14 posts tagged with birthdays.
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Calling all Cards!

Having just mailed my cards for Project G.I.V.E. M.E. (that is, Great Internet Valentine Exchange, Metafilter Edition), and having had at least as much fun as I did with the winter holiday cards, I'm wondering if there's enough momentum and interest for another project. [more inside]
posted by The Underpants Monster on Feb 7, 2018 - 41 comments

How is this not BirthdayFilter?!

Dear Askme, "Hi, my boyfriend set up a secret website and recruited all of my friends to participate in it without my knowledge. Should I seriously DTMFA for that?" Shit, I hope not! Oh! and Happy Birthday, Jessamyn! [more inside]
posted by not_on_display on Sep 4, 2008 - 116 comments

A couple minor feature requests fulfilled

Slight preferences tweaks: birthday (year optional) and relationship status (datingfilter!) were just added. My profile shows what it might look like to logged-in users.
posted by mathowie on Apr 10, 2008 - 260 comments


Birthday notification? [more inside]
posted by [NOT HERMITOSIS-IST] on Apr 7, 2008 - 93 comments

HAH, you're OLD.

Happy Birthday to this dude. [more inside]
posted by Phire on Oct 9, 2007 - 69 comments

Happy birthday MetaFilter.

Happy birthday MetaFilter. "Give me a website until it is seven and I will give you the …"
posted by tellurian on Jul 14, 2006 - 19 comments

Thank you, Metafilter community!

Once again, Metafilter has made an impact on my personal life. I came here to say: "Thank you, Metafilter community." I also came here to say: "Who bought the donuts, and why didn't I get any Boston creams?", but felt it was out of the scope of this post. [more inside]
posted by thanotopsis on Jan 24, 2006 - 36 comments

Happy Birthday MeFi, I got you a double post!

Double post.
posted by loquacious on Jul 13, 2005 - 29 comments

Annual Happy Birthday Mr Mathowie thread

Here for your commenting pleasure, is the Annual Happy Birthday Mr Mathowie thread. Happy Birthday, #1!
posted by Salmonberry on Oct 10, 2004 - 72 comments

Happy 5th

Happy 5th Birthday Metafilter.
posted by karmaville on Jul 14, 2004 - 40 comments

Date problem when not logged in

A helpful lurker pointed out to me that when you aren't logged in, there are multiple "June 5th"s on the front page.
posted by crunchland on Jun 5, 2003 - 8 comments

happy birthday matt

happy birthday matt... i tried so hard to find you a pony...
posted by heather on Oct 10, 2002 - 86 comments

Happy 2nd Birthday, MetaTalk!

Happy 2nd Birthday, MetaTalk! Gotta love the one and only comment - if only they knew...
posted by obiwanwasabi on Mar 3, 2002 - 26 comments

Happy Birthday Kottke

It's everyone's favorite weblogger's birthday Thursday. Help wish him well by buying a special commemorative shirt:

posted by mathowie on Sep 26, 2001 - 17 comments

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