24 posts tagged with mefi and community.
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What have you done this decade that you're proud of?

I was reading through old favorites tonight and found this post and it's mooshy-happy.

I still haven't hit the daily limit for favorites. Is there one?

What have you done this decade that you're proud of?
posted by bendy on Feb 9, 2023 - 53 comments

Support and check in for trans, non-binary, pan and GQ people.

This week in the news sucked and it's been all too easy to lose sleep over it. How are you? (Hugs, headpats and venting inside.)
posted by loquacious on Oct 23, 2018 - 71 comments

Fig is awesome

I wanted to say thank you to Fig and to everyone who's signed up for the MeFi Card Club. I'm having bad day after bad day after bad day lately, but coming home to wonderful and goofy and sweet cards from MeFites has been making me so happy. [more inside]
posted by lazuli on Mar 22, 2018 - 29 comments

In celebration of mefi connections

I'd like to declare September 28th Reach Out to a New Mefite day. [more inside]
posted by ActionPopulated on Sep 28, 2016 - 27 comments

Humans can be drained of blood in 8.6s given adequate vacuuming systems

One of the nicer things about being a MeFite is exposure to new ideas and content we might never have otherwise encountered. I'm curious to know what life lessons and other bits of knowledge you've learned about the world thanks to MetaFilter. Please share!
posted by zarq on May 8, 2014 - 290 comments

Sometimes We Do Good

It shall be brought to MetaTalk's attention that This Thread Is Best Thread.
posted by The Whelk on Nov 13, 2012 - 148 comments

No, YOU'RE saying it wrong!

Iiamkimiam AKA Kim Witten has finally completed her exhaustive research effort in trying to document and determine How Mefites Pronounce Metafilter?
posted by The Whelk on Oct 2, 2012 - 86 comments

Sometimes, it's good to celebrate the wins

Bearing in mind how this AskMeFi query turned out in the end, is there a word, saying, acronym or something that means "A win for the MetaFilter community"? If not, could or should there be one?
posted by Wordshore on Oct 1, 2012 - 59 comments

Why MetaFilter is Awesome

Why MetaFilter is Awesome And Why the World Needs to Know [more inside]
posted by hat_eater on Jun 16, 2011 - 72 comments

MetaFilter Poll & Research Discussion Thread

Hi MeFites! This is the discussion thread for the MetaFilter Poll, appearing on the front page of MetaFilter, available for 5 days to logged-in site users. If you would like to take the poll, I would ask that you please do so BEFORE you read or participate in the discussion here. This is to help ensure that your responses to the poll questions are entirely your own decisions and are not influenced by the opinions of those participating in this thread. If you have already taken the poll or are not interested in taking the poll but would like to discuss it, please do so here. [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Mar 24, 2010 - 455 comments

"V" is for "Valiant"

Thank you to all those who have sent kind words to us - they really do help us stay tough. And thanks as a whole to the MeFi community, which has kept me entertained, interested and mentally functioning the past weeks as I lurked, learning new things and following the drama. Vivienne passed away in her sleep last night - I guess she was waiting to make one final point.
posted by bunnycup on Feb 17, 2009 - 170 comments

I read the news today, oh boy

The founder explains why he allows great freedom to the members. HerfDerfGuardianReader
posted by Sparx on Feb 28, 2008 - 39 comments

The evolution of online communities?

I'm looking for a post I read here — at least I think I did — concerning the natural evolution of online communities. The conclusion talked about population growth leading to divisive groups that clash with each other leading to the decline of the community... or something along those lines. [more inside]
posted by empyrean on Feb 12, 2008 - 20 comments

MeFi Baracks the vote.

This just in: Metafilter endorses Obama. [more inside]
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane on Feb 4, 2008 - 117 comments

Here is my case study of MeFi for an ecommunities class.

Some of you may remember that I've been working on a case study about MeFi for an ecommunities class. Well, as promised, here is my paper.

(As a reminder, this is NOT research.)
posted by nalihasan on Apr 23, 2005 - 49 comments

MeFi interferring with real life?

How many of you (if any) have had issues with MeFi interferring with real life? I use a pseudonym because way back in the dark ages of BBS's, I regularly indulged in flamewars and I ended up getting prankcalls at all hours and such. Now, I try not to get sucked into flamewars, but I have a feeling I'm still kind of a dick online, so I hang on to a pseudonym. How about you?
posted by keswick on Nov 15, 2004 - 54 comments

That was nice of you, but... (don't post my stuff to mefi)

I certainly appreciate the thought, and the enthusiasm, but when the time comes I'll buy a text ad like anyone else. I don't think of Metafilter as my personal billboard.
Matt, please kill the thread, or move it back here to "metafilter-related", as that's about as close to relevant to this site as my book is.
posted by dong_resin on May 12, 2004 - 50 comments

Dangers of group mentality?

Does anybody remember a link posted that referenced the dangers of group mentality? I've been looking for days now and its making me crazy that I can't find it. Thanks
posted by redhead on Mar 21, 2003 - 11 comments

Demographics of planet MeFi

Not so much a feature as a one-time feature. The thread on tort reform (quite entertaining and refreshingly civil, given the number of comments it spawned) left me surprised that so many MeFites are attorneys. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
But I often wonder about the demographics of planet MeFi.
Isn't there a simple way we could have a town census (a/s/l occupation etc. It would be mildly fascinating to have such info in our profiles as well, but maybe thats raising the veil too high.
posted by BentPenguin on Jan 3, 2003 - 43 comments

Anyone want to see my vacation slides?

On initial inspection, this post by y2karl appears to me more suited to his own weblog. For me it just doesn't seem to belong on the front page. It's long winded, with lots of "this" for the links. Yet it seems to work as well..? It seems to highlight a desire for the 'community' to exchange not only ideas and opinions but also experiences and holiday destinations....
Perhaps it's a 'bridge' of a post that signifies a new direction for MeFi?

posted by Frasermoo on Aug 9, 2002 - 67 comments

the best times at MetaFilter?

For newer members, including myself, what were the best times at MetaFilter? Any ‘I remember the good old days’ thoughts that you would like to share? Can we learn anything from this past? Is there any advise that the old guard would like to offer up to us rookies, by way of assuring that this community continues to thrive? We are listening, well I am anyway.
posted by RobertLoch on Feb 10, 2002 - 62 comments

We like to apologize.

We like to apologize.
posted by gluechunk on Dec 19, 2001 - 26 comments

Maybe YOU've seen it before

I'm bothered that some people seem to think they should control the content of this site to their liking.
posted by starvingartist on Jul 24, 2001 - 14 comments

Personal attacks reducing contributions

I just wanted to point out that I just finished writing a pretty thoughtful message in response to some of the comments in this thread, but decided, before I hit submit, that I really didn't feel up to the onslaught of personal attacks that I'd have to endure because of my opinion. So I pressed the backpage button instead.

Not that it matters, really. Maybe I'm just being thin-skinned. Some might say that if I felt strongly enough about my opinion, I'd be able to suffer the slings and arrows of the opposition. I dunno. In fact, I don't know if I even feel up to the kind of response this message is going to get.

But how many other MeFi users are doing the same as me? How many have just given up completely? This is how the blow-hards and the flame-warriors take over.
posted by crunchland on May 18, 2001 - 16 comments

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