13 posts tagged with Askme and posts.
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Metatalktail Hour: Unrequited Ask

From Bklyn wants to know, "How about questions you have asked in ask-me, but never got an answer to? Either because no one knew or you didn't formulate your question right - and maybe later you found out the answer?" [more inside]
posted by taz on Apr 4, 2021 - 61 comments

2012 Datawankery

Some 2012 datawankery, courtesy of the infodumpster.... [more inside]
posted by zarq on Jan 4, 2013 - 117 comments

Some posts stay, some posts go, who knows...

I'm a tad confused. Do all AskMe's have to involve solvable problems, and not random questions to be answered? [more inside]
posted by sixcolors on Mar 23, 2009 - 24 comments

Can we revive older Askme posts?

What is the policy on reviving or revisiting (with changes) older Askme threads that lack a clear resolution? [more inside]
posted by digitalprimate on Feb 24, 2009 - 17 comments

The odometer rolls over

AskMe had question #100,000 asked earlier today by jb. Congratulations!
posted by dw on Aug 24, 2008 - 24 comments

Help me find an FPP about swarms of birds that darken the sky

A while back (more than 2 months, less than a year) I remember an FPP that linked to a few short films of birds swarming in the sky in giant flocks that nearly darkened the sky. Might have been somewhere in the Netherlands but I recall it being an annual event. The swarming activity made for amazing patterns in the sky. I don't think this was just in my dreams but can't find it through any searches of the site. Can anyone help?
posted by otherwordlyglow on Jan 11, 2007 - 7 comments

My AskMefi question was deleted.

My AskMefi question was deleted. How do I discover why? Is there a deleted AskMefi graveyard?
posted by joe lisboa on Jun 12, 2006 - 72 comments

AskMe posting descriptions could be clearer

When posting to AskMe there is some confusion on the descriptions of the text boxes. I copied the italicized text from the "Preview Your Question" AskMe posting page.

Below the "Your question" box the text reads:
This will be the "more inside" area where you explain additional details about the question if necessary. If you use this space, don't write "more inside" to the question area, it will automatically be added for you.

Then below the "Extended explanation" box is something similar:
(optional) This will be the "more inside" area where you explain the question fully if necessary and remember there is no need to write "more inside" .....

I found this a little confusing and repetitive. I know that the top box is what would be a FPP, but maybe this could be phrased better? Is the text below the top box supposed to introduce/explain the second box? Of course, I posted a question so now I can't get back to the original "Post a new question" page to see if that is how this is written there.
posted by clgregor on Nov 13, 2005 - 2 comments

Live preview for posting to MeFi and MeTa?

How's about getting Live Preview for posting new FPPs on MeFi and MeTa? I think it would be even more useful there than it is for comments.
posted by skoosh on Aug 28, 2005 - 6 comments

Bug in AskMe posting?

I tried to post a question in AskMe, but it wouldn't show up. When I tried to post again, it said: sorry, you already asked a question this week. Catch 22, or is there a delay in question posting that I'm not aware of?
posted by NekulturnY on Jul 15, 2005 - 304 comments

Invasion of Privacy in AskMe?

posted by cribcage on Jun 12, 2005 - 43 comments

subscribe to the comment threads

So, I'm addicted to Ask, aka the green.

What I really want to do is subscribe to the comment threads - when a new post occurs, I want someone to run into my office (my home, my bedroom, whatever) and shout up and down the answer is here. Or there was a followup question. (6 new) just doesn't help - especially if a thread a scrolled off page.

Or it could be a little link on the homepage (customized for me for threads I'm watching/participating in.)
posted by filmgeek on Nov 11, 2004 - 3 comments

the real helpful folks

On our inividual profile pages, it says how many times we've posted to MetaFilter and MetaTalk, but it doesn't yet mention AskMeta. That way we know who the real helpful folks are.
posted by answergrape on Jan 9, 2004 - 39 comments

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