3 posts tagged with media by jessamyn.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

I can haz marketshare?

AskMe #4 in Q&A site visits in the US according to Hitwise. Download the rest of the doc + chart here. Interesting news but I must say I've never even heard of Answerbag.
posted by jessamyn on Mar 19, 2008 - 178 comments

Librarians love AskMe

The article that I wrote for Library Journal about Ask Metafilter is now online. It lost a wee bit in the editing process, but I'm pretty happy with it. MeFiBrarian Posse represent!
posted by jessamyn on Oct 16, 2006 - 30 comments

Library weblogs: some media hotness

Library weblogs are in the news this month in both the major librarian print publications: Library Journal [linked] and American Libraries [print only]. I have nothing special to say about this, but it's one more notch on the keyboard for webloggers.

[reg required, user: melvildewey@hotmail.com pass: librariansrule]
posted by jessamyn on Oct 2, 2001 - 1 comment

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