17 posts tagged with Sex.
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Assuming genders in responses - why?

The asker of this post used "child" and "spouse" in their question, but some answerers changed those to "daughter" and "dad" or used she/he pronouns. Why? [more inside]
posted by sockpuppetryarts on Sep 27, 2017 - 269 comments

Front-page porn

I thought this post was more than a little R/X-rated for its front-page content. While it was a funny link, I wouldn't have wanted that on my screen if, say, a student wandered into my office (and I'm at university). I wouldn't have minded a NSFW on the front page, with the content below the fold/link, but - sex, naked, sex, plow into, orgasm, and orgasm on the front page? Or am I a prude, in my dotage, who shouldn't have Metafilter open at work?
posted by Dashy on Apr 25, 2014 - 83 comments

Dirty talk is depressing

I hate when, in threads about dirty talk (see Dirty Words During Sex), commenters reply with things like "Everybody calls their girlfriend a slut during sex and most women like it, and the ones who don't are kind of weird, but if you have a girlfriend like that, well then in that case you should stop doing it. But where do you come from, Bizzarroworld, that you actually want to RESPECT each other during sex? How on earth do you get turned on without thinking dirty/degrading thoughts? I refuse to believe this is a real question." Well, it's a hell of a lot better than being DISrespected while engaged in the most physically intimate thing that people can do to each other short of surgery. That is all. (For now.)
posted by whatdidyouforgettoday on Mar 22, 2013 - 88 comments

Sex Negativity on MeFi

I feel like a lot of AskMe comments about sexuality are conservative and prescriptive. Between giving shit to the guy who is masturbating a completely normal ten times a week, and calling the guy who gets the occasional hand-job from sex workers a terrible human being, the level of prescriptive, normative, and negative attitudes towards sexuality on MeFi this week seems high and troubling. I feel that much of the conservative and prescriptive nature of it eludes the MeFi goal of a wide variety of opinions/discussion/discourse and can be intimidating to people who might have non-normative information to share which is the sort of information we should be specifically encouraging. Can we have a chat like this--because I feel conspicuous and kind of like I cannot say anything at all when you have a dozen responses that contravene what I might have to say. I'm finding this frustrating.
posted by PinkMoose on Jun 18, 2012 - 293 comments

Better late than never: Issue 8 of MeFi Mag is here

It's taken a while, but Issue#8 of MeFi Mag has finally arrived! [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Dec 17, 2011 - 39 comments

We need to talk.

This just might be the best AskMe troll I've ever seen. [more inside]
posted by I EAT TAPAS on Nov 13, 2011 - 36 comments

Who is Mefi's sexiest Mefite?

Who is Mefi's sexiest Mefite? Make your case here.
posted by Wolof on Nov 1, 2011 - 180 comments

Lets talk about sex.

Proposed Ask category: Sex. [more inside]
posted by loquacious on Jul 25, 2011 - 46 comments

Striving to make answers to vague AskMe questions more helpful and clear

In two recent AskMe threads (Non obvious things you shouldn't say to women and a similar about men), vague and general questions were asked. The community response wandered all over the map from very good, to not so good, where individual dislikes were conflated to be something all of certain subgroup dislke (1, 2). I think this is a problem that not only degrades the tone of the site in general and AskMe in particular, but also can confuse the asker. So I'm putting this issue before the community to see if the community views this as a problem and if so, discuss ways to mitigate it. [more inside]
posted by nomadicink on Sep 17, 2010 - 148 comments

Not so delightful, apparently

What could possibly have been the issue with this question that comments needed to be deleted? Disapproving of the sinners doesn't seem to be mefites style, so what gives?
posted by newpotato on Feb 17, 2010 - 14 comments

Can you beat 5.47482014?

What thread has the highest T number, where T is 'number of favorites given to comments' divided by 'number of comments'? [more inside]
posted by dirtdirt on Dec 28, 2009 - 64 comments


Where did this come from???
    mount their female friends and some how continue to think they can commence with the mounting
    they should be at least decent enough to hit us off with a booty call every now and then, you know, as a thanks for the friendship
    bumping uglies, dropping trow and little debbie snake cakes
[more inside]
posted by hadjiboy on Sep 13, 2008 - 158 comments

I need crack.

At some point today, lost in the webs of metafilter, I came across a link to a page where a guy described seeing two men share a crack pipe then have sex with each other. There were photos too. I, ah, need to find it again. It's for a friend, I swear.
posted by twirlypen on Apr 22, 2008 - 75 comments


What the hell do you people do for work that you can sit on the internet all day like this? [more inside]
posted by koeselitz on Dec 14, 2007 - 192 comments

Are you feeling a little randy?

I count 7 sex-related questions on askme today. What's up with that? Desirous of titillation, I frequently check the 'sex' tag for askme. For weeks it's been fairly devoid of new questions. Then, bam, today... everybody wants laid. Is it seasonal? Or is it just folks who're triggered to write a sex question by seeing one earlier?
posted by Netzapper on Jul 21, 2007 - 37 comments

AskMeFi, not JudgeMeFi

I want to express frustration with some of the responses in this thread. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Mar 30, 2007 - 91 comments

Textad too stimulating

You've cum a long way baby!
posted by anathema on Jun 4, 2003 - 31 comments

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