2 posts tagged with formatting by mathowie.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

Keystrokes for formatting goodness

I just added helpful keystrokes, ala Blogger, to the text areas in MetaFilter proper (coming soon here). You can now bold, italicize, and build links (my favorite) with a simple keystroke.

Unfortunately, it's IE 4+\Windows only, but if any enterprising javascripters can figure out a way to add html tags to textareas in Netscape, I'll be happy to implement it too.
posted by mathowie on Nov 23, 2000 - 22 comments

"How should I format the ticketstub site?" asked Mathowie?

How should the site be arranged and navigated? Personally, I want to see ticket stub stories of all kinds, and not have it bound to just rock concert show reviews. But that begs the question, should the first page you see have a list of entries by last posted? by category? (thinking generally here, like movies, concerts, etc), or list by author?

Since it's all in a database, the list can be any or all of them, depending on what the user wants to see, but I'm still wondering what the default arrangement should be.

What do you think?
posted by mathowie on Jun 3, 2000 - 6 comments

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