26 posts tagged with Blogger.
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Happy significant numerical birthday, PB

PB celebrates his birthday today, as indicated by a tweet from mathowie... [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Aug 30, 2013 - 74 comments

How Blogger Begat the Push-Button Publishing Revolution

This Neat Flowchart from over at Wired didn't seem like enough for a FPP but it's really interesting to see what all the Pyra Labs people have done since 1998, including starting things like Metafilter. "At the close of 1998, there were 23 known weblogs on the Internet. A year later there were tens of thousands. What changed? Pyra Labs launched Blogger, the online tool that gave push-button publishing to the people. It was a revolutionary web product made by a revolutionary web of people who went on to build much of the modern net. Here’s how Pyra propagated."
posted by Blake on Apr 16, 2013 - 37 comments

R.I.P., Anita Rowland

Anita Rowland (User 113), old school blogger, inspiration to many, has lost her fight with cancer. She'll be missed.
posted by ewagoner on Dec 10, 2007 - 37 comments

Recrutiing bloggers as mentors

Recruiting bloggers? I am working on a youth blogging project and I want to ask MeFi bloggers if anyone is interested in being a one-week mentor. All they have to do is post a blog entry on a specific topic (i.e. heroes or community service) early in the week and comment on the kids' blogs throughout the week.

Where would be a good place on MeFi to post this?
posted by k8t on Dec 22, 2005 - 22 comments

giving credit where credit is due

What's the etiquette for VIA if you're emailed a link by a blogger, but that link's not actually on their blog? Should one just not provide a VIA or should you link to the blog anyway to give credit where it's due?
posted by dobbs on Aug 28, 2004 - 20 comments

"What's up with blogspot?"

what's up with blogspot? many of my favorite blogspot-hosted weblogs are down (as is the homepage), but some blogs just won't go away. there's no mention of an outage or server crash on the blogger website or on evan's weblog. anybody know anything?
posted by mlang on May 21, 2002 - 20 comments

Weblog Nation

Wow! MetaFilter's Nikolai Nolan has put up a terrific web site called Weblog Nation that presents the weblogging dynamic and community in a fresh, uncomplicated way. MetaFilter gets royal treatment, of course - which is only fair. But the whole presentation is truly impressive, almost luxurious. The question is "Does it present too rosy a picture?". My own answer would definitely be no. We need uplifting stuff like this more than ever.
posted by MiguelCardoso on Apr 10, 2002 - 16 comments

I have my head up mu culo.

I have my head up mu culo. I have only just learnt of Blogger.com from todays post by Mr.Howie. I think I will make use of something like this, probably for professional promotion, touting my CV etc. Are there other sites more practial to my application? Any pitfalls i should be aware of?
posted by Frasermoo on Jan 31, 2002 - 4 comments

Blogger subscription announcement

Blogger's new announcement: just a blogspot change. Rather clever, actually. I might even buy one myself.. anyone else?
posted by insomnyuk on Jan 10, 2002 - 5 comments

he's corralling the kittens

Ha: "Matt Haughey whips scripts and pushes pixels at Pyra Labs. When he's not being cheeky on his personal site, he's corralling the kittens on his community one.

Also by Matt:
free web host
using includes

posted by elvissinatra on Jan 9, 2002 - 2 comments

What exactly is it that just happened to Blogger?

What exactly is it that just happened to Blogger? I saw hints that there had been some sort of security breach, and now everything is inaccessible. (And the Blogspot server is outright offline as I write this.) There was some sort of password break?
posted by Steven Den Beste on Dec 26, 2001 - 38 comments

Blogger's been a bit upity today hasn't it?

Blogger's been a bit upity today hasn't it?
posted by feelinglistless on Dec 16, 2001 - 6 comments

Blogger now does ads (Nov. 2001)

Pyra (the Blogger company) has a new product called pyRads which promises to become a turnkey microadvertising service for webmasters, like TextAds for anyone's site.
posted by yourpalbill on Nov 15, 2001 - 25 comments

Mac bloggers ahoy

I don't use blogger, so I don't know if this functionality exists elsewhere, but this looks pretty cool for blogger users on Mac OS 10.1.
posted by machaus on Oct 9, 2001 - 2 comments

Navel gazing: most popular

Some navel gazing (hmmmm, perty):

As far as I can tell, Blogger is the most popular weblog app, Metafilter the most popular weblog, and Jason Kottke the most popular weblogger.
posted by Neale on Sep 2, 2001 - 15 comments

The end of free

Ev Williams of Blogger's new (well new to me, anyway) project is The End of Free

What does this mean for Blogger? How will it "transition from free to fee and beyond"? What about other weblog software, is there anything you'd pay for?
posted by cell divide on Aug 21, 2001 - 3 comments

Blogger sells ad space

Blogger sells ad space. Don't panic. It's only the last ditch cry of the "free web".
posted by Neale on Jul 30, 2001 - 30 comments

An actual porn site; found

Browsing the recently updated list of sites on Blogger, as I occasionally do, I noticed this site on the list. I was expecting a girl with a sarcastic take on life, or a similar cliché; instead, I got an actual porn site. (With plenty of html and blogger tag errors.) Is this simply the natural progression of things, or something dastardly and the... erm... artificial progression of things?
posted by moz on Jul 29, 2001 - 4 comments

Blogger is experiencing DNS problems at the moment

I didn't think this was important enough to post on the main MeFi page, but thought I'd pass it along here...

According to evhead.com, Blogger is experiencing DNS problems at the moment. If you just can't live without it, try going to
posted by sanitycheck on Jul 10, 2001 - 5 comments

Blogger vs. LiveJournal Webby War

Ev declares "war" on Livejournal. Yeah, they're pricks - but it may also smack of crass self promotion. Whaddya think?
posted by owillis on Jun 20, 2001 - 11 comments

Tomorrow's New York Times today

Tomorrow's New York Times today:

c.2001 New York Times News Service

The Trellix Corp., which lets clients like About.com provide site-building tools and Web server space to their users, will announce Monday that it has licensed Pyra's Blogger technology for an undisclosed sum.
The free Blogger service brought Pyra plenty of attention and great press, but plans to introduce a paid version never materialized, and late last year Pyra, based in San Francisco, laid off all but one full-time employee, Evan Williams, a company co-founder. The meltdown was documented in painful detail on the personal Web logs of Pyra's staff, and Blogger fans feared the service would soon vanish.

"I've been struggling to figure out the business part,’" Williams said, adding that the agreement with Trellix would keep Blogger alive. He plans to help Trellix package Blogger functions with its other site-building tools, bringing the Web log concept to a wider audience.
Dan Bricklin, the founder and chief technical officer of Trellix and a PC industry veteran, said he was "a devout believer in the power of blogging for self-expression," and that he "didn’t want Blogger to go under."

posted by luke on Apr 15, 2001 - 5 comments

Air your dirty laundry here?

Mr. Kottke and Ms. Hourihan, if you have something to say, just say it.
posted by netbros on Apr 10, 2001 - 26 comments

WebReview covers Blogger

If anybody's interested, there's a new article on Blogger up on WebReview.
posted by harmful on Mar 9, 2001 - 13 comments

Blogger = dead?

Is blogger dead?
posted by capt.crackpipe on Jan 31, 2001 - 3 comments


Stick that in your "where's the business plan" pipe and smoke it.
posted by alana on Aug 23, 2000 - 0 comments

Blogger turns off remember me

Let's give Blogger a nod for turning off the 'remember me' feature until Microsoft fixes its cookie problems.

Now if they'd just get FTP working with my server (-:

posted by alana on May 12, 2000 - 0 comments

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