306 posts tagged with Mefi and etiquette.
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I/P: look, we are behaving
I think it would be nice if today's Palestine/Israel thread didn't vanish (as per mathowie's recent MeTa post, stating that he is going to delete them all until further notice), at least not before the name-calling starts. The post itself is a bit of a bait, but so far the responses have been well-thought-out, even-handed, and intelligent.
Obitfilters only for . . and .
I didn't want to derail the Kevin Smith obit thread from where ever it might be going so... [more inside]
Regrets on posting by proxy
Someone sent me an email saying he hadn't any posting privileges and wanted to add his comment to a thread I'd started. I posted it by proxy. I now have severe misgivings, expressed in that thread, reacting to mr_crash_davis's objection. What should I have done? The comment, by Thom Carlson, was intelligent and cogent and did provoke some lively responses. He's now sent me a second email, backing up his first comment.
I remember rebeccablood's thread about posting a link for someone and how most people felt it wasn't OK to do so. What about a single comment? Do the same principles apply? Please advise as I'm at a loss...
I remember rebeccablood's thread about posting a link for someone and how most people felt it wasn't OK to do so. What about a single comment? Do the same principles apply? Please advise as I'm at a loss...
penalty box
Penalty box, if not outright removal from the playing field?
racism and land rights go hand-in-hand?
I believe some of the comments in this thread are completely out of line.
Can we please talk civilly about... the Olympics? (2002)
I'm really intrigued here. A perfectly good thread (well maybe not great) about censorship of the Olympics, derailed by general revulsion towards a religion. Some tried to get back to the point, but the damage was done. Are all posts voicing concern over how the 2002 Winter games are run doomed to the same fate?
Anonymous MeFi troll duels with self. Loses.
Anonymous MeFi troll duels with self. Loses. Seems apparent that moolafoo is trying to piss someone off here, but who? Darkaru? Metafilter? America? Granny? Ah well, doesn't matter anyway: he namedropped Hitler earlier in the thread, so according to Godwin the troll-attempt was dead on arrival.
Trolls with spades and pitchforks
It's time to call a spade a spade and a troll a troll.
Civility in politics threads: Bushtard.
Bushtard? I'm not a fan of Bush, but this is really getting old. Any suggestions for how to discourage this method of posting?
Vegans are not funny
why is it that everytime someone makes a post that mentions veganism or vegetarianism, a dozen or so folks stand up at once and make little jokes about how they eat meat?
Even doubles do not need to be shat on.
A simple "double post" or "current thread is here" is enough, no need to patronize or fill the thread up with stupid comments.
We like to apologize.
Do people actually visit the links they're commenting on?
Here's a thread who's discussion seems to have almost nothing to do with the link it was supposedly based on. I know we've asked this before, but do people actually visit the links they're commenting on? 13018 could be a worthwhile, unique discussion. Instead, to my eye at least, it's mostly people discussing something that's fairly obvious.
Can't we do any better?
A troubling thread. Insulting in tone, shallow in content, this thread is an extreme example of a type of behavior that seems to be growing here. More inside.
There is always 1 guy in the 13,000 of you...
It's things like this that make me reluctant to continue posting to MeFi. (see inside for more)
monopolizing your own thread
Would commenting five times in 24 minutes on your own post be approaching the 'chat threshold'? Just wondering.
when your pointless thread is deleted, you repost it.
so, yah. when your pointless thread is deleted, you repost it.
Isn't this kind of post better suited to FreeRepublic?
Isn't this kind of post better suited to FreeRepublic?
Apologies for posting the double, but I am going to do it anyway.
Sorry if this is a double post but the search timed out -- why do some members applogise in their front page comment for possible double posting because the search timed out, especially before they've actually got to the point of the actual post in the first place? (more)
I popped in to say this is stupid.
Is it really necessary to comment on threads you think are "stupid"? Surely it's better to "take it to Meta" if it bothers you that much or just ignore it.
Politeness and double posts.
This thread contains at least two (that I could find) examples of how to point out a double post in a polite and casual manner. But lately, this seems to be the exception rather than the rule. I'm wondering why some threads prompt some fairlystrong language in MeTa and outcry in the threads, and others are allowed to continue.
Any further and you'd need a shovel.
"Discuss..." is annoying and useless.
MetaFilterians don't need to be instructed to converse. Discuss...
Free will's a bitch.
Is this maybe not the best hornet's nest to stir up again? It got pretty ugly last time, and this is just a different salvo in that same MeFi street fight...
3 links in 4 hours?! too much posting
semper has posted three links in four hours. A bit excessive, neh?
A "take it to MetaTalk" button
A "take it to MetaTalk" and/or "take it to Email" buttonb below the Comment box? In the heat of the moment it would help to be reminded these options existed.
Inappropriate name-calling in comments
"If you don't see what's so crass about that, you're a simple-minded fuckwit and I sincerely hope that your stupidity one day gets you killed."
More evidence of MetaFilter's demise.
More evidence of MetaFilter's demise.
West of the web - TV on the FPP
This is absurd. A WTC / TV discussion on the front page? Worst thread ever.
No really, take it to Metatalk
Is it OK to violate MetaFilter etiquette to complain about WTC posts? [more inside]
Signal-to-noise ratio declines
Signal-to-noise ratio declines. Especially in the Falwell and dead-or-alive threads, but elsewhere too.
Personal attacks received by email instead of in-thread. Weird?
Can someone tell me if it is standard procedure to receive personal attacks from Metafilter users in my e-mail box because I posted a comment that they didn't like? Wouldn't it be better to post their opinion of my comment in the normal Metafilter thread? Specifically I am referring to a comment I made on this thread.
recycling your thoughts post after post?
"My ideals are strewn throughout this site like shards of glass from a broken vase." (fooljay). What's policy for recycling your thoughts between threads? Consider them said, and run down your Big Idea Battery? Artfully paraphrase them to disguise lazy ctrl-C/V work? What wouldn't be acceptable (easiest form of the question to answer, I suppose).
self-policing too many posts
Help Police! Hey, self-policing community members, let's start cracking the whip a little but here. Number of posts on September 16th alone:
HoldenCaulfield: 4 posts
aaron: 3 posts
NortonDC: 2 posts
tpoh.org: 2 posts
arf: 2 posts
Postroad: 2 posts
MiguelCardoso:: 2 posts
Oxydude: 2 posts
adrober: 2 posts
HoldenCaulfield: 4 posts
aaron: 3 posts
NortonDC: 2 posts
tpoh.org: 2 posts
arf: 2 posts
Postroad: 2 posts
MiguelCardoso:: 2 posts
Oxydude: 2 posts
adrober: 2 posts
I'll take it MetaTalk Skallas! And I want to know where you get off?
BTW happily taking my meds, taking it to MetaTalk and definitely wondering where you get off. . .
BTW happily taking my meds, taking it to MetaTalk and definitely wondering where you get off. . .
Some new users are acting in weird/not-quite-okay ways.
The link/comment ratio for some new users is all over the place, as are a lot of other behaviors such as overly-lengthy front page posts (not to mention basic respect and tolerance for people's views)
Etiquette of double post notifications.
Let it be resolved that from this point forward, all double post notifications must be handled like you are stoned. Do I hear a second?
the following would the biggest waste of time!
"Does anyone really need this garbage? Personally I am pretty mad at the link poster for not warning me that the following would the biggest waste of time! Seriously, all I have to do is type in m-w.com and I've everything I need. Sorry but that Plump Design plump design (not a typo) really made me.......er.........mad.........uhhhh hold on...........ok I've got it........made me angry. That's it angry."
Good descriptions wanted on front page
is there any good way to encourage people to post real descriptions (of any kind!!!) to front page posts? please? it's tiring wanting to click a link without having any idea what the post is actually about. and the comments on that thread (at least the first few, when i saw it) don't exactly help.
boundaries of acceptable behavior
What are the boundaries of acceptable behavior for MetaFilter?
cheerleading/jeerleading: new info or be quiet
Cheerleading posts. (Or their opposites: let's call them jeerleading.) We're seeing more of them. They don't add to threads: and if you're the one being praised, it's a bit embarrassing.
Can we just take it for granted that some people will agree, others disagree, and that if you want to support an argument, you should either provide some useful background or suggest other lines of discussion?
Can we just take it for granted that some people will agree, others disagree, and that if you want to support an argument, you should either provide some useful background or suggest other lines of discussion?
A gentle rebuke
I just wanted to point out quite possibly the most nicely worded double post notification I've ever seen, as an example of etiquette done right.
Obits: if you don't care, stay out
Raining on other people's parades. I've seen this before, eulogizing, and I don't know if it's been discussed here, but people have a bad habit of being contrary and blase simply for the sake of it.
So in this thread, which admittedly I am very upset about, seeing as how I used "font size=7" to proclaim my sorrow, why are people coming in to a thread that is about mourning of a sort and talking about how much they don't care? You didn't read pamie.com? Wonderful! Why the hell are you talking about it, then? You didn't like it? Super! Does that mean your opinions are appropriate?
Are people so in love with the "sound of their own voice" that they just have to blab, regardless of the thread? I'd like to know, really.
So in this thread, which admittedly I am very upset about, seeing as how I used "font size=7" to proclaim my sorrow, why are people coming in to a thread that is about mourning of a sort and talking about how much they don't care? You didn't read pamie.com? Wonderful! Why the hell are you talking about it, then? You didn't like it? Super! Does that mean your opinions are appropriate?
Are people so in love with the "sound of their own voice" that they just have to blab, regardless of the thread? I'd like to know, really.
I am too good for this, and I am telling you that now.
Of all the cheap rhetorical tactics employed here, I think my favorite is "you people are sick and this conversation is beneath me, so I'm not participating except to note this fact" (#1, #2, #3, #4).
Personal attacks reducing contributions
I just wanted to point out that I just finished writing a pretty thoughtful message in response to some of the comments in this thread, but decided, before I hit submit, that I really didn't feel up to the onslaught of personal attacks that I'd have to endure because of my opinion. So I pressed the backpage button instead.
Not that it matters, really. Maybe I'm just being thin-skinned. Some might say that if I felt strongly enough about my opinion, I'd be able to suffer the slings and arrows of the opposition. I dunno. In fact, I don't know if I even feel up to the kind of response this message is going to get.
But how many other MeFi users are doing the same as me? How many have just given up completely? This is how the blow-hards and the flame-warriors take over.
Not that it matters, really. Maybe I'm just being thin-skinned. Some might say that if I felt strongly enough about my opinion, I'd be able to suffer the slings and arrows of the opposition. I dunno. In fact, I don't know if I even feel up to the kind of response this message is going to get.
But how many other MeFi users are doing the same as me? How many have just given up completely? This is how the blow-hards and the flame-warriors take over.
Will UK election threads cause international tensions?
The question (raised here) is one of tensions, etiquette and policy on Election posts. The Uk is currently going through an election, and much like the US is fairly well represented on Metafilter. But we all know how many posts were about the US election and how frustrating both the US contingent, but more specifically the UK contingent, were with them. Will UK election threads cause international tensions? Is this a bad thing? Is there a 'right to post' issue here, or are we going to be having a fully international vs UScentric discussion at any moment?
Was I trolling?
Was I trolling? I had an admittedly heated reaction to an issue I care about, and blasted "conservatives/republicans/the right" as a group. But was I way outta line?
To all annoyed and even offended by certain posts of mine...
Apologies to all annoyed and even offended by certain posts of mine which, apparently, have been too ripe for certain people to take into the realm of bad taste. The filter on that kind of thing has been turned up.
Me and my sockpuppets were being jerks
I, Free Speech aka Rightwinger aka Private Parts, was just having some fun and trying to add some levity to the site, sorry if I offended you Matt.