48 posts tagged with nyt.
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An Ode to the Tummlers
Mefi's Own Jessamyn is quoted in the New York Times in We Forgot About the Most Important Job on the Internet, an opinion piece by Mefi's Own Annalee Newitz. Jessamyn West, a librarian who was a moderator for 10 years at MetaFilter, said the job is like what Catskill entertainers of the mid-20th century called a tummler, “the person in the room who isn’t quite the M.C. but walks around and makes sure you’re doing OK.”
The Grey Chrone?
Metafilter emotional labor thread in the NYT.
new york times
There's an intriguing post up on the main page about a young fly fisher, but it's NYT, and anyone who spends more than an hour or so (not to mention weeks on end) on the Trump megathreads has safely exhausted their NYT article alotment. Those same threads are not very supportive of the idea of giving NYT money: what are we to do?
Did I miss something, or does this just confirm the death of print?
Has Metafilter actually gone the best part of a day without anyone posting an item regarding the editorial shake up at NYT yesterday? Maybe this is my "no one I know voted for Nixon" moment, but it took up about 50% of my Twitter feed for a few hours immediately following the announcement. On the other hand, this does seem like a topic that might be ripe for administrative deletion due to baggage overloading. Just wondering.
Certainly I'm not the only one who would find this pony useful
I would like to have something like (SLNYT) automatically inserted after SLNYT embedded links the way the the indicator is inserted for Youtube links. Sometimes posters do this themselves, often they don't. I realize that there is a preview window, but it would be nice to have something a little more conspicuous right next to the link. I only have access to a few NYT articles per month, and I want to use them as judiciously as possible. What do others think? Thanks for considering this!
Do you skip NYT links?
I just realized that I haven't read a NYT article in months because of their increasingly annoying paywall. I know that the paywall can be circumvented but I just don't bother anymore despite seeing lots of interesting links to NYT here on Mefi. How common is this around here (skipping NYT links)? Should NYT links be avoided?
No Comment
"The Web forum MetaFilter, for instance, which is known for a positive commenting flavor, depends on a 24/7 team of moderators. “People come to us all the time and say, ‘Here’s a problem with people behaving badly, we want a tech solution,’ ” says Paul Bausch, a MetaFilter developer. “We tell them that human problems require human judgment.” MetaFilter's own pb quoted in a New York Times Magazine piece on the evolution of online commentary.
jscalzi: we knew him when
They can drive you crazy, if you let them
The Times is tightening the rules.
Earlier this year there was a discussion of links to the NYT in which the fact that links from Metafilter were exempted from the paywall was given as a reason not to treat these links specially.
Such links are no longer exempted. Can we please start treating these as we do links to any other subscription-only source?
Another Buck For Sulzberger
The bottom link in this FPP leads to a New York Times article but is not identified as such. Clicking this link may possibly be counted as one of my 20 free articles per month. Should MetaFilter be identifying all NYT links?
AskMe = the ultimate Q&A site.
Any chance yesterdays NYT crossword could've been a nod to the Metafilter "." obit tradition?
Any chance yesterdays NYT crossword could've been a nod to the Metafilter "." obit tradition? [puzzle spoilers within] [more inside]
NYT registration wall, zarq's solution.
Zarq appears to have offered up a solution to the NYT registration wall in this thread. [more inside]
She's not the only taste maker, amirite?
NYT linked MeFi in their article "A Foodie With a Taste for the Surreal." It's about Thu Tran and Food Party, her brainchild. She's getting a show on IFC. [MeFi discussion] [more inside]
Down With DaShiv! Long Live DaShiv!
All hail DaShiv.
NY Times: "DaShiv is a star, an internationally famous portrait photographer". The article also mentions ThePinkSuperhero and some guy named Matthew Haughey.
"All-Stars of the Clever Riposte"
MeFi's own " All-Stars of the Clever Riposte"
I come not to praise Caesar
NYT Mag on Wikipedia as Breaking News Source. Three years ago, MeFi was the place this stuff went down, in my web at any rate. I miss it, and prefer MetaFilter's style of developing breaking news to Wikipedia's. But I understand the orientation that led Matt away from it, and God knows it's more efficient than reading through an entire thread in the blue to figure out where things stand as of the time you loaded the page. Posting this here seems more in tune than in the blue, yes?
New York Times mention of Metafilter
The New York Times bases an article almost entirely on a Metafilter thread.
Mathowie now a member of the "Gray Lady"?
It seems our fearless leader has a little New York Times thing going on in tommorow's paper.
Unless there's another Matthew Haughey who writes tech stuff.
NYT abortion article causes MeFi uproar, is largely retracted
This New York Times article generated voluminous ranting in the blue in this thread. Critical portions of the article have been revealed as being rather, uh, Rathergate-ish and have been retracted by the Times.
The NYT quotes from Askme
Are we not supposed to talk about i/p?
So are we not supposed to talk about Israel/Palestine at all now? this post was deleted, apparently because it was about the Israel/Palestine situation. It's a fairly straight-forward post to an NYT article. Is all news about the situation verboten or what?
NYT quoting MeFi without attribution
If anyone is interested, The New York Times is quoting Metafilter without attribution. They've got a story about young employees and blogging about work, and they've lifted some of Jessa Werner's comments in the FPP about her situation. Article here (it's on the second page).
NYT Viswanathan article mentions MeFi
MetaFilter cited in New York Times' article about Kaavya Viswanathan.
User Mentioned in NYT
Metafilter member Hoder, or as Laura Rozen puts it, the Iranian blog godfather, has an op-ed in the New York Times today: Democracy's Double Standard. Let's hear it for Hoder.
New York Times mention in article on Abramoff scandal
Metafilter mention and a quote from Matt in today's NYT article about comments at blogs in the wake of the Washington Post/Abramoff/comments episode.
#1 in the NYT
The NYT has given MeFi partial credit for popularizing Pac-Mondrian.
Tired of links to the NY Times on Metafilter? Then perhaps you'll enjoy this Gray Lady link to Metafilter here on the gray. They've given MeFi partial credit for popularizing Pac-Mondrian (even though ifjuly's link only got six comments.) [via Slashdot Games.]
Crafting Good Posts Part XXMCIV: labelling
Crafting Good Posts Part XXMCIV: labelling. Things to note when making a post: [QuickTime] = "this link has quicktime movie content," [NSFW] = "you may want to view this discretely," [NYT] = "this link requires a New York Times registration..."
What else do you wanna know up front? Let's go over it for our neoFites.
What else do you wanna know up front? Let's go over it for our neoFites.
NYT quotes AskMe - I think
Hey, doesn't the following quote from this article in today's NYT (reg. req., etc.) come from MeFi? Or AskMe? Searching isn't doing it for me.
"I like a lot of the names I see on spam e-mails because they're completely abstract, with little conception of culture or traditional sounds," said a posting by someone using the name Oissubke, a self-described fiction writer. "They jump out. They're memorable. They may not work for Grisham or Shakespeare, but they're ideal for my own writing style."
"I like a lot of the names I see on spam e-mails because they're completely abstract, with little conception of culture or traditional sounds," said a posting by someone using the name Oissubke, a self-described fiction writer. "They jump out. They're memorable. They may not work for Grisham or Shakespeare, but they're ideal for my own writing style."
No more NYT posts, please!
After the nth post to a new york times (nytimes.com) site that requires a subscription, which was easily circumvented via searching google news for 3 of the words in the quoted article text from the post, I'm wondering if we can do anything programmatically to solve this. Perhaps search through the posted links, and if nytimes comes up without a partner section of the link, put a small note in red on the preview screen. Or at least add this and the comments we've previously made about posting to low bandwidth sites to the posting guidelines.
MeFi in NYT
MeFi gets a brief (inaccurate) mention in the Times article the (not so) secret diary of a blogger today. "Any of the 171,151 members can nominate a link, but only those voted good enough by the others make it to the front page". Still, at least the author of the piece got his own weblog as part of the research.
Metafilter referred to in the New York Times (again)
For those of you who keep track of this sort of thing: another Mefi reference in today's NYT - page 2 (registration required)
They're onto us, and our random logins!
I don't know about you but it looks like the New York Times got wise to the NYT Random Login Generator which mr_crash_davis hipped us all to back in April. All of a sudden I got a log in prompt when I clicked on an article and all I'm getting now is an error message when I try to log on with it. And you?.
"A New Book Scratches At A Weblog Wound" (NYT)
(NYT) A New Book Scratches At A Weblog Wound
Should Bookblog, a project to collect 9/11-related blog entries (e.g. opinion on WoT events, not day-of reactions), exclude those veteran webloggers. Jason Kottke and others say no. I suppose I could have read a response on the Op-Ed page, but Ariel Sharon sent one in that week too. More here
Should Bookblog, a project to collect 9/11-related blog entries (e.g. opinion on WoT events, not day-of reactions), exclude those veteran webloggers. Jason Kottke and others say no. I suppose I could have read a response on the Op-Ed page, but Ariel Sharon sent one in that week too. More here
What should be done to separate rational differences of opinion from hateful propaganda?
According to Friedman of NYT, "thanks to the Internet and satellite TV, the world is being wired together technologically, but not socially, politically or culturally. We are now seeing and hearing one another faster and better, but with no corresponding improvement in our ability to learn from, or understand, one another. So integration, at this stage, is producing more anger than anything else. As the writer George Packer recently noted in The Times Magazine, 'In some ways, global satellite TV and Internet access have actually made the world a less understanding, less tolerant place.'" In some ways, I tend to agree. What can be done? What should be done to separate rational differences of opinion from hateful propaganda?
NYT registration generator
NYTfilter - is weblog technology here to stay?
NYTimes: Is Weblog Technology Here to Stay or Just Another Fad? You have to wonder how many times they can write the same damn article.
Online personality tests in NYT
The New York Times' Online Diary (scroll down to "I'm Paul!"): Online personality tests are a long-running Web "meme," or viral idea. No mention of MeFi, or how agonizing tests are, or ways to cure people's obsession with the danged things, but you can't have everything, I guess. [Login: metafi/metafi; pony not included.]
Chapter One of Lessig's The Future of Ideas is online
From an NYTimes review [login: metafi/metafi] of Lawrence Lessig's The Future of Ideas:
To casual Web surfers, it may hardly feel that the Internet has been trapped in an intellectual vise grip. ... Mind-expanding novelties -- like ''bloggers,'' which allow users to create instant public online diaries -- spring to life every other week.
To casual Web surfers, it may hardly feel that the Internet has been trapped in an intellectual vise grip. ... Mind-expanding novelties -- like ''bloggers,'' which allow users to create instant public online diaries -- spring to life every other week.
Collective usernames/passwords for free registration sites
NYT login info: metafilter/metafilter posted by o2b at 7:47 AM PST on December 3:
Perhaps it would help to have our collective usernames and passwords for free registration sites permanently posted somewhere - say on the sidebar?
Perhaps it would help to have our collective usernames and passwords for free registration sites permanently posted somewhere - say on the sidebar?
Is an article published a month ago in the NYTimes too old for the front page?
Statute of Limitations?. The discussion was quite good. It's a timeless topic, still will be relevant 500 years from now. BUT! And it's a big but: I read this article when it came out in the NY Times about a month ago. Can't you presume, correctly, that countless others read it then?
common un/pwd for nyt?
Another NY Times suggestion...
Opensewer has a publicly available login and password to view articles they think are of interest. Is this feasible for us? I know there haven't been a lot of NYTimes posts lately, and someone mentioned in a previous MetaTalk thread that NYT might crack down on group logins. But since channel.nytimes seems to be closed for the time being, is this a possibility? Something like login: Metafilter, pwd: A-list...
Opensewer has a publicly available login and password to view articles they think are of interest. Is this feasible for us? I know there haven't been a lot of NYTimes posts lately, and someone mentioned in a previous MetaTalk thread that NYT might crack down on group logins. But since channel.nytimes seems to be closed for the time being, is this a possibility? Something like login: Metafilter, pwd: A-list...
Matt's in the news
Rock-star Matt Haughey is in the news again (with gratuitous photo). This time, in a New York Times article on the Amazon honor system (penned by Ironminds' Andy Wang).
avoiding nyt registration page
Following up on a previous thread, I just posted something with a link to the NYTimes, and it apparently got filtered to channel.nytimes.com... which would be fine except that channel.nytimes.com is reachable. I tried to post a correction before I realized the filtering was at fault, and the correction got filtered too. Then Rebecca tried to post a working URL and hers also got filtered. Needless to say, this adds a lot of noise to the thread. I would vastly prefer the URL to remain to www.nytimes.com; perhaps the filter could instead follow up the post automatically with a link that says "if you want to avoid registration, try this link instead" with a link to channel, so that the content of the post isn't altered?
I wonder if the Times has closed the channel back door, or if the server's temporarily down?
I wonder if the Times has closed the channel back door, or if the server's temporarily down?
Links to NYT broken
Following up on an earlier thread in which, a while back, it was suggested that links to the NYT be automatically be switched to channel.nyt.com.
I posted a thread with a couple links to www.nyt.com in it. I had actually originally made the link to channel.nyt.com, but when I tested it it didn't work, so I made the switch back to the working www.nyt.com URL. (My guess is that channel doesn't work for links to special "sections" like the Book Review.) It looks like Matt put in the switch to channel, however, and now the links are broken. So this is (1) a heads-up about the problem to Matt, (2) a plea of "it's not my fault," and (3) a request to fix the links, if possible. Thanks.
I posted a thread with a couple links to www.nyt.com in it. I had actually originally made the link to channel.nyt.com, but when I tested it it didn't work, so I made the switch back to the working www.nyt.com URL. (My guess is that channel doesn't work for links to special "sections" like the Book Review.) It looks like Matt put in the switch to channel, however, and now the links are broken. So this is (1) a heads-up about the problem to Matt, (2) a plea of "it's not my fault," and (3) a request to fix the links, if possible. Thanks.