6 posts tagged with detroit.
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Michigan Meetup?

There must be a decent population of Michigander MeFites.. [more inside]
posted by waxlight on Feb 3, 2009 - 71 comments

Memorial Day MeFite Meetup in Detroit?

Detroit meet-up around Memorial Day weekend? [more inside]
posted by Unicorn on the cob on Apr 13, 2008 - 8 comments

MONO MONO! ... D'oh!

I'm starting to think that this thread on the Detroit monorail is weird joke/hoax, and it best is just a poor FPP since it's mostly just a collection of wikipedia links with no actually recent news stories or government/corporate press releases. Can it please go away before the Detroiters get home from work and go into a tizzy?
posted by patr1ck on Feb 13, 2008 - 55 comments

Mea Maxima Culpa

On the vagaries of intoxicated posting from the bowels of my "shithole" "corpse" of a city. [more inside]
posted by joe lisboa on Jan 23, 2008 - 13 comments

French-fried cars callout

Getting quite fed-up of Postroad's racism. I take it it's not an acceptable form of speech to characterise a whole nation as violent as it's most anti-social elements?
posted by dash_slot- on Jan 3, 2004 - 77 comments

Michigan Meetup

MeFi Michigan (Metro Detroit Area) anyone?
posted by tj on Apr 5, 2002 - 43 comments

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