9 posts tagged with compilation.
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What are some Spotify Playlists made by Mefis?

Over the last year or so, I have absolutely loved every spotify album made by mefis. It is always a high quality compilation. [more inside]
posted by bbqturtle on Dec 12, 2014 - 26 comments

Best of MeFi

Where do I find a "best of MeFi" - i.e. collected AskMes as they can be found on the MeFi Wiki? [more inside]
posted by mathiu on Mar 16, 2009 - 34 comments

Has anybody received the mefi compilation CD?

Has anybody actually received the mefi compilation cd? I paypalled for mine on Nov 28, but haven't gotten diddly. I emailed the meficomp people on Dec 19 and haven't heard back. Anybody gotten anything?
posted by rbs on Dec 25, 2006 - 16 comments

Where the heck is the MeFi compilation CD?

Where the heck is the MeFi compilation CD? I shelled out my hard-earned cash months ago, and I haven't heard jack squat about it since. C'mon...is this Chinese Democracy or something?
posted by you just lost the game on Sep 16, 2006 - 25 comments

today was the unofficial deadline for cover art for the metafilter album

A reminder: today was the unofficial deadline for cover art for the metafilter album. However, if you are still working on something, please e-mail it to me soon. Due to the extremely low volume of submissions, I'll continue to accept submissions through this week, but after that, it's closed. Thanks!
posted by interrobang on May 1, 2006 - 30 comments

Call for Submissions - Compilation Album

Metafilter Compilation Album
Call for Cover Art Submissions
Music Submission Deadline & Details

posted by cortex on Apr 21, 2006 - 63 comments

Mefi compilation album idea

Various artists: Feelin' Blue (Metafilter Records, 2006)
Given the response to cortex's excellent music post, and given the range and quality of music on offer, I have an idea that will make us all rich and famous* [follow me inside...]
posted by nylon on Apr 16, 2006 - 81 comments

MeFi Film Fest?

If one were to put together a Metafilter film festival, including undistributed short films that have been linked on the blue, which films would make the cut? Off the top of my head I can think of both A Shoggoth on the Roof and 80s Ending. Any others?
posted by pxe2000 on Sep 17, 2003 - 32 comments

Just in time compilation error

Front page go boom.
posted by NortonDC on Jan 4, 2002 - 9 comments

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