13 posts tagged with hosting.
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Moving Day!

This Saturday we are planning some downtime of about one hour some time around 10am Pacific. We'll put up a big banner across the top of the site tomorrow to give everyone an additional heads up and post updates to the status blog. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Mar 13, 2014 - 252 comments

No, my post is not about the Imageshack frog

What's the best way to link to a large image on Mefi? [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Aug 26, 2008 - 15 comments

How would I make MeFi greener?

I see there are "wind and solar powered" web hosts and I assume they just buy carbon and alternate energy credits because I doubt your site would stay up when it's dark and the wind isn't blowing. I saw Dreamhost described as a "carbon-neutral company" the other day. If I wanted to offset the energy required to power the mefi servers, how would I go about doing that? Just calculate hours in a day multiplied by the watt rating on the power supplies (as a worst-case scenario), then just buy alternate energy credits for that amount? (asking here because it's mefi related) [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jan 26, 2008 - 44 comments

policy on FPPs hosted on own site - self-links?

What is the proper way to FPP a fantastic audio link which is no longer available on the original site, but can be hosted on my own server? Does that make a self link even if it just an MP3 file download? Is there a third party service I should use?
posted by Funmonkey1 on Aug 25, 2006 - 4 comments

Metafilter is being "ripped" in its entirety and copied by a server running in China.


Metafilter is being "ripped" in its entirety and copied by a server running in China. Apparently this guy is hitting everyone and everything, copying entire sites and hosting them, but hotlinking to images. What he gains from this I don't know, but add his IP address to the firewall rules so he can't do this.

Some others he's doing this to include porn sites, antique sites, major searh engines, game companies...you name it, they've been duplicated and are paying for image bandwidth if a surfer his his copied version of your site.

I only pray that ebay can smite him:

posted by Kato on Apr 17, 2005 - 12 comments

Why does this redirect to Mefi?

Matt, have you ever heard of this out fit - www.sendbackliberty.us

The url takes you to this page...!!

Looks well fishy to me.
posted by dash_slot- on Sep 26, 2004 - 32 comments

So where are we with getting the server the hell outta Some Great Guy's closet

So where are we with getting the server the hell outta Some Great Guy's closet and into Some Proper Hosting Place? There's been talk of us stumping up, and that's fine by me. Especially if it means when I press the feed button of my cage I get good nourishing MeFi goodness, not "server refused the connection".

(filed under feature requests, although I'm not sure "works" is a feature)
posted by bonaldi on Mar 18, 2004 - 31 comments

When your webhost disappears

Akashik? I signed up a few months ago for hosting from these guys after seeing a MeFi textad. They have been down for over 24 hours now... Does anyone know a good place to go when your webhost disappears and they have no phone number and can't email them for help?
posted by VulcanMike on May 29, 2003 - 41 comments

Is this the way to do self-links?

This thread is interesting to me, because I've held off posting similar content, for fear of reprisal and bandwidth usage. Is there an appropriate way to post 'discovered' content without having the MeFi Hall Monitors yell "SELF LINK! SELF LINK!"?
posted by maniactown on Apr 24, 2003 - 47 comments

Web Hosting Question

Not really happy with Burlee, so I'm looking for a new web host. I've read the Web Hosting Talk forums - a bit too much "noise" there. (And yes, I've read this posting on Metatalk.)

Specially, I'm looking for a UNIX based host that will allow me to host several domains (including my weblog) with one account. (Separate domains/urls, no URL redirects, sub-domain forwarding, or other database tricks.) Not necessarily looking for a cheapie "unlimited bandwidth" type of host, just reliable and up-front (unlike Burlee).

So anyone care to offer another round of web hosting recommendations (or warnings)?
posted by jca on Apr 6, 2002 - 35 comments

So glad to be able to get here. Downtime?

So glad to be able to get here. Downtime? What happened?
posted by bjgeiger on Sep 8, 2001 - 4 comments

Self-promotional thread on web hosting

This is turning into some shameless promoting. People are promoting their own web hosting companies and from the comments they seem to know what they are doing is wrong...
posted by geoff. on Aug 23, 2001 - 8 comments

Web server services in the UK

I'd like to set-up my own web server (like in the previous thread) in the UK - does anyone know of any reasonably-priced services? Also, what equipment will I need? Can I use ColdFusion for a reasonable price or is it mega-expensive? (more inside)
posted by williamtry on Apr 21, 2001 - 9 comments

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