50 posts tagged with Deleted and moderation.
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Oh, come on

It's an interesting story in its own right. Its surface correspondence to the Palin rumors makes for a a good 'hook', which I used, but I don't think that makes the possible solving of a 260-year old mystery less interesting or worth reading about. The coincidence is amusing, but the post doesn't rest on that, and if anything it makes the post more fun. And it certainly doesn't belong in the existing Palin thread. [more inside]
posted by orthogonality on Sep 1, 2008 - 71 comments

Moderation ate my homework!

I'm not sure what happened to that gaming/game reviewing link that was just posted a few minutes ago, but after having just spent a decent amount of time transcribing some portion of a Zero Punctuation review, I'm hesitant to let the effort go to waste. [more inside]
posted by Slothrup on Apr 3, 2008 - 38 comments

Metafilter self-fashioning

Is there something more to this post that got it deleted? [more inside]
posted by synecdoche on Apr 3, 2008 - 41 comments

Mods vs White Lobster

This is an example of a double that should have been left alone. [more inside]
posted by wfrgms on Feb 13, 2008 - 34 comments

No snark here.

This post was flagged and the system worked as it usually does with cortex quite rightly deleting it. [more inside]
posted by Neiltupper on Jan 31, 2008 - 47 comments

BoC deletion reason?

Which guideline did the BoC post violate? [more inside]
posted by modernnomad on Nov 25, 2007 - 84 comments

Discussion Point

A post about how women experience street harassment has been deleted. The one about how the psychology of exhibitionist men remains. The grounds: This post was deleted for the following reason: one exhibitionism post per day is enough. This is linked in the thread just below this. Please don't use MetaFilter to forward your point from metatalk. -- jessamyn My point was to continue a discussion some people thought valuable from a previous thread deleted apparently because that post was poor. Just can't get the hang of this thing. Hey ho.
posted by jennydiski on Nov 16, 2007 - 1139 comments

My recent post was deleted and I'm going to bitch about it.

Deleted: It's obvious from the comments that almost no one read the linked sites. It's obvious that the mod that deleted my post didn't either. I didn't express an opinion within the post, but tried to objectively cite various viewpoints and facts. It was essentially a response to what is currently being reported on the major news outlets, pointing to several sites in connection to what is being reported in those broadcasts. I honestly have no opinion as to the cause of the fires, nor do I have any opinion regarding 'eco-terrorism', nor even on what George Carlin said. These ideas are being discussed on all news outlets. [more inside]
posted by sluglicker on Oct 25, 2007 - 60 comments


Curious why Poolio's first comment was deleted.
posted by sluglicker on Aug 16, 2007 - 91 comments


Strangely, my answer to this ridiculous question was favorited 17 times, then deleted. The answer was sincere, if not hyperbolic. Should I just email the admins directly next time I disagree with what I perceive to be out of control heavy-handed decimation? Thanks.
posted by four panels on Jul 31, 2007 - 240 comments


This post was deleted for the following reason: seen it. -- jessamyn Huh?
posted by homunculus on Jul 18, 2007 - 149 comments

What gives with the deletion?

"This post was deleted for the following reason: Wingers, wingnuts, wikipedia, wikipedia. I'm not sure where the quality content is supposed to be, here. -- cortex" Can we get a ruling on what constitutes "quality content" given the crap linked to in some of these posts? Or is it just that gossipy "outing" posts can only be made about Republicans?
posted by loquax on Jul 13, 2007 - 228 comments

whatever, techsters

Was there really a good reason why every post in this AskMe thread was deleted? Looking at the question, it looked as though the poster was looking for A) good tech news sites and B) whether it would be worth it to start one. Not my fault it turned into a fight.
posted by parmanparman on Jul 5, 2007 - 70 comments

Comment Wrongly Purged

Admins: you deleted the wrong comment. [mi]
posted by ijoshua on Mar 14, 2007 - 18 comments

This was definitely not chatfilter!

This was definitely not chatfilter! I am working on putting together a class about good and bad "radical" radio and want some listener opinion besides my own. Can we reinstate the question, please?
posted by parmanparman on Feb 9, 2007 - 16 comments

Why did you delete my post?

For the record, this was heard previously, but never (unless someone can correct me) seen. [more inside]
posted by kowalski on Jan 29, 2007 - 9 comments

Were these posts deleted?

Did posts from the askmefi queue thing get deleted? I just noticed a post I was going to look back at later wasn't there, it was posted through the ask mefi queue thing posted to projects a few days ago.

Any hints?
posted by arimathea on Jan 11, 2007 - 10 comments

Awesome list of music videos nixed

Hey, what's up with this? Did SCDB kidnap Matt's dog?
posted by monju_bosatsu on Dec 5, 2006 - 198 comments

OK, it was a link to a google search, but why delete??

Itchy trigger finger? I liked that post, and it seems like everyone else who posted did too -- no-one seemed to be snarking or complaining or asking for it to go. Sure, it's a link to a Google search, but an interesting one I hadn't thought of before. It was headed for a fun interweb memories thread... but then it was tragically taken from us. As an official Metafilter King, I would urge you to reconsider.
posted by reklaw on Sep 14, 2006 - 45 comments

Can anyone help me understand why this post was deleted?

Can anyone help me understand why this post was deleted? The admin note was a little cryptic (no offense). I've read the FAQ, as far as I can tell it doesn't fall under self linking, although it could perhaps kind of be considered a double posting or re-posting as it were. Anyway, it was a post I enjoyed originally, and I just wanted to point out to people that it was working again - didn't want to piss anybody off. Maybe stuff from MeFi Projects isn't supposed to be posted in the blue? Any input is appreciated.
posted by allkindsoftime on Aug 28, 2006 - 24 comments

AskMe posts deleted, not discussed

Some posts to AskMe about tailgating and driving etiquette were deleted from this thread. Discuss amongst yourselves...
posted by evil holiday magic on Jul 21, 2006 - 46 comments

Trying to kill the meme

posted by loquacious on May 28, 2006 - 67 comments

Historical engineering

If the admins are going to delete comments then at least delete any responses to those comments and the collateral damage. It has more finesse, although I guess it would take more time, but that's the price of historical engineering. Yes, it was my comment that was deleted. That's fine, I don't mind that at all, and I'm sorry for the mess.
posted by gsb on Mar 20, 2006 - 65 comments

Totally, totally different

This is not the same topic as this. This would be especially clear if you read the latter links.
posted by I Love Tacos on Jan 27, 2006 - 57 comments

Dead MeFi threads

How and under what circumstances do MeFi threads die or become deleted?

Perhaps this is an FAQ and someone can point out an existing answer, but a week or so ago, I posted a comment on a thread I found on the front page, and about an hour later found to be missing from the front page.

There is still a link to the thread in my personal comment history, but it seems otherwise publicly inaccessible.

Also, many of the comments in the thread indicated that the posters fully expected the thread to be deleted and that they were jockeying for "last post".

I've read most if not all the introductory matter here, but I don't remember seeing anything that covered this.
posted by hwestiii on Jan 25, 2006 - 37 comments

Where do deleted comments go?

Mommy, where do deleted comments go after they're deleted?
posted by ND¢ on Jan 13, 2006 - 17 comments

leave the metachat on metachat?

This seems like a pretty weak reason to delete a post, eh?
posted by monju_bosatsu on Aug 26, 2005 - 80 comments

So what was wrong with my answer to this question?

So what was wrong with my answer to this question?
posted by bh on Jun 10, 2005 - 29 comments

Link suddenly disappeared

I am baffled by the sudden disappearance of a link to 63days.com - I am unable to find it by searching MeFi either. I was not the original poster, but found the link fascinating and am confused about its removal. Anyone know about this?
posted by Uccellina on Apr 11, 2005 - 19 comments

Is this what MetaFilter is for?

I recently had an Ask MetaFilter comment deleted. The topic was Asperger syndrome, and why so many brilliant people had it. My comment went something like this:

Call it what you want.
Difficulty with mundane, linear tasks promotes lateral, creative thinking.
Poor social skills promote self-reliance.
Weakness becomes strength.

I don't agree with the deletion, but I can live with it.
The standard explanation for FPP deletion is: "This is not what MetaFilter is for."

But now you have an FPP with about sixty comments that debates how many five-year-olds you can maim or kill. Weapons are being mentioned. I understand this is supposed to be funny. I think this is not only not funny, but in extremely bad taste. Substitute "women" for "five-year-olds", and how long would this FPP last? Is this what MetaFilter is for? Matt?
posted by weapons-grade pandemonium on Mar 22, 2005 - 119 comments

reason for deletion?

I don't think deleting Metatalk threads asking to clarify the deletions of Ask Metafilter threads is good for the community. [+]
posted by azazello on Mar 9, 2005 - 55 comments

Actually I don't think this was his own website...

I don't think the site in this deleted thread belongs to the poster. The names don't match up, and neither do the writing styles. He just improperly quoted the phrase "The Goleta Air & Space Museum is just my web site." While not formatted very well, I think the link holds up to scrutiny.
posted by zsazsa on Feb 1, 2005 - 6 comments

I hate to ask why this was deleted, but...

Asking why a post was deleted has become trite and cliched recently, and I am hesitant to do so again so soon. And yet, here is a genuinely light-hearted humor post that's got some brilliant framing done by esch . . . and the deletion reason was 'um?'
posted by Ryvar on Nov 22, 2004 - 190 comments

It was SO not a double!

I posted this entry that was deleted because "previously." The linked entry did not contain the same link and was marginally about the same subject. What gives?
posted by bbrown on Aug 24, 2004 - 3 comments

Linking to someone's MT install? What?

really, matt, not all that difficult a problem to fix. especially when the first comment gave you a corrected link, and with the beginnings of a good debate already in place. tsk.
posted by quonsar on Aug 13, 2004 - 15 comments

Discretion in speech is more than eloquence.

Discretion in speech is more than eloquence. - Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)
posted by hama7 on Oct 4, 2003 - 24 comments

Fair is fair.

If you're gonna delete this, you better delete this. Fair is fair.
posted by RylandDotNet on Dec 3, 2002 - 46 comments

Why was this deleted?

Uh... why was this deleted? I can only assume, thanks to Grangousier's sarcastic comment, that it was deemed to be a dupe of this, but if that is the reason, someone needs to look again. While the original post was commenting on the removal of Ellen's ad from Apple's site (it's since come back), there have been no other posts about Ellen's ad and Ellen herself.

Apart from anything else, ripping articles from the front page without informing the poster and telling them why is not a good way to encourage new users to post good links. It's just demoralizing.
posted by Mwongozi on Nov 6, 2002 - 21 comments

Spooky. Senile? Deleted.

Pretty sure it wasn't a senior moment. Rather, I think I just had an Orwellian moment. What happened to the thread at www.metafilter.com/mefi/20692, regarding Kuwaiti opinions? It now says "...a non-existent post, or one that was deleted for various reasons."

posted by ZenMasterThis on Oct 10, 2002 - 54 comments

Given the chance to respond...

Why was this deleted before it even got off the ground [2 posts]?

Glen Reynolds' Instapundit links to a Meryl Yourish post countering a comment by our own mediareport. I tend to disagree with MR on the Middle East, but seeing as how MeFi is where he expresses himself, it seems appropriate he should have the opportunity to defend himself here.
(This is not an I/P thread, this is a meta-I/P thread. Be nice.)
posted by joemaller at 8:25 AM PST

I thought that joemaller had a good point giving mediareport - and other MeFites - the chance to respond.
posted by i_cola on Aug 6, 2002 - 34 comments

Why was Arafat photo deleted?

I think it's uncouth that the 'arafat' front page post was deleted. It was a photograph of a moment captured. Like any moment captured. Except it was explosive. Why must a candid photo of Yasser Arafat under siege be purged from Mefi's memory?
posted by crasspastor on Mar 31, 2002 - 24 comments

I haven't seen any double posts recently

Curious, as this is the only one I I've actually run across. It seems that double-posts have been very rare recently. Or have they just been getting caught that quickly?
posted by Su on Mar 5, 2002 - 12 comments

After deletion, still waiting 24 hours?

If a post is pulled because it is deemed inappropriate(I assume mine went because the subject matter was too close to one you don't wish discussed) are we still subject to the 24-hour rule? Just wondering.....
posted by bunnyfire on Feb 14, 2002 - 67 comments

"poof" unexpected, explanation demanded

What was the problem with the post about the soccer player giving the finger up? I was really surprised to see that one go "poof." It wasn't high art, but it didn't seem like it was out of line.
posted by NortonDC on Feb 7, 2002 - 3 comments

Was it something that I said?

I thought this post would be more appropriate in MetaTalk, and I mentioned that in comments, twice. Both comments are gone now. Was it something that I said?
posted by insomnyuk on Jan 8, 2002 - 8 comments

What happened to our questions to Osama?

Okay... what happened to the painfully funny and popular thread from earlier today that had us offering our own questions to Osama?

I don't normally ask... I attribute any missing thread to a well-deserved deletion by Matt. But I can't imagine what about the thread would have warranted a deletion.
posted by silusGROK on Oct 17, 2001 - 18 comments

Why was my post deleted? (Tom Gutting, City Sun)

Yea I want to know why you guys deleted my post. Some people get away with posting porn sites but I can't post a controversial thread that Tom Gutting wrote in the Houston City Sun. Geez who woulda thought!
posted by redhead on Oct 8, 2001 - 8 comments

Can someone educate me?

I don't think Bas67's recent deleted post linking to the Onion should have been deleted. I think that was good stuff. I was going to post the comment:

They should translate that text into the appropriate language(s), put it on leaflets, and drop it throughout Afganistan, Syria, Lebanon and the West Bank. It might make certain individuals think twice.

Was it really beyond the Pale? Can someone educate me? Or was it the material around the post on that page (which I didn't read)?
posted by ParisParamus on Oct 1, 2001 - 4 comments

Should I filter MetaFilter (asks mathowie)?

This thread sucks. The link doesn't jump down to the story, the subject matter isn't very funny or interesting, it's just stupid. The post is too long, the comments are pretty pointless. I would delete it, but it could create more trouble than it is worth. What should be done about sub-par links? Anything? Take the good with the bad?
posted by mathowie on Aug 29, 2001 - 25 comments

Is this the next All Your Base...?

Where did the post for "Is this the next All Your Base...?" go? Why did it leave? Sorry to sound paranoid, but with all the turmoil lately, I'm really curious about the disappearance of this seemingly innocuous post...

>> Zettai (formerly Wiremommy)
posted by Zettai on Apr 6, 2001 - 11 comments

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