posted by Sophie1 on Apr 13, 2018 - 181 comments

Fucking Fuck IX

The venting thread is dead, long live the venting thread. [more inside]
posted by murphy slaw on Mar 12, 2018 - 365 comments

Fucking Fuck 8th Edition

US Politics (& whatever else) vent thread. The old one closed (over 30 days old). [more inside]
posted by yoga on Feb 7, 2018 - 158 comments

MeFites offering seasonal refuge and open homes

As folks gear up for holidays, I know some will be avoiding family for various reasons, so I wanted to set up the second annual thread to facilitate seasonal connections for support and good company (here's the first, from last year). [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief on Nov 2, 2017 - 24 comments


Seems like there are always pregnant MeFis who are looking for some answers / like-minded people to talk to. Anyone want to join an FB group? [more inside]
posted by sestaaak on Dec 15, 2016 - 117 comments

Holidays, gratitude, and Metafilter

At the close of the shittiest week out of a shitty year, I just got sent a picture of my adorable nephew on Santa’s lap, which means inconceivably, American Thanksgiving and the remaining end of year holidays are nigh upon us. And while my mood in the face of recent events isn’t particularly thankful, I am so incredibly grateful to the Metafilter mods for all the work they’ve done this year. [more inside]
posted by deludingmyself on Nov 11, 2016 - 43 comments

93: Midlife Crisis Machine

The newest episode of the podcast features the same crew of jessamyn (first post-MeFi show!), me, and cortex recapping the funding efforts, and then all the best bits from the MeFi universe that runs a total of 1hr 40min long. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jun 4, 2014 - 59 comments

Deck ads on The Blue

In the ongoing effort to decrease our reliance on Google's Adsense and stabilize ad income, we'll be soon showing ads for The Deck (same as we currently do on the front pages of all the sites) on MetaFilter discussion thread pages, for both logged in, and logged out users on desktops (mobile will continue to show Adsense ads). It will look something like this screenshot. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jun 3, 2014 - 49 comments

MeFi Fundraising Update

I wanted to thank you all for your generosity in helping MeFi’s future stability and also give some big updates on where we are with the impromptu fundraising efforts over the last couple weeks. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jun 2, 2014 - 319 comments

Because You're Worth It, Metafilter.

How about a "Donate/Subscribe" link in the main menu of the site? As it stands now, if a user happens to hide the "Help Fund Metafilter" link at the top of the page, it disappears, never to be seen again. I don't think it's unseemly to make the option to support the site monetarily a little more visible and persistent.
posted by killdevil on Jun 1, 2014 - 69 comments

Help Fund MetaFilter

We've set up an official fundraising/​contributing/​support page here, and are now tracking the number of people signing on as monthly supporters. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on May 21, 2014 - 1127 comments

It Gets Better II: Electric Boogaloo

Update on MeFi It Gets Better Project! Deadline approaching: December 1! [more inside]
posted by jph on Nov 12, 2012 - 9 comments

MetaFilter: It Gets Better

So we've now watched dozens, possibly hundreds of "It Gets Better" videos from different people and groups. And we've answered questions from all kinds of young queer folks about how to navigate the complexities of life. Isn't it about time that MetaFilter made an "It Gets Better" video? [more inside]
posted by jph on Sep 26, 2012 - 208 comments

Ten years - of thanks.

Ten years. Thank you. [more inside]
posted by mrbill on Aug 13, 2012 - 80 comments

MeFi RSS feed is invalid

My RSS reader says the MetaFilter RSS feed is invalid. I'd really like to use it because I've become RSS oriented and I'm not checking MeFi. It could be a problem with the RSS reader, Thunderbird 2.0.24 (I know there are other readers, but TB uniquely meets my needs), but the MeFi feed has worked previously and the AskMefi RSS feed works currently. I've tried the feeds coming from the feed.feedburner.com host and the one from feed2.. Thanks in advance.
posted by guanxi on Sep 8, 2011 - 21 comments

AskMeFi help and then some

Just highlighting the community support provided in this AskMeFi question. It was mentioned on The Hathor Legacy yesterday. [more inside]
posted by flex on Mar 19, 2011 - 48 comments

Thank you for all the support and caring.

A year ago today, my wife passed away. I wanted to say thanks to all of Metafilter for the support I've gotten from the community. [more inside]
posted by mrbill on Jun 15, 2010 - 41 comments

Brother, can you spare some well-wishes?

In August, mefite birdlips suffered one of the most horrifying and tragic losses imaginable. Then yesterday, a lifelong friend of his was killed on the spot in a car accident. How about a little love from the hive thrown his way?
posted by neilkod on Nov 24, 2007 - 27 comments

Hey, what have you got to lose?

Catfood asked where she could find an intelligent weight loss support group online— a Metafilter for dieters, basically. Ferociouskitty set one up on Spark People. It seemed like a great idea that could use a little publicity.
posted by orange swan on Jun 30, 2007 - 14 comments

can't see the ads unless I log out

I just bought Google ads on MetaFilter for one of the projects I've posted here (still valiantly trying to get the word out)...but I can't see the ads unless I log out. Is there a way for me to choose to see the ads when logged in? FWIW, I'd imagine that some of the MeFi supporters would be happy to see them as another way to support the site (I would, and do this on another site which I am a paying member).
posted by Kickstart70 on Aug 23, 2006 - 57 comments

What happened to ?? ?

What happened to 김치? Because if for nothing else, he actuated this and i liked it.
plus the caps lock thread kicks this year's anniversay thread in the ash.
posted by philida on Oct 23, 2005 - 5 comments

Hurricane Katrina Support Fund

What do we think about creating some kind of fund to help support MeFi members involved in the rebuilding and humanitarian efforts after Katrina? How can we do this?
posted by fionab on Sep 1, 2005 - 23 comments

i'm irked

i'm irked by the way matt trolls out minor changes (introducing major bugs) and forgets it all them soon as the mefi thread rolls off the page.
contacts is munged in several ways which is wan't before the "oh my god we must fix the free-forem text hippy-hack!"
posted by quonsar on Jun 22, 2004 - 55 comments

Site's cookies not working with Mozilla

I didn't see a link/email for technical issues, so please hate me if I missed it, but cookies/recent versions of Mozilla and metafilter do not seem to be playing together nicely. I get "authorization" from metafilter less than 10% of the time with mozilla 1.3. Anyone else having problems? It's possible I've made things bad for myself, but I have no problems elsewhere (nor have I changed anything since mozilla 1.2...)
posted by justin on Mar 23, 2003 - 5 comments

MeFi Timezone Support

MetaFilter's front page now supports the display of posts by proper time zone. Set your offset on the customize page, then go to the front page (with the default date sort only at this time) to see the site customized for your part of the world. I'll be adding support for the comments and archives later today. MetaTalk, I'll eventually get to.
posted by mathowie on Dec 19, 2002 - 31 comments

Post construction advice wanted

Assuming one has identified 1 interesting front page "lead" post and 3 "supporting" posts that may add value to a discussion. What is the better : a) Include all 4 posts on the front page and be done with it. b)have 1 lead post in the front page and 3 supporting posts in the first comment. c) sprinkle 3 supporting posts one by one as discussion develops. Realize every situation is unique but some general guidance would be very helpful.
posted by Voyageman on Mar 25, 2002 - 6 comments

So how about a Pledge Drive?

So how about a Pledge Drive? My local NPR station is begging for money again, and I was thinking - you know I'd rather give my $1/day (why that's not even enough for coffee) to MeFi. Currently the donation kitty is at $3,597. I bet we can get that up to $4,500 in no time. What do you say?
posted by willnot on Feb 5, 2002 - 2 comments

Admin duties on metafilter are a lot of work and more than a full time job.

Just so you know, I was in LA for the last couple days, unannounced (because I didn't want people to take advantage of it).

I guess it's pretty clear now that I spend my time cleaning crap off metafilter 24/7 these days, and now that I was away, maybe everyone can appreciate how much work it is to snub double-posts, fix html errors, and ban malicious, callous users. I'm not looking for an inbox of thank-yous or twenty brown-nosing comments on this thread, I just feel it's worth saying. Admin duties on metafilter are a lot of work and more than a full time job.

My first attempt at supporting myself with this site will launch on Monday. Some people may not like it. I made it as harmless and innocous as possible. It won't make me rich, but it'll hopefully provide enough money for server upgrades and upkeep. Keep the last couple days in mind if you find anything not to like about The New Thing That Launches Monday.
posted by mathowie on Oct 19, 2001 - 44 comments

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