18 posts tagged with events.
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Dancing time!
It’s NCAA Tournament time again (March keeps coming around). We’re over here on Fanfare.
Dance like no one is watching... it's NCAA Tournament Time
As we do around these parts, it's time to make some brackets based on dubious distinctions and talk about a little basketball. [more inside]
Metafilter Fundraising Month!
Hello everyone! We usually do a fundraising drive around the site's birthday, but this year has been a weird one, so we're doing it in September instead. [more inside]
FanFare Clubs and event calendar
We're super excited to roll out an initial version of a new feature: FanFare Clubs! This is a system for formally collecting a variety of FanFare media threads and discussions together in an organized way on the site itself, and to schedule upcoming club events on-site as well. We'd love your help testing it out. [more inside]
Camp Mefi Update
For those of you wondering what the status of the Camp MeFi project is, please pull a log up to the crackling fire. Full update inside. [more inside]
I was there!
IRL Pony: Can we get an "I was There!" option for past events? [more inside]
Chili history...
It's that time of year (at least in my hemisphere)... Did anything like this metafilter Chili Cookoff ever happen? [more inside]
[6] See my show at 7pm! [6] See my show at 8:30! [6] See my show at 10:00!
IRL, performances: how many posts is reasonable for a single show with multiple performances? [more inside]
IRL launch is a go
Thanks everyone for trying out IRL during our alpha test and for
putting up with the awkward dual MeTa/IRL posts for a while. We're
ready to unveil new features and a new approach to meetups. [more inside]
IRL is here!
Today we're showing off the first (very early, alpha if you will) version of the new events subsite for MetaFilter we call IRL. [more inside]
Sing out, Louise! in Projects
Is it okay to post event-like things to Projects? [more inside]
Can I invite people to non-metafilter events?
I was wondering about the etiquette of inviting mefites to non-metafilter events. I'm not talking about concerts or art shows or anything where money is exchanged, and I'm not talking about I'm bored/drunk/lonely, wanna hang out? situations. Rather I'm talking about open events that require active participation like parties, writing workshops, or bike rides. Can I do that?
By the by, Chicago Mefites, Zephyr's ice cream is closing for good this Sunday and I'm organizing a bike ride to go pig out there.
By the by, Chicago Mefites, Zephyr's ice cream is closing for good this Sunday and I'm organizing a bike ride to go pig out there.
a little calendar of upcoming MetaFilter events
Sorry to be posting again so soon, but, pursuant to Smart Dalek's request, I've put together a little calendar of upcoming MetaFilter events in iCal format. Nothing too fancy, just me manually adding events to the calendar as I receive them. Nothing is on the calendar yet, so submit something, already. Details on subscribing to (if you use iCal on Mac OS X 10.2.1 or later) or viewing the calendar are here. Hope you like it.
Events and Categories
In a recent thread about events, dong_resin mentioned what I thought was a good idea. Basically, just add a category gatherings, or events to the category list.
On a side note, is it considered gauche to post a gathering or event request to MetaTalk? There were some people interested in a Seattle MeFi, but I think it got lost when it fell off the front page...
On a side note, is it considered gauche to post a gathering or event request to MetaTalk? There were some people interested in a Seattle MeFi, but I think it got lost when it fell off the front page...
Meetup Photos
Anybody attending one of the MeFi gatherings, how about posting some pictures?
Any update on the Ticket Stub project?
The Ticket Stub Project still looks like an excellent idea. Apart from the personal stories who wouldn't enjoy, for instance, capsule reviews written by fellow MeFis of concerts, plays, sports events, etc? Is there any chance of it taking off soon? Would each "ticket stub" capsule stand on its own or would there be comments and queries allowed? Is anybody else intrigued by this project?
MeFi Events?
While I'm aware that MeFi is not supposed to be our own personal mailing list/craigslist/singles bar/whatever, sometimes there's events that warrant attention by the MeFi community -- get togethers, SXSW coordination, etc. It might be nifty to have a MeFi Events section added to MetaTalk where if you were in some geographical area and wanted to host a gathering, or invite MeFiers to yours, you could post something [even a self-link!] there. What do you all think?
Events in the UK
Not able to offer site link yet but you know of any events in the Uk feel free to add them at www.centraluk.com