170 posts tagged with Callout and etiquette.
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klang, klang, klang went the trolley....
It's just a question
How to respond to pushy barstards [more inside]
Yeah, no.
Not ok.
Grow up.
Call Olbermann, we got us THE WORST PERSON ON METAFILTER
No, you're not a kind person, and you haven't faced anyone threatening. You are so full of shit that it isn't even amusing on metafilter.
posted by Brian B. at 9:19 PM on July 25
...in response to Dee Extrovert.
Brian should be ashamed of himself, but probably lacks that ability. So let's all be ashamed of him. [more inside]
posted by Brian B. at 9:19 PM on July 25
...in response to Dee Extrovert.
Brian should be ashamed of himself, but probably lacks that ability. So let's all be ashamed of him. [more inside]
monkey king
You can take your own sanctimonious smugness and shove it deep and far up inside your poophole.
loquacious, maybe you should relax and not be so violent.
loquacious, maybe you should relax and not be so violent.
Asked for X, got Y (where X equals help and Y equals grief)
Ordered X, got Y. Not only the title of the thread, but a good description of some of the answers received. [more inside]
Seeking clarity on mod communication
In this thread, languagehat has spouted several lies concerning myself, communications by email, and the mods' involvement therein. [more inside]
why are racist questions allowed on netatalk
So it's cool to post racist and stereotypical trolls to ask.me now? When did the rules change?
This is not what AskMe is for.
Is this something I'd have to have a Metafilter account to know about?
Users commenting just to say they haven't heard of the topic of discussion is 100% noise and garbage.
[more inside]
Bickering ahoy. :(
ND¢'s two cents cause a shitstorm. News at 11.
ND¢, generally I really like you, but it's clear that you are being a dick for the sake of being a dick, notwithstanding your attempts at justifying that as your real and valid opinion. All you had to say was "yeah, maybe my joke was a little offside" and no one here would have busted your balls over it. Just be a decent human being with a little respect and understanding and things don't have to turn into a shitpile.
offensive, sexist, NOT RACIST
I see that this AskMe post gratuitously compares a beautiful woman's face to a diseased rectum, distended with constipated feces. [more inside]
wtf quonsar
"Your world is filled with non-people."
That little drive-by rant made you sound like the biggest pompous asshole in mefi history, buddy. It really did. Ethereal Bligh, stop this. Your continual personal insults and belittling are neither appropriate nor conducive to discussion or community.
On the internet everyone knows you are a wedge of spite
Yes it is a double, but it is also good example of how one or two cranky farts can totally change the tone of a thread. [more inside]
Not cool.
You know, as the guy who has trouble pointing out that you just cut in line in front of him, I gotta say wtf davy? Is it that hard to imagine that there are people who actually are insufficiently assertive—problematically so—and that this may cause trouble with partners who don't feel they're 'manly' enough? The world doesn't view everyone the same way so it's a bit too much to ask that everyone refuse to project anything besides hesitant soppiness.
Something's rotten with bitrot.
b1tr0t needs a time-out. Telling someone who was seeking psychological counseling but didn't want to tell their parents to use adultfriendfinder.com instead was ... well, I'd like to think the green has just slightly higher standards.
Is this really necessary?
I'm confused on the etiquette rules regarding when it's okay to push a thread off into lunacy. I was hoping that the pirates thread could be interesting (although the OP was a bit lacking), but it instantly turned into a useless flamefest. Is it too late to delete all the pirate songs and idiocy? Can we maybe agree on a brief moratorium to let threads develop before we turn them into Thomas Pynchon novels?
Remember to stick to the subject and issues raised by the post, not people that commented on it
This US politics thread gets pretty painful to read. My complaint isn't that original, but please, please, resist the urge to make it about other members of this site.
How to directly answer a question based on flawed assumptions?
"I think it's pretty clear that I'm not asking for your opinion on the idea's viability." Sorry, this question (and response from the asker) is crap.
Maybe phrontist needs Thorazine or a lobotomy?
Is it appropriate to ask AskMeFi for a scholarship reference?
Is it appropriate to ask AskMeFi for a scholarship reference?
pileon someone you disagree with
In this thread (http://www.metafilter.com/mefi/58548) people are piling on jonmc simply because they do not agree with him..(MI)
No More Anna Nichole Postings
Metafilter quality challenge (in re: Anna Nichole postings)
Hacked account or gone crazy?
Comment Tourette's? Snoktruix seems to be all a twatter about something today.
hama7's getting grief for nothing.
Askme: answer the question or get out
elide, elide, elide
I would like to thank parmanparman for unleashing the snark beautifully. The delivery was perfect.
#2 is #1!
A helpful, open place where the emphasis is on sniping
Since it seems the moderators are not reading the thread below, in which the community decided it was perfectly acceptable to launch personal attacks against a person whose only transgression was using the site as it's supposed to be used, I'm bringing it up as its own topic here. Nasty comments that serve no function in helping the poster find a solution are not allowed in AskMe. Allowing them in MeTa -- again, not because the poster has made some transgression or broken some site rule, but simply because he's fat or lonely or makes too much money or whatever else the community has deemed unacceptable today -- seems a completely shitty way of getting around the rules in AskMe, and seems to completely undermine what we as a community are trying to create there: A helpful, open place where the emphasis is on solving problems, not sniping.
Fake statistics aren't valid answers.
Posting a esolutionsdata.com link in response to an Ask Metafilter question is bad form. Go hone your stand-up routine somewhere else.
boyzone in da hizouse
This sort of misogyny is just not on.
Self-Linking Callout
kirkaracha might need to be reminded of the "no self-link" policy.
Personally, I think it's a relevant and useful link, but I don't think it should be up to the poster to make the judgment call, do you?
Personally, I think it's a relevant and useful link, but I don't think it should be up to the poster to make the judgment call, do you?
Cleanup needed
Could Matt or Jess please trim the fat from this thread? Probably a dozen or so comments about the formatting (and the subsequent comments about the comments about the formatting) could be removed.
Who cares? I don't care.
Who cares? I don't care. in fact, I don't care so much that I am going to type in a comment telling everyone how much I don't care.
Wait, what? An ask vs. mefi callout
Could we outlaw cryptic posts & headlines?
I posted this double in large part because the headline for this post from a few days before was so cryptic that it passed under my radar. I'm aware that there can be no official policy outlawing cryptic posts (I'm not arguing for a strict policy, either), but such doubles are bound to occur when the front pages are filled with non-descriptive links. Judging by this and other comments in my thread, I'm not alone in wishing that folks would provide a bit more info with their FPPs. At the least, it could save wasted time on the part of posters and readers alike. Wondering what the wider MeFi community thinks about this.
Callout of a user's antics in imminently deleted double
Shouldn't Matt and Jess be the ones who decide which posts are deleted?
The link is what you're supposed to talk about
Would everyone please cut it out? Pretty please?!
This question is great, but the answers are not
This is a fine example of a decent question and good responses made much less satisfying because they are interspersed with responses from assholes who are just posting to see their names.
Trying to pick a fight
fandango_matt callout
fandango_matt, please stop posting animal shitting pictures. Thanks.
I know we can be catty, but this...
heated, and off topic
This AskMe thread is getting a bit... ermmm... heated, and off topic.
the most annoying person ever to post in the green
What do you call a xxxx xxxxx man?
What do you call a xxxx xxxxx man?