46 posts tagged with delete.
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Deletion Trend Report?
With all the talk about deletions - justified, unjustified, excessive, etc. - it might be useful to see some kind of data or reporting on deletions.
Are the amount of deletions up over the past few years (certainly seem so)?
What kinds of comments are being deleted and what are the reasons for deletion?
It might be useful to get some broader sense from the community about whether or not the increased deletions are improving people's experiences as an asker, reader, commenter.
I could still have time to delete this
A formal proposal for allowing users to anonymize or delete their own posts and comments as part of the new site. [more inside]
Gang of Mods: [chanting] We are the mods! We are the mods!
New rule proposal: Moderators should not be able to moderate threads posted by themselves. [more inside]
(re)request: delete IRL
I have a proposed IRL event that never happened & I'd like an easier way to delete it than contacting the mods. This has been discussed before & I like the suggestion from that thread to add a "never happened" category, which was never implemented. Is this possible/desirable?
Meta Comment Deletion What Fors?
Starting this "me too" thread for anyone having their comments quixotically deleted from the main metafilter thread. [more inside]
Deleted Askme Post?
I was in the process of replying to an ask me post, that I don't think violated any guidelines. In the process of responding, a little notice popped up that it was deleted. I don't want to go into specifics as to what the post was about if the poster asked for it to be deleted. I'm just curious how often this happens and what the reason is. The broad strokes description was that the post was a complicated relationship/mental health question, and the poster seemed to be in a lot of distress. [more inside]
Deletion for minor issues
Everyone here is pretty big on some of the serious words not to use, but I think there has been some serious creep: when entire comments are being deleted because of the lack of a space between two words, which is not only far from being universal, but far from being common even in social justice spaces, I think there's a problem. It's one thing to delete comments for offensive words, but another thing entirely to delete them for offensive spacing. [more inside]
I Am Curious (Grey)
When posts are "bad" on Meta or AskMeta -- doubles, or inappropriate, or whatever -- they're deleted. When posts are "bad" here on MetaTalk -- like, questions that belong elsewhere, inappropriate posts like "can someone do a FPP about XYZ," and the like, they're closed instead of being deleted. My OCD is having trouble with this. So, why?
And what happens to bad posts on other parts of the site, like Jobs, Projects and Music?
Deleting Damascus
Pony Request: Delete Notifications
Sometimes, coming into a thread and seeing a comment a mod has made, there's confusion - it seems to have little relation to the comments immediately above it. Often, but not always, this means stuff has been deleted, but it's hard to tell. How hard would it be to implement delete notifications or a way to show that comments had been deleted in-thread? Is this a thing other people would find useful? [more inside]
How to delete your previous questions within AskMeFi
How to delete your previous questions within metafilter or AskMeFi? If you can't delete, why not and do they stay online forever?
It's like a second chance to avoid opening your mouth and removing all doubt.
What about an "on second thought, maybe it'd be better not to have said anything at all" window? [more inside]
the great day of deletions
I notice that a few posts have been deleted already today (and yesterday there were seven!), so I was wondering if the mods have any stories about days where they had to delete an extreme number of posts from the blue? [more inside]
Deleted comments discouraging. [more inside]
Deleting the thumbs down?
Please stop deleting my comments
In a thread apparently inspired by a comment I'd made elsewhere a few days ago, I have had a comment deleted. Hardly my first time, but what I don't understand is why mods delete comments presumably because they disagree with the content itself. I responded in-thread a few minutes ago, but Metatalk seems more appropriate. And I'm sure my in-thread comment has already been deleted. [more inside]
Lousy outrage filter
This is a lousy post and should be deleted. It's outrage filter and we don't have both sides of the story. Some of the links in the thread indicate that the blogger does not have a history of reliable behavior, so they may be nothing to be outraged about. I think it's bad policy to accept something apparently outrageous prima facie without delving into it further. If you can't find clarifying links, then don't post.
post delete (occupy metatalk)
October 26, 2011 1:33 AM Subscribe
Tear Gas is fired at Occupy Oakland(twitter hashtag search). NY Times live blog comments.
posted by Shit Parade (5 comments total) [!]
This post was deleted for the following reason: Metafilter is not a news site, and isn't the best spot for reporting every single new development on the OWS story; if OP or someone wants to work this news into a more in-depth MeFi sort of thing, that might work. -- taz [more inside]
Thread deletion reason, please.
This thread was deleted with the reason being "let's not". That reason is obtuse and may be difficult for some people to understand. Could we have a clear explanation of why the thread was deleted, please?
Yeah, I don't want to see that anymore.
How do I delete a contact? Difficulty: android. [more inside]
Taking one's 120 Crayolas and going home
What is MeFi's policy when people quit the site and want all their posts + comments deleted? [more inside]
Undelete could be an option
If I can turn off favorites, why can't I turn on deleted posts? [more inside]
How Can You Tell It's a Self-Link?
How do the admins determine that a fpp is a self-link? [more inside]
Open All Nite!
Mass deletions? 79140, 79144, 79147 and 79149 are all showing as having been deleted but none of them are closed for comments or given a reason for closure. Is my Greasemonkey broken or is your Blue broken?
please delete please please
Please, please abort this offensive, trolling post that links primarily to two, year-old NYT articles and is basically an editorial for eugenics.
Is MeFi music Creative Commons?
MeFi Music Uploading - Creative Commons license, please? Possible to replace or delete an uploaded song? [more inside]
deleted militarization thread
Not sure why the "Militarization of Consumer Companies" thread by five fresh fish was killed? [more inside]
When the cat's away the mice will SPAM.
Can we please have an automatic deletion and/or penalty box for posts that get flagged for breaking guidelines by many users at times when no mod is online? [more inside]
Let me google that for you
Should questions like this be deleted?
Why was my post removed?
Why did my post at AskMeFi about iTunes 7 get removed minutes after I posted it?
Deletion request
In this post, please delete the link to http://www.barnesreview.org/ from the text "What happened next is told in his own words". I didn't realize that the barnes review was a holocaust denier's journal.
Why was the candy bar question deleted?
So why was the AskMe thread "must I eat the whole candy bar" deleted?
agressive deleting while editing
While editing a comment, highlighting a word and hitting backspace deletes not the word, but the whole comment.
My lively Burning Man post was deleted?!
My burning man post was deleted because it was "an excuse to talk"? Admittedly, it wasn't the most stellar post, but a lively discussion ensued, and gee, I thought that's why we came here. Besides, any post that allows mefites to express their everlast hatred for "hippies" has got to be doing the community some good, no?
Where'd that comment go?
I could have sworn that somebody posted a link as a response to my question. Now that I have time to actually check it out, though, the link is gone. What gives? Bug? Gratuitous moderation? Anyone know what the link was?
Please delete me, let me goooooo
Please obliviate drakepool. He wants his metafilter output erased and his time here behind him. He can't communicate what he think anyway. He content to go back to laying his nonsense on his friends...
What happened to my MeFi question?
Earlier today I posted a question about MeFi (how to turn off background color) in the main Ask MeFi area, which appeared for a few minutes then vanished. Did it likely get moved somewhere else, or just censored? for being in the wrong place? for expressing (in mild terms) dislike of a Mefi feature (I can't see text on colored background). Or did it just vanish into the ether?
Call for deletion
and please also delete the "Delicious new open-source Pepsi Blue!" pseudo-question
Request for a mistake deletion from AskMe
Dear Matt: I made a boo boo. Delete this and let's make sure we never discuss it on AskMe. Thank you sir and have a good day.
It Vibrates
I will pay mathowie $10 (or more) to auto delete any post that contains "it vibrates". I'm 100% serious.
Dangerous comment, please delete
This isn't funny. Though I concede that the probability of anyone actually doing it is remote, the comment is nonetheless inappropriate.
This post on "The Steakhouse Incident" is really disgusting
Sweet Mother of Chupacabra. Why is this discussion not deleted alltogether?
"ferver" post should be deleted
Can you get rid of this "ferver" post? It's hurting my brain.
Should I filter MetaFilter (asks mathowie)?
This thread sucks. The link doesn't jump down to the story, the subject matter isn't very funny or interesting, it's just stupid. The post is too long, the comments are pretty pointless. I would delete it, but it could create more trouble than it is worth. What should be done about sub-par links? Anything? Take the good with the bad?