21 posts tagged with requests.
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I... HAVE... THE POWER 🎨🖌️

Back in April, I made an in-depth post to the blue about OpenAI's DALL-E 2, an unbelievable new AI system that can generate hi-res artistic or photorealistic images of anything you can describe in just a few seconds. Now, after more than two months of waiting (and a comedy of errors), I've gained rare access to this amazing technology... and I'm passing the savings along to you! Post a text prompt you'd like DALL-E to generate in this thread, and I'll share the results! (Examples, conditions, and tips inside.) [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Jul 2, 2022 - 232 comments

Time for some thrilling heroics

Would it be possible to auto-add new Fanfare posts for specific shows to our "Recent Activity" page? [more inside]
posted by zarq on Aug 17, 2015 - 18 comments

Certainly I'm not the only one who would find this pony useful

I would like to have something like (SLNYT) automatically inserted after SLNYT embedded links the way the the indicator is inserted for Youtube links. Sometimes posters do this themselves, often they don't. I realize that there is a preview window, but it would be nice to have something a little more conspicuous right next to the link. I only have access to a few NYT articles per month, and I want to use them as judiciously as possible. What do others think? Thanks for considering this!
posted by Daddy-O on Dec 5, 2013 - 77 comments

Define "Interesting."

Pony Request: Additional Posts and Comments on the "Popular" page. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Feb 15, 2012 - 15 comments

MeFi Signs?

How about MeFi event promotional materials? [more inside]
posted by antgly on Feb 4, 2011 - 57 comments

Thread deletion marker pony request

I can haz pony filter: Some sort of live marker of deleted posts, perhaps in live preview, would be really nice. [more inside]
posted by goo on Mar 4, 2009 - 45 comments

Please delete a mistaken comment

I just posted a thoroughly incorrect comment in response to my own AskMe thread. Could an admin please remove it? It is at: http://ask.metafilter.com/102955/How-can-I-travel-between-continents-without-emitting-much-CO2#1492050
posted by sindark on Sep 29, 2008 - 2 comments

My New Pony's name is Gigs!

PonyFilter: MeMuGigs (and not just because it sounds funny), or, by extension, MeFiArts. [more inside]
posted by not_on_display on Jan 14, 2008 - 36 comments

No E-mail? No? Really? Why not?

Please to put an email in your profile? Most of us don't bite, really. Okay, sure - if your "persona" here is attack-nerd or something, and you're sure you'll get spammed with hate mail, leave it out, but if you're a regular user who likes to participate, can't you at least set up a throwaway webmail address (in gmail, for one, you can create a filter to forward your messages to your regular mail, and you won't even have to log in to your account to check if you have any new messages). more...
posted by taz on Jun 15, 2007 - 165 comments

PDF warnings

PDF warnings are always appreciated by me. Lack of a PDF warning is annoying. PDF seems so outdated and unnecessary.
posted by longsleeves on May 30, 2007 - 85 comments

Is it proper etiquette to request topics for FFPs?

Is it proper ettiquete to request topics for FFPs? I would like one on Ettore Majorana and also one on Federico García Lorca, the opera Ainadamar, deep song...
posted by bleary on Aug 19, 2006 - 18 comments

Pony: Lofi for AskMe, MeTa et al, too?

lofi.mefi works for the main Metafilter page, but not AskMe, MeTa, etc. More inside.
posted by blue_beetle on Jul 14, 2006 - 10 comments

Pony: front page +fave links

Any chance we can get a +fave link on the front page for each item, especially on the green? (I'm thinking Digg-style, AJAX based would be very pretty, though potentially too Web 2.0 for the likes of some Mefites...)
posted by disillusioned on Jul 4, 2006 - 26 comments

Pony: temporary comment editing

Temporary comment editing?
I'm sure this has been brought up before but......It would be nice to be able to edit one's comments for a short period after posting. Not for very long, obviously, but long enough to fix glaring errors or spelling mistakes.
posted by fenriq on Feb 3, 2006 - 78 comments

Pony Request: A MetaFilter FAQ whose answers are links to the relavent MetaTalk threads

Pony Request: A MetaFilter FAQ whose answers are links to the relavent MetaTalk threads that answer the question.

Many redundant questions keep coming up in MetaTalk and the responses are usually links to MetaTalk threads that will answer the question. Would it be possible to make a FAQ that points to the appropriate MetaTalk threads for these reoccurring questions? Maybe someone can go through MetaTalk once a week and add the questions and answers of things that shouldn't have to come up again.


Q. Some users have customized user pages, can I have a customized user page?

A: See here

posted by Mijo Bijo on Jan 29, 2006 - 16 comments

Consulting Wikipedia before posting to AskMe

Matt, can you please add Wikipedia to the list of places to check on the AskMe post a question page? A number of times, I've noticed perfectly cromulent answers were in there. In fact, I bet Mefites can suggest at least a couple other "check here first" sources.
posted by Plutor on May 27, 2005 - 25 comments

Death Valley is in bloom for the first time in decades.

Death Valley is in bloom for the first time in decades. It'd make an awesome FPP if someone puts some time into it. Alas, I have not the time. Take the idea and run with it, someone, please! [no more inside]
posted by five fresh fish on Mar 14, 2005 - 43 comments

Would you like to help out u.n. owen?

You all remember how u.n. owen was set to audition for Jeopardy a couple months back? Recall how a string of bad luck kept her from doing so?

Seems things are still bad for her. When I saw this post in AskMeFi I contacted her just to check in and see how things were going. She's in a bit of a bind and I hope it doesn't embarrass her, but I thought there might be a few MeFites with a little extra pocket cash. Anyone feeling altruistic? [Details inside]
posted by FlamingBore on Feb 28, 2005 - 150 comments

Simultaneous callout and feature request

posted by PrinceValium on Nov 17, 2004 - 16 comments

Pony: A MeFi This! link similar to Blogger's Blog This! feature

Feature request: a MeFi This! link similar to Blogger's Blog This! feature. The upside: easy to post. The downside: more FFPs on Metafilter. Good idea, or really bad?
posted by jasonsmall on Jan 28, 2002 - 31 comments

please delete all threads associated with my most recent long article

Matt, please delete all threads associated with my most recent long article to which I linked on my own site. I'm afraid I completely misjudged the audience here and it's clear that this was not an appropriate forum in which I should try to reveal feelings as personal and important as those were.
posted by Steven Den Beste on Aug 1, 2000 - 3 comments

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