52 posts tagged with NSFW.
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Is masturbation allowed on MetaFilter?

Etiquette question. I was sure - but am now thinking I was mistaken - that one was required to exercise a degree of caution or decorum for how masturbation was mentioned and/or described in posts on the blue. Why, I don't know or can't remember. Ergo, I skipped daintily around the word in a recent post, but a subsequent blunt comment didn't elicit any adverse reactions. Searches across both MetaTalk and the blue don't turn up contentious vexations, so was I mistaken and it's okay to mention masturbation in any broad manner and context, or not? [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Feb 2, 2017 - 75 comments

Well, now we know what Matt's doing with his time.

via: Boing Boing [dildo warning]
posted by HuronBob on Dec 7, 2015 - 137 comments

Front-page porn

I thought this post was more than a little R/X-rated for its front-page content. While it was a funny link, I wouldn't have wanted that on my screen if, say, a student wandered into my office (and I'm at university). I wouldn't have minded a NSFW on the front page, with the content below the fold/link, but - sex, naked, sex, plow into, orgasm, and orgasm on the front page? Or am I a prude, in my dotage, who shouldn't have Metafilter open at work?
posted by Dashy on Apr 25, 2014 - 83 comments

Not Safe for Work Titles for Stuff that Should be Safe for Work

Can we please not have the word "porn" for articles which are not that? I read the blue on my work breaks; I don't dare open links with that word at work (like the one posted today) since my web history is monitored and I don't feel like explaining myself to my boss, "Oh it was just photos of sea animals, the article writer was just being clever." because he is then going to thing that I whack it to sea cucumbers (not that there is anything wrong with that). I guess I'll have to check out that link at home, but by then there are other things to look at and I might not get back to it.
posted by Renoroc on Jun 5, 2013 - 173 comments

Does Meta/Ask have a 'Trigger' etiquette for posts?

Is there a 'triggering' etiquette here? If so what is it, because I can't find any reference to tagging posts as 'triggering' on the FAQ. [more inside]
posted by Faintdreams on Aug 9, 2012 - 129 comments

Gore warning? Really?

Gore warning? Is this a thing now? [more inside]
posted by Cool Papa Bell on Feb 17, 2012 - 201 comments

Love Minus Zero No Limit

What is the gross out limit for an FPP. I came across a series of videos that I feel would make a great FPP. Much cultural and social connection. Unfortunately these NSFW videos are graphic beyond belief including many photographs of decapitations, burned bodies, and too many dead bodies to count. I could just go ahead and post it and face deletion but I wanted to be clear about what are limit here is advance. Is there a gross out limit?
posted by Xurando on Jun 17, 2011 - 113 comments

how NFSW is NFSW?

If I were writing this AskMe, I would have stopped after the first sentence, labelled it "NFSW" and put the rest inside. The level of detail the OP provide above the break is already enough that I cringe at the thought of a coworker seeing me read it. Am I being unreasonable, or is this just one of the few that slipped by the admins?
posted by d. z. wang on Jun 27, 2010 - 101 comments

Really, it's NSFW? I had no idea...

If the details of a question are NSFW, shouldn't the question itself be SFW? [more inside]
posted by hiteleven on Feb 9, 2010 - 220 comments


Let's have the "fuckity fuck fuck on the front page" discussion in here instead of here.
posted by mr_crash_davis mark II: Jazz Odyssey on Jan 20, 2010 - 240 comments

My Little NSFW Pony

Would it be possible for posts that have the NSFW tag to be marked as such automatically on the front page? [more inside]
posted by darksasami on Dec 17, 2009 - 81 comments

Thanks for using NSFW, but...

Please put the NSFW stuff after the NSFW tag, behind the link. [more inside]
posted by txvtchick on Jun 9, 2009 - 140 comments

klang, klang, klang went the trolley....

So, please, any other folks who wanna talk about NSFW, take me to MeTa. [more inside]
posted by sluglicker on Sep 29, 2008 - 125 comments

Creepy Dutch TV Host + Paedophilia Thread.

The 'Creepy Dutch TV Host' thread is fast becoming a train-wreck, for various reasons. Context seems to be one issue; possible acts of paedophilia seems to be the other. [more inside]
posted by Effigy2000 on Apr 23, 2008 - 151 comments


1. Please delete my FPP. Unbeknownst to me, the link contains NSFW ads. 2. Even after filling out the captcha on the contact admins page, I get "Couldn't send your message. Please go back and make sure you fill out the captcha before you send your message." [more inside]
posted by orthogonality on Mar 27, 2008 - 30 comments

While I'm at work, I don't want to know you're a dog.

I would like an opt-out of viewing profile pictures. I use the plain template at work, and the images, while usually SFW, are really, um, attention-grabbing. [more inside]
posted by desjardins on Nov 13, 2007 - 16 comments

[more than you wanted to know inside]

Ladies: it's cool. [more inside]
posted by Riki tiki on Sep 10, 2007 - 97 comments

workfriendly un-favoritism?

can i unfavorite a comment? and what exactly is the workfriendly/metafilter connection? thanks.
posted by oigocosas on Aug 22, 2007 - 66 comments

Personally I think putting the word "penises" in a title makes it NSFW.

I'm a little sorry I opened this post at work. Maybe a little "NSFW" or title changing could happen? Supposedly the question was about blogging. Not a huge deal either way.
posted by salvia on Jun 12, 2007 - 69 comments

suicide video link

This comment links to a video of a real life suicide without warning (other than "I'm a terrible person"). Normally I'd flag this and move on, but this is possibly the worst thing I've ever seen on metafilter and I'd like to see it deleted as quickly as possible.
posted by null terminated on Apr 28, 2007 - 57 comments

NSFW Needed

This post over on the green needs an NSFW tag on the Bud Dwyer video.
posted by pjern on Nov 4, 2006 - 10 comments

Argument over NSFW

sgt.serenity seems a bit...hostile.
posted by scrump on Sep 15, 2006 - 243 comments


I'm happy to see that snuff is appropriate for the front page.
posted by bardic on Jul 27, 2006 - 25 comments

Anyone use favorites to save nsfw for later?

So, own up - how many of you use the 'favourites' feature to log potentially nsfw posts for reading later at home?
posted by twine42 on Jul 10, 2006 - 18 comments

NSFW Porn link in user profile

Cedar has posted an interesting AskMe question on how to occupy oneself during three months in the stir. But when curious minds eager for details on how he came to such a predicament click on the Homepage URL link in his user profile page, they're greeted with a "Whoa!!" NSFW porn site.

Shouldn't he warn folks on the profile page? Should I or someone warn readers of the AskMe thread? What's the drill on something like this? [And I hate to be paranoid, but could it be possible this is an attempt to drive traffic to said porn site?]
posted by mojohand on Jun 27, 2006 - 57 comments

XXX porn used as an interactive clothing catalogue

OK, trying to figure if this is appropriate or not.
I mean this - NSFW NSFW or many, many, many other places. May be NSFHome either, depending on your home, most homes probably. It's XXX porn used as an interactive clothing catalogue. Seems like it's an "interesting" phenomenon, but I do realize that the content is pretty friggin' iffy. But it's a genre unlike any I've ever seen. Makes you look. Perhaps not at the clothes but...
PS, it's extremely slow to load, and when you load it, it's porn, but it's also a clothing catalogue. Regular clothing. But it's porn, totally porn (tab A in slot B type porn).
Thought I'd try it here first, rather than the blue. Not really appropriate here either, but... Shit, I don't know, it just didn't seem right for an FPP, but seemed really interesting to me too. Go figure.
posted by johngumbo on Mar 24, 2006 - 31 comments

boy performing cunnilingus on cattle - NSFW!!

Can we please stop pandering to idiots. [more inside]
posted by y6y6y6 on Jan 26, 2006 - 131 comments

This post includes a NSFW-link

Administrator: This post includes a NSFW-link to playboy.com (the article is SFW, the banner ads are not) - without specifying it. Sorry. Before something like this happens again...is there any way to fix or delete the link?
posted by iviken on Oct 2, 2005 - 6 comments

Can you read Metafilter at work?

NSFW? Would your bosses be okay with you looking at mindless garbage all day as long as it doesn't contain nudity? I'm really interested to know.
posted by null terminated on Aug 25, 2005 - 42 comments

It's not ok to link to NAMBLA

"A link to NAMBLA is just wrong". I agree. At least on the front page, it's wrong. (more inside)
posted by matteo on Jul 22, 2005 - 150 comments

Pam Anderson/KFC thread needs a NSFW tag

Slutfilter: I hate to sound like a prude, but the Pam Anderson/Kentucky Fried Cruelty ad isn't really SFW. I work in a tutoring lab and have had two students ask me what I'm lookin' at...
posted by notsnot on May 3, 2005 - 51 comments

Watch your fucking language

Please leave the NSFW words [note: link NSFW... duh] inside a thread... and mark the thread NSFW. The F-word does not belong on the front page of MeFi.
posted by Doohickie on Apr 15, 2005 - 62 comments

Request for NSFW/gross image self-policing

Is there anyway to not post NSFW images, or gross images, maybe like blood splurting from the chest of George W. Bush, etc?
posted by Mean Mr. Bucket on Apr 11, 2005 - 25 comments

hate site link warning

The first link on this thread The Seven Dwarfs of Auschwitz is to a Nazi site, pushing a holocaust denial agenda. Can the FPP be edited to flag this up, so people know what they're clicking on? It turned out that the poster had a good reason for giving that link, but I would have preferred to have had that explanation up front. The lack of explanation led to a derail on the thread. In general, I think it would be courteous to flag up links to neo-nazi sites, so people can make an informed decision about whether to visit them.
posted by Flitcraft on Mar 18, 2005 - 64 comments

Rules for user pages?

Are there, or should there be, rules governing the materials (specifically photos) on user pages? I ask because at least one user page I stumbled upon today would be considered NSFW at my place of employment, and I was at work at the time. If not rules, perhaps a way for users to mark their own user pages as NSFW?
posted by terrapin on Feb 17, 2005 - 39 comments

Weird TextAd

"Nekkid Celebrities, updated daily" kinda caught my eye in a TextAd. I don't actually see anything in the TextAd policy this clearly violates, so maybe it's fine. I'm at work so I haven't clicked the link to check, but thought I'd mention it.

posted by freebird on Dec 8, 2004 - 9 comments

Crafting Good Posts Part XXMCIV: labelling

Crafting Good Posts Part XXMCIV: labelling. Things to note when making a post: [QuickTime] = "this link has quicktime movie content," [NSFW] = "you may want to view this discretely," [NYT] = "this link requires a New York Times registration..."

What else do you wanna know up front? Let's go over it for our neoFites.
posted by scarabic on Nov 30, 2004 - 43 comments

NSFW art - please flag

Can someone flag the link in RavinDave's comment in this thread NSFW? I understand it is art, but many people can't make that distinction. (like, say, the two women sitting to my left and right in this computer lab)
posted by slhack3r on Sep 27, 2004 - 5 comments

y2karl, why would you link to goatse?

y2karl, why would you link to *NSFW*NSFW* goatse *NSFW*NSFW* ?
posted by Kwantsar on Jun 30, 2004 - 89 comments

Interesting use of language in feed description

Interesting use of language in feed description. Well yes I laughed and went straight to the article for an explaination. It is a great link. I have no problem with the use of colourful language under normal circumstances and I don't want to sound like a prude, but I was just worried about site image. Also aren't there going to be issues in some workplaces with filters and that sort of thing?
posted by feelinglistless on May 22, 2004 - 4 comments

Metafilter's first live firing?

Metafilter's first live firing?
posted by reverendX on May 19, 2004 - 67 comments

Goatse is not "marginally" NSFW

Goatse is not "marginally" NSFW, even thumbnailed.
posted by mr_crash_davis on Apr 16, 2004 - 121 comments

Shock sites: OK for posting?

Okay, so I found a collection of NSFW sites....like, some "classics" of the "shock site" genre. I know there have been NSFW posts in the past, but those were just for nudity. I don't think there's been any pornography, nor do I think there's been anything like this posted either.

I think a lot of people (like myself) have never heard of many of these sites, and might be interested to know what some of them are (i.e. tubgirl...never heard of her until that MeTa post a few weeks back). It's....fascinating like a train wreck.

And the good part is that the site I want to link to is safe for work itself. It just lists a bunch of awful sites to go to, and because of that, I'm a little leery of posting. Thoughts?
posted by taumeson on Apr 3, 2004 - 39 comments

What constitutes SFW?

Since when are links to phone sex sites and "adult video news" safe for work?

A fair question - what constitutes SFW?
posted by backOfYourMind on May 29, 2003 - 46 comments

NSFW inline image.

NSFW inline image. Come on, The Jesse. What's next, diarrhetic elephants?
posted by mr_crash_davis on Mar 27, 2003 - 44 comments

"not safe for people who don't want to see gay porn?"

Question in regards to WolfDaddy posting a link labelled not safe for work or people who haven't seen Queer as Folk. Shouldn't that have read "not safe for people who don't want to see gay porn?" I'm pretty sure what I saw, but I don't want to double-check. Just let me know if that was fair warning or I should sue for temporary blindness.
posted by son_of_minya on Nov 20, 2002 - 93 comments

Is it secret, or is it safe?

Please, if your front page post links to anywhere remotely not worksafe, could you make sure this is properly flagged?
posted by salmacis on Oct 16, 2002 - 41 comments

"Have you ever eaten poo?"

Phrases that cause you to immediately skip to the next post in a given thread:
My example: "Have you ever eaten poo?" [more]
posted by ZachsMind on Sep 24, 2002 - 71 comments

To publicize a potentially disturbing site?

A real quandary here, folks. While Googling for "kisses of love" I found a site called Butterfly Kisses dedicated to lesbian paedophilia. It's very slickly produced and contains lots of photographs by celebrated photographers such as Sally Mann. This makes it all the more disturbing.

I was planning on posting it but somehow I feel put off by publicizing it. I'm reminded of the ethical problems associated with posting nutjob political sites. On the one hand, perhaps posting the site on MetaFilter will make it be denounced and go underground(which would be a good thing, IMO). On the other, it might just draw attention to something best left alone.

Though I'm aware MetaTalk is read by a lot of people, it doesn't attract as many readers as MetaFilter. What should I do? Post it or forget about it?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Mar 12, 2002 - 186 comments


posted by rebeccablood on Jan 11, 2002 - 24 comments

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