32 posts tagged with schmoopy.
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Thank you!!!
My dearest mefites: back in August, I asked for the favor of encouragement from the community to get through a difficult exam. I’m so pleased to report that I PASSED STEP 2 CS! I get to graduate from medical school this December! [more inside]
A favor from the community
Hello, mefites. I could use a favor: messages of encouragement. Details inside. [more inside]
Thanks, Women’s World Cup Watching Team!!
So, I’ve spent most of my life as a non-sport(s)-watching kind of person, and I’m a little bemused by my late-sprouting interest in football (aka “soccer” or ”assoc”). Anyway, I want to thank the FanFare Football Club for being the best group I can imagine watching a sporting event with, especially one so full of excitement, drama, disappointment, and fun as the 2019 Women’s World Cup. Y’all are great.
Tell Me Something Good....
I've had kind of a hard week, and, this weekend, I'd like to hear some stories of positive MetaFilter interactions. So please, speak to me of kindnesses and humor from other MeFites, onsite and off. Comments that buoyed your spirits, interactions that made the murky clear, friendships made and expanded. I could use a little schmoopy right now.
So, 10 Years Ago...
...Kattullus gave me a membership as a Yule gift, apparently out of grave doubts that I would never get around to it on my own. This is my 10th Longest Night of the Year with all of you, and I just wanted to say thanks for all the posts, comments, retorts, favorites, flags, mod deletions, card clubs, meet ups, memails, and general hijinx. You’ve made my life richer.
Support and check in for trans, non-binary, pan and GQ people.
This week in the news sucked and it's been all too easy to lose sleep over it. How are you? (Hugs, headpats and venting inside.)
Let's have a Love-In!
In the face of all the negativity and despair, let's have a little space just for love (I've been told it's all we need). Feel free to share your favourite quote, song lyric, poem, anecdote or thought about love, or let us know what you love most in the world - people, pets, hobbies, MetaFilter, gin, whatever. Leave the hate outside, bring the love.
2015 secret quonsar: sign ups are open!
It's secret quonsar time again! Participants will find out who they have drawn on Thursday, November 12, and the gift send by (or on) date is Tuesday, December 1*. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Tuesday, November 10. The spending guideline: $10-20. [more inside]
Schmoopy from my eyeball!
Shout out to askmefi! I didn't even need to ask though. This afternoon at 4:00, my eye started acting strange (like I'd looked at a bright light and the spot wouldn't go away) and I thought, eh, maybe I'll google it or call the doctor on Monday. It's going to storm tomorrow, so New Orleans Trick or Treating has been moved to today so I have to take my little kid trick or treating and finish my teenager's Manos Hand of Fate costume. I didn't really know what to google so I thought maybe I'd ask metafilter. I didn't even pull out my phone - I knew all the answers would be "Are you insane, it's your eyesight you imbecile!" [more inside]
Planning for secret quonsar: 2015 edition
If it's October, it's time to plan for this year's secret quonsar swap! The secret quonsar swap is - for the uninitiated - our holiday-adjacent wintery gift exchange (Read About it on the Wiki). Let's talk details! [more inside]
I believe the gift for this anniversary is unobtanium
Congratulations to byanyothername and to MetaFilter on the occasion of the 150,000th post. Previously.
secret quonsar 2014: signups are now open
It's secret quonsar time again! Participants will find out who they have drawn on Wednesday, November 12, and the send by (or on) date is Monday, December 1*. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Monday, November 10. The spending guideline: $10-20. [more inside]
secret quonsar: planning time!
Presents are fun... so let's plan for this year's secret quonsar swap! The secret quonsar swap is - for the uninitiated - our holiday-adjacent wintery gift exchange. Read About it on the Wiki. We need to settle one key question before we start to swapping. [more inside]
Dealing from the deck of awesome
Ok, so a couple of weeks ago I posted a couple of IRL posts pointing out that I wanted to meet Mefites on a loosely-defined 'New England vacation'. Holy shit, guys! [more inside]
Secret quonsar 2013: Relatively Earlier This Year!
It's secret quonsar time again! The randomized draw will be on Friday, November 22, and the send by (or on) date is Saturday, December 7. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Wednesday, November 20. The spending guideline: $10-20. [more inside]
Callout of all callouts
I'm calling you all out, all of you. [more inside]
We were all eleven. Well. Most of us.
This AskMe thread is just fantastic. A not-simple question with so many great, empathetic, caring suggestions from people who were at one point up a similar creek trying to fashion any sort of paddle. POSITIVE THREAD CALLOUT. EVERYBODY HUG.
Secret quonsar 2011 roundup
It's Secret quonsar Roundup Time! We're trying to make sure everyone gets their gift this year. Please check your email and respond if you have an email from us. If you have any questions talk to us Meanwhile, we thought we'd share some fun statistics and next steps. [more inside]
secret quonsar 2011: Signups are Open!
It's secret quonsar time again! The randomized draw will be on American Thanksgiving, November 24, and the send by date is Monday, December 5. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Tuesday, November 22. Spending Limit: $15. Note: We are doing things a bit differently this year. [more inside]
Thank you for existing, and for Ask's habit of suggesting therapy.
I decided to take the common advice AskMeFi gives and seek therapy (again) to get my SSRI's changed. [more inside]
I feel the need to schmoopy. Thank you, MeFi, for being there for me during the hard times. And the less hard times, but who needs praise for sticking around when things are easy, eh? [more inside]
Over 10,000!
Good morning, MetaFilter. At some point in the last twelve hours, I received my 10,000th favorite. [more inside]
Just sayin', you're all pretty bitchin'
Can't hold back the schmoopy much longer. [more inside]
Thank You Secret Quonsar!
I would like to thank my Secret Quonsar and invite others to as well and bask in the schmoopy. [more inside]
thanks, mathowie, mods, and netizens of metafilter. [more inside]
secret quonsar 2010: Signups Are Open!
It's secret quonsar time again, but this year we're doing it in two flavors: Anyone/Anywhere and [My Country Only]. The randomized draw will be on American Thanksgiving, November 25, and the send by date is Tuesday, December 6. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on November 24. Spending Limit: $15. [more inside]
Secret Quonsar: The run-up, the run-down, and general preparation (2010)
It's that time of year again! For the past several years, we've enjoyed swapping gifts in a secret Quonsar swap. I'll be organizing it this year (with the help of Indigo Rain, last year's organizer) My goal is to open signups on November 15, and do the ceremonial giftee random draw on (American) Thanksgiving Day, which is November 25th. Before we open the floodgates to this year's Secret Quonsar, there is one outstanding issue we need to resolve. [more inside]
Married to the Mefi
A little shmoopy for y'all [more inside]
Reverse call out with a half twist
Rory Marinich was a great sport about the Toy Story 3 duplicate threads. [more inside]
I'm Avoiding SXSW Traffic. How are you?
Shmoopy... because we need it. [more inside]
Thank you Metafilter
Thank you MetaFilter [more inside]
So long, and thanks for all the fishpants.
So long, and thanks for all the fishpants. [more inside]