2 posts tagged with formatting by Shane.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.
Formatting with Blockquotes
Not a huge deal, probably previously discussed, a little nitpicky, but a useful reminder:
Proper use of blockquotes in posts. More inside.
Proper use of blockquotes in posts. More inside.
HTML breaks: bad form?
Are HTML breaks (br) bad form in a post?
This may be picky, but I'm a writerly-type. While I know a post is best as one paragraph, it's very tough for me to resist some type of break where grammar/common sense dictate a paragraph break should be. Still, I thought the above post was sloppy-looking or something when I actually saw it posted.
This is picky, but sometimes so are you : )
This may be picky, but I'm a writerly-type. While I know a post is best as one paragraph, it's very tough for me to resist some type of break where grammar/common sense dictate a paragraph break should be. Still, I thought the above post was sloppy-looking or something when I actually saw it posted.
This is picky, but sometimes so are you : )