10 posts tagged with activism.
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New Wiki Post for USA Voting Support

Using the information from several recent posts about how to support voter turnout in the upcoming U.S. Presidential election, I have created a VotingSupport page in Metafilter Wiki that lists specific organizations that work to educate and support voters. If you are looking for somewhere to volunteer, donate, or get help in voting, I hope you will take a look at this page. [more inside]
posted by ALeaflikeStructure on Aug 2, 2024 - 14 comments

Do instead of doom!

Are you helping the United States avoid sliding into fascism? Let's cheer each other on. Solidarity! [more inside]
posted by NotLost on Jul 19, 2024 - 91 comments

🔊 ⛑️ 🔊 MetaFilter Events: Week 3 🔊 ⛑️ 🔊

Week 3 of Metafilter Events is here! Following Week 2, we’re moving on to a week that probes themes and topics around social justice, government, policy and research. You’ll learn more about advocacy and activism - and how you can have your voice heard on issues that matter to you. Find out more about Big Tech content moderation policies and how this affects you, get some perspective on the situation in Iran, and learn about the environmental impact of manufacturing. For those in the U.S, get the lowdown on current developments in redistricting policy and affordable housing policy - and what this means for the future. Complete your weekend with a creative doodling workshop, and hear about the gamification of everyday life from Metafilter’s own Adrian Hon. Come inside to find out more. [more inside]
posted by aielen on Dec 6, 2022 - 19 comments

US abortion access actions and resources: how we can help

In case the front page US abortion thread is overwhelming either you or your electronic devices, here's a much shorter, focused thread for resources, suggestions of actions you can take, ways to help, ways to get help. This brief What You Can Do guide was the standout link I saw in the main thread. It lists places to donate and other ways to help. [more inside]
posted by kristi on Jun 24, 2022 - 17 comments

Share your communication with representatives again!

The last thread for sharing our communications with our elected representatives was really successful! Obviously a lot is going on in the U.S. especially right now, and with democracy itself under attack, now is as good a time as any to recommit ourselves to the idea of participatory democracy by reaching out to our elected officials. [more inside]
posted by biogeo on Jan 8, 2021 - 12 comments

Share your letters to your representatives!

Inspired by this comment by Greg_Ace, let's amplify our activism. If you've written a letter to one of your democratically-elected representatives, share it here, and inspire the rest of us! [more inside]
posted by biogeo on Nov 8, 2020 - 24 comments

Resources for Anti-Racism/BLM Activism and Funding

Lets's share links and spread the word on anti-racism community resources and anti-racism fundraising. I've seen some fantastic threads on Twitter that cover some of this, but it would be useful if Mefites could aggregate links for their local bail bond/mutual aid funds, as well as links to protest/anti-racism toolkits from around the world. Here's a great list of mutual aid funds (Threader link of an original Twitter thread, for easier reading). This post should serve as a catch-all thread for a broad range of resources that will enable and embolden Mefites to get involved in the continuous work that is anti-racism activism, whether they're protesting in-person, donating from home, or want to help in other ways if they're unable to protest in-person or donate. [more inside]
posted by nightrecordings on Jun 3, 2020 - 22 comments

What are you doing?

Aka the anti–fucking fuck thread. I remember we had some threads soon after the 2016 election where Mefites shared their efforts toward making the world a better place, and I would love to do it again, especially since I could use some inspiration to get my butt moving as midterms approach! [more inside]
posted by sunset in snow country on Oct 4, 2018 - 109 comments

Group preserving access to reproductive healthcare, come what may?

Very quickly: somewhere back in the megathreads, I remember a bunch of y'all mentioning a group mobilizing to preserve women's access to reproductive healthcare services, including abortion, no matter what happens with the law of the land. [more inside]
posted by adamgreenfield on Jun 28, 2018 - 17 comments

Be a beacon (just don't talk about what you're a beacon for)

An otherwise great post (thanks, Slarty Bartfast) is appended with the following:
I am hoping we will not debate here whether "Everything but Marriage" is really marriage equality. I am hoping we will learn about and admire the efforts of those heroes who suffered and fought so that we can all be free someday.
I was going to respond in the thread to this, but I thought MetaTalk would be a better place. It seems like a bad idea to me to preemptively tell people how to discuss political activism (or any topic on Metafilter, really...). "Learning" and "admiring" are not discussion (although they can arise from discussion). I appreciate the desire to see a FPP discussion go well, but basically telling people not to engage with one another seems bad style. Is there some kind of posting etiquette about this? I figured others might have the same response as me, so to avoid totally derailing the thread, we can discuss here.
posted by Philosopher Dirtbike on Jul 5, 2011 - 38 comments

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