12 posts tagged with covid.
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Support for those isolating with COVID - poetry edition
Hello all! I wanted to make a post where people who are isolating from their families because of COVID can support one another and receive support from the community. All support is welcome but because I am a lover of poetry, I am specifically requesting poems that help you be brave, feel gratitude, take heart, and/or continue on. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Pandemic Shopping!
Happy weekend, MetaFilter! This week, I'm curious to know what were your best and worst pandemic purchases? [more inside]
MetaChat: Personal quarantime playlists
Anyone else remember their personal "heavy rotation" music from this time last year when quarantine started? [more inside]
Metatalktailhour: Where do/don't you go?
I love seeing Metatalktailhour on Saturdays - I hope I'm not stepping on toes here by posting this.
Where do you feel comfortable going these and where don't you? What is it like?Is everyone wearing masks? Social distancing? [more inside]
Vaccination Success Stories
Did you get vaccinated against COVID-19? That's awesome! Hearing about that is awesome and reassuring. Did your mom get vaccinated? Your dad? Your grandparents? Your kid? Your partner? Your sibling? Pass it all on. It's all good news. It's good you got the jab! Be well. Tide those of us still waiting over with your story. We want to know!
Healthcare worker check in
Hey Metafilter healthcare workers, how you hanging in? You managing to look after yourself and stay safe? What’s been lifting your spirits and keeping you going? Alternatively what’s been absolute shit and can diaf?(besides the good sis covid of course.)
Looking for a comment about relocating during covid.
Sometime quite recently I read a comment that somebody made about moving away from your city and employers due to covid. The point that they were making was that while employers were ok for us to do this while there was not much choice to work from home or not, once the pandemic was over, employers would require most of their staff to be back in the office.
Therefore making a decision to move permanently thousands of miles away would not be in your best long term interest for your career. They went into more detail but that was the crux of it. Ring any bells?
Tiny AskMe
In the spirit of the Bad at Life thread, how about a "tiny fixes" thread? Things that are too embarrassing or not worth burning an Ask question on. [more inside]
Covid Shopping Mall
During the Winter Solstice holiday season, there's a shopping mall. There are MeFites and MeFi-affiliateds who make masks. Perhaps we could support them? There are mask questions on Ask.Me, so there's a market. [more inside]
Can we continue to ensure high-quality COVID information?
The Mefi COVID FAQ requests that posters "Please link to pertinent information from high quality sources, and don't give top-of-the-head "it seems to me" sort of answers."
I am regularly seeing Askmefi responses that do not adhere to this guidance and I worry that Askmefi is contributing to misinformation. I'm hoping we can have a conversation about what can be done. [more inside]
After the pandemic ...
What are you looking forward to doing after the pandemic, or even after restrictions are lifted in you area? [more inside]
Can you make an animated presentation? Want to meme to save lives?
I have expertise relevant to contagion/spread. I feel like there's one aspect of this that is not well-understood by the general public and if understood could persuade people to be more effective in their social distancing. I would like to make some sort of video/animation meme to put out there. Can you help? [more inside]