48 posts tagged with recall and mefi.
Displaying 1 through 48 of 48. Subscribe:

a poster posted by a poster

I'm trying to track down a post about a poster. [more inside]
posted by emd3737 on Oct 19, 2008 - 7 comments

(Possibly) deleted posts and books that are too long for their own good.

Ok. So, lets get two things straight-
a) i am a looooong time lurker.
b) i have just finished reading Anantham by Neal Stephenson.
I distinctly (DISTINCTLY!!) remember reading a post about this book and its idea of quantum consciousness, but deliberately (DELIBERATELY!!!) avoided it due to a wish to avoid spoilers. [more inside]
posted by spongeboy on Oct 6, 2008 - 40 comments

SCIENCE! bags and tees

The website of the Mefite who made science! themed tees and bags? [more inside]
posted by Ugh on Jul 6, 2008 - 14 comments

I need crack.

At some point today, lost in the webs of metafilter, I came across a link to a page where a guy described seeing two men share a crack pipe then have sex with each other. There were photos too. I, ah, need to find it again. It's for a friend, I swear.
posted by twirlypen on Apr 22, 2008 - 74 comments

Looking for a post about new laws for liquor production

Please hope me find a post! It had to do with licensing liquor production on a small scale, home brew beer and micro breweries. I'm particularly interested in the new/ish laws. My search is FAIL. Thank you.
posted by snsranch on Apr 9, 2008 - 12 comments

Seeking an old post

Can anyone guide me to a post about USian education in which it was described how the POTUS met with business leaders to determine the course of public education in the U.S.? I think they were events that happened during or just after the industrial revolution.
posted by snsranch on Mar 11, 2008 - 19 comments

The evolution of online communities?

I'm looking for a post I read here — at least I think I did — concerning the natural evolution of online communities. The conclusion talked about population growth leading to divisive groups that clash with each other leading to the decline of the community... or something along those lines. [more inside]
posted by empyrean on Feb 12, 2008 - 20 comments

Help me find the post to my prayers!

Please help me find an old post! [more inside]
posted by janelikes on Dec 5, 2007 - 9 comments

That one post about sound guys and bands.

Searching for a post from a while ago (one year? two?) that was a list taken from a bathroom wall consisting of suggestions from sound-guys to band members. It was very snarky and brilliant. I've spent hours searching and have found nothing. I need it. bad.
posted by Baby_Balrog on Aug 3, 2007 - 10 comments

You sir, are a jerk.

Looking for a quote from Metafilter comments from less than a month ago. About calling a lawyer a jerk. I paraphrase badly: "If you think the defense is wrong then attack the defense. If you think the facts are wrong then argue the facts. If you've got nothing then call the other lawyer a jerk."
posted by uncanny hengeman on Jul 17, 2007 - 9 comments

Oops, I nuked you again

I remember reading a few years back on the blue a link about incidents of accidental criticality, or some similar title. The page was a list of all (unclassified?) incidents in US laboratory history where a critical mass of fissionable material was brought together in a lab and what happened. My Google-fu is failing me, in part I think because this predates titles and tags...
posted by Xoder on Jul 16, 2007 - 5 comments

Where's that great parody of askme-as-life-helper?

A while back someone posted to meta a great little parody of the sort of sequence of questions we're all familiar with where someone uses askme to help them through absolutely every stage of their life. Where is it? I can't seem to find.
posted by dmd on Jun 28, 2007 - 11 comments

Wasn't there a post about dry ice and ethenol equating to instantaneous drunkeness sometime in the last six months?

I recently got drunk with: a former professor and a chemistry major and claimed that: dry ice + ethanol === near instantaneous intoxication. Now that I'm mostly sober my Google fu fails to reveal evidence (in youtube + MeFi post form) to substantiate my claim. I'm 98.23% certain that I saw/learned this factoid on MeFi. Could some kind soul please help me? Confirm, deny, deride -- at the very least inform -- me. Just point, if so kind you would be, in the direction of the link - y. :-) Thanks.
posted by Grod on Jun 5, 2007 - 41 comments

Where is that post about the fake Aussie pop star?

I'll looking for a post from maybe a year or so back. It was about an Australian pop star who's father basically paid for his sons' stardom. It culminated is a concert where the son was booed off the stage and exposed as a fake. Does anyone remember this post?
posted by KevinSkomsvold on Apr 21, 2007 - 29 comments

searching for a post

A few weeks back someone posted a link to a Canadian (?) university team who could render 3d faces from a 2d image. Does anyone remember the url?
posted by twine42 on Feb 28, 2007 - 10 comments

What was that movie post?

I'm trying to find a post on the blue about a low-budget indie movie about the West Coast of the US after some sort of apocalypse. Various tag searches have turned up nada, I think it was last summer. It had quite a spooky documentary style trailer.
posted by Happy Dave on Feb 22, 2007 - 3 comments

Looking for an old post

I'm looking for an old post that was like a three link post to customized in-flight safety cards that described an office revolution back to garden of eden-esque... Have no clue how to find it..
posted by dobie on Feb 17, 2007 - 21 comments

Cheating woman thrashed on radio prank show

A while back there was a post of a radioshow pranking a cheating woman. The host built her up to think she was getting engaged, and then bought her crashing down with the news that her now ex boyfriend had found her out. I cant find it! Help!
posted by lemonfridge on Feb 14, 2007 - 26 comments

"I've seen defendants in criminal matters try to trademark their names..."

A while back, someone (i don't remember who) posted a response to a MeFi post (or an AskMeFi post?) that was treating the theme of Intellectual Property and trademarks. Can anyone help me find it?

The responder wrote something to the effect of: 'I'm a public defender, and I've seen defendants in criminal matters try to trademark their names, and then try to impose a fee on the court whenever the court calls the defendant to bar. Courts don't like this.'

I'd like to contact the responder for more details. I'm currently doing research into IP abuse (copyrighting material that is properly protected by trademark, trademarking non-trademarkable words & phrases, etc.), and this example sounded so unbelievable and so on point.

I must have searched the blue like 20 times for this post. I'm sure I've searched the green a similar amount. How can I find a response from a poster I don't recall, on a forum which escapes my memory? Help me Obi-Wan MetaTalk . . . You're my only hope!
posted by deejay jaydee on Dec 4, 2006 - 22 comments

Japanese look and hip-hop imagery. Remember?

I'm trying to remember a post that was on the blue. It was a japanese artist who's pictures combine a traditional japanese look with hip hop imagery. For example, one picture was a group of samurai hanging around a low rider with a dragon painted on the side. Does anyone remember that?
posted by Shanachie on Dec 4, 2006 - 3 comments

Recall: Peer pressure in place of restrictive laws

Does anyone remember a Mefi comment that touches on the idea that today's "social conformity/peer pressure" has taken the place of yesteryear's freedom restricting laws? I think it was posted during the summer.
posted by Clementines4ever on Nov 30, 2006 - 6 comments

Post recall: standarized test scores by state

Looking for a link that was posted somewhere on the blue...

In connection with this Ask post, I am looking for a site that was linked on MetaFilter a few months ago that allowed you to search standardized test scores by high school or by state. standardized test -election -president failed me. As did a del.icio.us search. As did various Google searches. Help would be appreciated and repaid in golden thoughts made of the finest silks which are gold.
posted by panoptican on Jun 8, 2006 - 9 comments

It was (I think) a coffee table book.

I'm looking for something I think I first saw in the blue. It was (I think) a coffee table book. The book had lots of pictures of found situations and described the situations as an anthropologist might describe observing humans. The one picture that sticks out in my mind is a bicycle leaned against a sign described as something like "We use objects in our environment to keep others from falling down." I think it was supposed to be about design or usability.
posted by ontic on May 6, 2006 - 4 comments

Sketchbook sent around to artists thread...

SWM looking for a thread which features a sketchbook sent around to various artists, possibly from Canada.
posted by Homeskillet Freshy Fresh on Feb 2, 2006 - 11 comments

Do you remember the book about coincidences?

I saw something in the blue, sometime in the last 6 months, which was maybe a book about "real" coincidences and at some point it stated the frequency with which they occur. I've googled and googled to no avail. Anyone remember this? One of them had to do with 9/11, I think, and one of them had to do with a guy in a motel room getting a phone call on misdial but it was actually intended for him or something and maybe saved someone's life?
posted by unknowncommand on Dec 3, 2005 - 6 comments

GIF/PNG converter?

There was a post a few months ago about an online text to gif/png converter. I think it was deleted. Does anyone remember the address to that site?
posted by greasy_skillet on Dec 1, 2005 - 16 comments

"and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do"

Not that long ago (within the last month; two months at most) there was a link to a comment made by an advisor to the Bush administration that went somewhere along the lines of "we are the makers of history, and we will be judged by a future of our making." I can't find it. Does this ring a bell for anyone?
posted by ori on Nov 30, 2005 - 8 comments

Looking for old FPP on networked cameras

Need help finding an old FPP. New search feature not very helpful...
posted by j.p. Hung on Nov 30, 2005 - 5 comments

Illustrated architecture book post

Quite some time ago there was a FPP about a book, written in either Italian or Latin, that was heavily illustrated with fanstatic architecture that often had an erotic element. I've done several searches of the archives, but have come up blank. Does anyone else remember the post, or am I imagining it? Thanks
posted by Quip on Nov 16, 2005 - 6 comments

There is a chance I read about it outside MeFi, but stilll...

I don't know if this is appropriate or not, but I could swear I read about this on metafilter a few days ago, and now I can't find a link anywhere. It was an article about the new AP service, where in addition to the actual news story, they will also provide several different lead-in paragraphs, which alter the story mood to cater to a given audience. Could someone help me track the reference down? There is a chance I read about it outside MeFi, but stilll...

posted by blindcarboncopy on Jul 13, 2005 - 2 comments

Trying to find an old post

I'm trying to find a thread about a guy who was asked to write a paper for a college student, which he does filling it with horrible errors. My search has turned up nothing. Can anyone hook me up?
posted by dial-tone on Jun 29, 2005 - 12 comments

Help me find the flash site with the Coltrane score!

Help me find the flash site with the Coltrane score! It was posted in the blue maybe 3-4 months ago, and the visual was of a highrise being constructed, IIRC.

Apologies if this belonged in AskMe, but it IS Metafilter-related.
posted by aberrant on May 20, 2005 - 10 comments

Guy with server inside his body?

I've been trying to track down a post about a guy who had a server (from which he was hosting his site) inside his body. Does anyone remember this or have I just gone mental and imagined the whole thing?
posted by fizz-ed on Apr 14, 2005 - 4 comments

Biography based on previous comments

I recall a while back someone posted a sort of biography of another MeFi member using information gleaned from that person's comments and posts. Anyone remember that/have a link?
posted by mindless progress on Dec 3, 2004 - 26 comments

looking for a link - John Kerry being grilled

Right around the Democratic Primaries, I followed a link I saw here to an article about John Kerry, where he was grilled for a while by Dem-friendly (but anti Iraq war) journalists about why he cast a vote for the resolution that gave Bush the power to go to war. I can't find this now. Can anyone help?
posted by namespan on Aug 18, 2004 - 4 comments

Hanger balancing flash game

There was a flash game posted last year on Mefi involving balancing hangers against each other, while hanging elements like birdhouses and sponges off some of them. I've tired google-fu to no avail. Does anyone remember the link? Thanks in advance!
posted by phyrewerx on Jul 12, 2004 - 11 comments

Weird little floating talking ball and a dreary life

I'm looking for a series of flash movies linked on Mefi dealing with a guy talking about dreary life, and his weird little floating and talking ball. It's probably nothing like what I've described, but can anybody point me in the right direction anyway?
posted by ashbury on May 15, 2004 - 13 comments

Why did you AskMe?

Memoryfilter? Since everyone else is doing it, I guess I'll ask: why is it that you need to ask other people if they remember that song/commercial/movie/cartoon/book/whatever? We all forget titles and names constantly. When/why do you make the decision to turn to AskMe for help? Do these questions pop up for specific reasons? Something other than "this has been driving me crazy?" No one ever says why they're trying to recall XYZ. Nostalgia? Checking to see if you dreamt it? What?
posted by scarabic on May 11, 2004 - 19 comments

Does Matt remove posts from the archives?

Does Matt remove posts from the archives? I've been trying to find a couple of old threads from a few months ago, a link about the whilstler devices that people are putting in the tailpipes of thier cars and an interview with a guy that had one in his car. I've searched thru the archives post by post and used the search but it seems to have disappeared. Is it possible that it has been dumped for some reason? Is this common? I cant even seem to find the post from earlier this month that had the old GI Joe PSA. What's up Matt?
posted by daHIFI on Aug 27, 2003 - 6 comments

Trying to find an old MeFi thread on benevolent lender

I've been trying unsuccessfully to find an old MeFi thread about a guy who provides financial assistance to needy requestors facing large, one-time unexpected expenses. I'm sorry to ask in a forum such as this, but I was hoping for help finding the thread...
posted by quasistoic on Apr 14, 2003 - 3 comments

Dangers of group mentality?

Does anybody remember a link posted that referenced the dangers of group mentality? I've been looking for days now and its making me crazy that I can't find it. Thanks
posted by redhead on Mar 21, 2003 - 11 comments

Looking for a winamp plugin that gives recommendations

Sorry no link. In a discussion a couple of months ago there was mention of a winamp plugin that would recommend music based on the tracks that you were listening to. I can't find the thread that mentioned this or anything on google. Does anyone remember this? Can anyone post a link?
posted by kookywon on Mar 4, 2003 - 12 comments

How to get help finding a link?

I hope this isn't a stupid question, and I have checked the FAQ, but.... is there any polite way to ask for help locating a link that was posted in the comments of a thread? I remember reading the link, but not the original thread it was in, and would like to return to the link to print it and use in class. Is there some way to ask the general readership to help me find the thread? I have Googled, I have searched MetaFilter....no avail. Sorry if this is silly.
posted by oflinkey on Jan 5, 2003 - 35 comments

free demo- and psychographics for your zip code

Marketing, demographics, psychographics, no matter what key-word I try I can't seem to find the post I'm searching for. It was a link to two different sites that provided free demo- and psychographics for your zip code. I seem to remember seeing it on MeFi about a year ago, sometime between November and this Febuary. Anyone remember this, or am I imagining things?
posted by Grod on Oct 22, 2002 - 4 comments

Supposed Taliban BMP getting blown up by US forces thread

A few months ago there was a thread which discussed the famous hoax image of a supposed Taliban BMP getting blown up by US forces. Someone who should really know better just sent me this photo, essentially saying Go USA!, and I'm trying to find that thread to gently explain that it's untrue. I've tried a bunch of searches and couldn't find it. Does anyone remember the thread or have any information on the image?
posted by Karl on Feb 15, 2002 - 13 comments

pancake posts mostly deleted; but I want the one with the bunny

I was just running a search on the word "pancake" (stop glaring at me, I was looking for the URL for the bunny!), and the first hit at the top of the list was the complete "Schizophrenics make the best web sites" front-page post. In fact, half the posts it pulled up are threads that have been yanked.

Including the one with the little bunny. So I still the URL to that too, plz, if anyone remembers it. Please, no kittens.
posted by aaron on Feb 7, 2002 - 12 comments

Better than Google Images?

Help: can anybody point me to the thread where they discussed various image-search engines better than google's? I think the original post was about one that used some sort of fuzzy logic system instead of just keywords.
posted by signal on Nov 6, 2001 - 5 comments

Where's that spring-loaded running shoes post?

Am I just stupid? Neither the MeFi Search nor Google's site-specific search are yielding the thread on the russian spring-loaded running shoes that help you go thirty miles an hour.

Did I just imagine that they exist? Or can someone else find that thread?
posted by anildash on Jul 26, 2001 - 2 comments

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