3 posts tagged with best by mathowie.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

68: Best Post Contest Results

Podcast 68 was recorded earlier today and features a discussion of our favorite posts from last month's Best Post Contest, including all the posts we liked and the final winners. It runs nearly 90min long. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jan 2, 2012 - 72 comments

Pony - best answer search

Another tiny new feature: you can search for just questions with good answers marked at Ask MetaFilter. Here's an example of a search result with this in action.
posted by mathowie on Feb 11, 2005 - 34 comments

Compiling a best of Metafilter

I was thinking of doing a list of "best of" threads for metafilter, on the archives page. Do you recall any of the best threads that meet the following criteria? If so, post them here as a comment.

How about by topic?

threads on:
globalization: (I know there were at least a couple great, civil, long threads about it)
prisions: (among the 5 or 6 in recent memory there must be one or two good ones)
death penalty:
huge news threads: (the biggest kaycee one, the seattle earthquake, and the first WTC one?)
good audience participation threads:

good weird finds? best thing for $30 threads? Just plain good threads that don't meet any of the above criteria?

If you have any favorites, post a link to them, and I'll try to organize them. Think about the best MetaFilter has to offer, and find those threads that exemplify what the site can be.
posted by mathowie on Nov 6, 2001 - 40 comments

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