20 posts tagged with media and askme.
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We do more good than the Justice League
Another request to find a lost MeFi post
I am trying to find the MeFi post to a YouTube video that features a little girl singing. The video was processed by the video poster by taking several snippets of a little girl talking, squealing, screeching and clapping a pair of flip-flops together. The result was an absolutely endearing "song", with a little synthesizer thrown in. [more inside]
AskMe cited in Walrus article
This AskMe question about sad music was cited in an article in the May 2008 issue of the Walrus. [more inside]
Because having your questions answered by *one* know it all is so pre-AskMe.
Salon's Cary Tennis referred one of his questioning letter writers to AskMe for a discussion on sighing. So how long is until is it until Dear Abby and Ann Landers just start to tell their readers, "Get counselling, and read AskMe, dear."
Adventures on The Wheel of Consciousness
An Ask Metafilter comment of mine (this one) has been quoted in Jeff Warren’s new book The Head Trip: Adventures on The Wheel of Consciousness. Cool, eh? [more inside]
Pounding waves of colorful bands of creeps
Skot summarizes Ask Metafilter: "AskMe is often quite an amazing resource; it's made even more impressive by the fact that this 'community' of thousands of sun-deprived gripers frequently give good advice. Predictably, however, you have to wade through pounding waves of horrible bullshit to find it. And then, when you do find it, you have to sit there a moment and worry about the fact that this community—like all communities—is filled with a colorful band of assholes, half of whom hate the other half; a full two-thirds who are illiterate or insane; an unidentifiable portion who are basement-dwelling hate-wraiths; ten percent who are axe-grinding creeps, possibly with real axes; and your average random smattering of mean-spirited shitheads. But somewhere in there are some good answers! Usually." Great Scott!
Ear to the ground.
This is pretty cool.
AskMe mentionned in a Reddit post.
From a front-page post on Reddit this morning, here's a "Massive list of sites all self learners should know about" that includes a link to Ask Mefi, under "Questions"
Ask Metafilter mentioned in the Feb 2007 PCWorld
FYI: Ask Metafilter is mentioned on page 87 of the Feb 2007 edition of PCWorld magazine as one of the websites checked out for the best Answer Sites on the Web. (Yes I do subscribe to it, so you may now commence with the snarks. TIA)
AskMe is 2006 Site of the Year
ArtyPapers.com deems Ask Metafilter the 2006 "Site of the Year" (scroll down): "I dunno what magic concoction goes into cultivating a truly remarkable community but Matt Haughey, creator of several popular community-based sites does and Ask MetaFilter is one of the best."
Could an askme question about appearing in Borat be related to a lawsuit? (Answer: no)
Librarians love AskMe
The article that I wrote for Library Journal about Ask Metafilter is now online. It lost a wee bit in the editing process, but I'm pretty happy with it. MeFiBrarian Posse represent!
The NYT quotes from Askme
Weirdest mention of MeFi in the press
Weirdest mention of MeFi in the press: in a press release about advice for college students by a boardgame company. They googled, got Ask MetaFilter, and printed it. I have no idea why.
A question on AskMe on the 3rd and a really great answer in Slate on the 4th.
Interesting coincidence. A question on AskMe on the 3rd and a really great answer in Slate on the 4th.
Chicago Tribune selects AskMeFi one of 50 best web sites
Chicago Tribune selects AskMeFi one of 50 best web sites
Ask MeFi made Business Week's Best of the Web list for "Research"
I just realized today that Ask MeFi made Business Week's Best of the Web list for "Research" but I didn't notice in time to have everyone stuff the ballot box on public voting so we got last place. heh.
Mention in "Cool Tools"
Kevin Kelly does a great newsletter called Cool Tools where he normally reviews hard-to-find stuff and geek gadgets. Today he offered up a nice review of Ask MetaFilter. It's not on the site yet, so here's a screenshot from email. I thought it got to the heart of Ask MeFi pretty well, especially the part about reading it for questions you didn't know you wanted to know, but were dying to find out the answers to.
AskMe in Lifehacker
Lifehacker (another in the Gawker empire), has a roundup of askmefi threads. We're all on our best behavior, right?
Does Mark Morford read AskMe?