117 posts tagged with ads.
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Any update on the No Talent Ass Clown idea?
Spotted T3's "Give my ass a job" textad today(find it yourself), and it reminded me of something. Matt: Any news on the notalentassclown idea?
This has been your daily trainspotting moment.
This has been your daily trainspotting moment.
I think this is a bad precedent.
NeuroProsthesis seems to be trying to use weblogs in order to optimize their google ranking. Their anchor tag is optimised for google. They have a weblog that talks about running a googlebombing inspired experiment. They have been inserting links in other people's weblog threads encouraging them to participate. They have apparently placed textads in daypop, metafilter etc. I distinctly remember running into an unrelated link to this site in one of the threads in Kottke.org. Jason seems to have removed it.
I think this is a bad precedent. Are there others? What do you think?
I think this is a bad precedent. Are there others? What do you think?
Is suicidegirls the first porn textad ever on MetaFilter?
Is suicidegirls the first porn textad ever on MetaFilter? It is certainly good to see such a liberal editorial attitude being displayed. Money does not corrupt. I wonder what their click through rate is, with the promise of naked girls and all? BTW I only clicked on it because I'm interested in goths and punks, and wanted to read their blog...obviously.
Ad Farm is a text advertising network that has recently sprung up
Ad Farm is a text advertising network that has recently sprung up. It remains to be seen whether they're repeating the same old mistakes, making brand new ones or doing something cool.
Back button runs a new TextAd.
Back button runs a new TextAd.
Just noticed that if I am in a thread I followed off the homepage, then click back, the page reloads with a new TextAd. But if I've scrolled down a bit to click on the thread in the first place (let's say I'm checking out what I missed yesterday), when I go back I miss the ad (unless I scroll up to see what it may be).
I'd assume this counts as an ad served, but it isn't seen. Now I know the ads are real cheap and it is just one count, but should it be different?
Just noticed that if I am in a thread I followed off the homepage, then click back, the page reloads with a new TextAd. But if I've scrolled down a bit to click on the thread in the first place (let's say I'm checking out what I missed yesterday), when I go back I miss the ad (unless I scroll up to see what it may be).
I'd assume this counts as an ad served, but it isn't seen. Now I know the ads are real cheap and it is just one count, but should it be different?
Most obnoxious flash ad ever?
Most obnoxious flash ad ever? Wired News just lost lots of hits from me since I used to read it twice a day and linked to it often.
"Used to" being the operative term.
The flash ad fad is starting to fray my nerves.
(I wanted to post this to Metafilter, but I thought I'd get chewed out since it probably isn't linkworthy by some readers standards.)
"Used to" being the operative term.
The flash ad fad is starting to fray my nerves.
(I wanted to post this to Metafilter, but I thought I'd get chewed out since it probably isn't linkworthy by some readers standards.)
Since when did Microsoft start using textads at the top of the MSN Portal?
Since when did Microsoft start using textads at the top of the MSN Portal? Granted, I don't visit MSN much, but weren't there banner ads up there in the not too distant past? Did they take a hint from MetaFilter and PyrAds?
a free, reciprocal TextAd system
BlogSnob is a free, reciprocal TextAd system for weblogs to exchange adverts with each other on an impression for impression basis.
Metafilter Classified Ads
i'm noticing that 1) more of us of us are needing work these days, and 2) matt needs help with a revenue stream. what about MetaSchmooze? (more inside)
what do people think about pushing the TextAds beyond the home page
So if TextAds were so successful, what do people think about pushing the TextAds beyond the home page to the top of the main MeFi links of the day? That would allow for a lot more impressions, maybe at a slightly cheaper rate than the homepage ad rate?
I've enjoyed following the links from the TextAds more often than not, so I'm all for more, as long as they stay relatively high quality (I suppose Matt's the ultimate arbiter in this case.)
I've enjoyed following the links from the TextAds more often than not, so I'm all for more, as long as they stay relatively high quality (I suppose Matt's the ultimate arbiter in this case.)
Micro advertising
Micro Advertising - a way to make niche internet publishing profitable?: "It's all about targeted micro buys of advertising space - the old principle of getting the right message in front of the right group of people. Buying 10,000 impressions of your message in front of a very targeted audience for a low fee. " Thomas has created a Yahoo group to hash out the issues further, if anyone's interested.
The first week of text ads has sold out already!
The first week of text ads has sold out already!
You got a problem with Text Ads?
TextAds. As Matt promised, unobtrusive and inoffensive. I certainly don't have a problem with these. What does everyone else think?
Blogger sells ad space
Blogger sells ad space. Don't panic. It's only the last ditch cry of the "free web".
HAHAHA...love the pop.
I pity the fool! HAHAHA...love the pop. And it worked--I toddled right over and donated. Good on ya, Matt.
Should we run ads?
Okay, we've discussed it before, but now having looked at the stats for the last couple of months, ADs are a real possibility. Last I checked the average AD payout was $1 ever 1000 page views. Now, with MeFi getting over 5,000,000 a month, that's $5000 a month in revenue. That could keep Matt happy all year round and MeFi up for life. Comments?
Could we maybe get a moratorium on the "My Ads are too Big!" front page posts?
Could we maybe get a moratorium on the "My Ads are too Big!" front page posts? Everyone knows ads are getting bigger. Metatalk would seem a better place for that kind of discussion.