28 posts tagged with voting.
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New Wiki Post for USA Voting Support
Using the information from several recent posts about how to support voter turnout in the upcoming U.S. Presidential election, I have created a VotingSupport page in Metafilter Wiki that lists specific organizations that work to educate and support voters. If you are looking for somewhere to volunteer, donate, or get help in voting, I hope you will take a look at this page. [more inside]
If you're in the US, vote Biden/Harris and get Trump out of office.
Hey. It's cortex. We don't usually do this sort of thing, but: this US election is a couple weeks away and is really important for the future of the US and for the world. We're four years into creeping authoritarianism and outright regressive bigotry from the President and the GOP. If you're in the US, it's really important that you vote Biden/Harris and get Trump the hell out of office. Vote early if you can. There's state-by-state voting information available from vote411 and Ballotpedia.
metafilter bandcamp recommendations?
Until midnight tonight Pacific time, bandcamp is donating their share of all purchases to the Voting Rights Project. Everyone I know is using this as an excuse to buy all those albums that were on their wishlist, and to recommend all their favorite bandcamp music for everyone else to buy. Can we do that here?
I wish I'd thought of this earlier, but there's still almost seven hours left in the sale...
Who's Runnin'?
Are you a Mefite who's running for elected office this year? Come on in and talk about it! [more inside]
Get Yer Voting Stories Here!
I was inspired by the grin that I see Hillary sporting lately, and how people's voting stories make me remember that this is an awesome historical moment, let's enjoy it! Share 'em when you cast 'em :) [more inside]
Remove voting from MeFi Projects
I think voting should be removed from MeFi Projects. What do others think? [more inside]
+1 or Thumbs Up buttons
I would like to request a feature to distinguish favorites (answers/posts I want to go back and read) vs "promotes" (ability to vote for a post/answer without adding a "nthing" comment). [more inside]
Looking for a MeFi comment
I remember reading a comment on why the standard recommendation of "voting with your wallet" if you want to see political and/or economic change is bad/bullshit/bogus (in the opinion of the poster). My MeFi-fu is failing me. Please help? [more inside]
I know, we aren't Digg. Or Yahoo Answers. Or Fluther. But I'm curious.
So I had this crazy idea while surfing the internet in my apartment with no other living soul except my cats who are currently attempting to bridge the gap between sleep and suspended animation. [more inside]
Oh shit, it's a walk-off!
Voted. Unvoted. Voted. Unvoted.
Not terribly important but: is there any way to reverse a vote in the projects page? [more inside]
How do I "up vote" an AskMe response?
Feature suggestion: some way to flag an AskMe response as "good" if you are not the OP. [more inside]
Voting for Podcast Music?
Would the admins (yes you kind folks) consider voting/nominations/suggestions for the featured songs for future podcasts? Just curious. (Prepared for a sound walloping.)
Project Voting
Curious: is it just me or has the number of votes cast in Projects dropped significantly over the last month or so? It seems like in the heady formative days you couldn't walk more than two feet without bumping into a project with 25+ votes. What's the bigger culprit: declining quality in posted projects, or declining visits to the Project page altogether?
Project Voting
Is there a quick and simple way to view all the projects I've ever voted for? I vaguely recall someone asking about votes in people's profiles ("...and voted for # projects") but I can't find it (or the answer)
Now that we have our favorites so nicely organized, I wanted to go back and find the projects I had previously voted for, because some of those were probably things I would also want to favorite.
I'm clicking all over the site (profile, projects, comments, favorites) and can't find what I want...
Now that we have our favorites so nicely organized, I wanted to go back and find the projects I had previously voted for, because some of those were probably things I would also want to favorite.
I'm clicking all over the site (profile, projects, comments, favorites) and can't find what I want...
Voting on Metafilter Projects?
Now that the contest is over, what is the point of having voting on Metafilter Projects? Anyone who wants to post the project to the front page can do so—no matter how many votes there are—and in most cases, having comments there instead of voting could provide the poster with valuable criticism and advice.
Is it just the worry that people will write mean things about the projects?
Is it just the worry that people will write mean things about the projects?
Projects Voting
In what order is the list of users who have voted for an individual post on the Projects site? It's not user number, it's not alphabetical, and it's not in the order of when users actually voted...
Mefi Projects: I know it's beta but I'm still unable to vote.
Mefi Projects: I know it's beta but I'm still unable to vote. This makes me sad.
Problem Voting on Projects
Can't vote on Metafilter Projects. No matter which browser I try (Opera, Firefox, IE, Mozilla) I cannot vote on any of the MeFi Projects. I get the following message: There was an error recording your vote. I've done the cookie-clearing logout/login and still get the same error.
I realize the section is still in beta so it's not a huge deal. I just wanted to give a heads up since several other people are having the same problem.
I realize the section is still in beta so it's not a huge deal. I just wanted to give a heads up since several other people are having the same problem.
Ask MeFi made Business Week's Best of the Web list for "Research"
I just realized today that Ask MeFi made Business Week's Best of the Web list for "Research" but I didn't notice in time to have everyone stuff the ballot box on public voting so we got last place. heh.
Vote-Banning Proposal
In light of the recent tragic events in AskMe, and on MeFi, I move that we enable some kind of vote-banning system, or just close new user signups altogether until inbreeding causes us to become one eyed, immune-system-less pedigree albinos.
is there any chance of getting a feature similar to the "Best Of"?
Not to be all like Craigslist or anything but is there any chance of getting a feature similar to the "Best Of"? (More inside)
US-centric voting reminder
So, there's the 'vote reminder' on the top of each and every thread then. That's fabulous, truely. It'd be nicer if it only displayed if a user's $location == 'USA'? I won't mention the amount of worthless VoteFilter posts it'll encourage...
Presidential election voter registration push
You have less than a week to register to vote in the US Presidental Election. Please take a moment to check out this voter information guide to help register. If you're already registered or don't live in the US, click here.
That's a great public service announcement, except there's one word wrong. It should be: "If you're already registered or don't vote in the US". Some people live in the US but can't vote, and some don't live in the US but can vote.
Also, I checked that link, since I live in France and want to vote, but it didn't help. There's a bunch of sites for registering, but most of them assume you live in the US. However, overseasvote2004 was very helpful (mentioned here). Help is useful, because it's all a bit complicated.
That's a great public service announcement, except there's one word wrong. It should be: "If you're already registered or don't vote in the US". Some people live in the US but can't vote, and some don't live in the US but can vote.
Also, I checked that link, since I live in France and want to vote, but it didn't help. There's a bunch of sites for registering, but most of them assume you live in the US. However, overseasvote2004 was very helpful (mentioned here). Help is useful, because it's all a bit complicated.
I'm proposing a voting method for taking FPP posts down in Mathowie's absence.
I'm proposing a voting method for taking FPP posts down in Mathowie's absence. Details inside...
I'm wanting to add the potential for positive voting on threads
So I'm wanting to add the potential for positive voting on threads, so people can vote [this is good] and then others can view the best stuff from the past few days. I'm having some issues with the display side of things though [more inside]
Thread of the Week
Idea: every week, each user gets to vote for one thread as Thread of the Week. Monday, the winning thread is linked in the sidebar. Occurred to me as I was reading the smoking thread, which I almost missed completely.
Let there be karma
A Karma (voting) system for thread quality coupled to a front page ranking/filtering method. Karma to be weighted by the degree of enlightenment of the voting MeFi (using join date as proxy). Selected MeFi luminaries accorded Budda status, capable of bestowing Big Karma. [more]