116 posts tagged with NewYork.
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NYC Meetup
New York Meetup
I will be visiting NY in June and I am invoking my god given right to demand a MetaFilter meetup! MeFiNYC June 6, 2003. You may now all squabble over the locations, because I do not know the howfors or the wherewhys.
NYC Meetup
MeFiNYC - March 22nd, 2003 pictures via adampsyche's camera, chicobang's camera, and we're waiting to see the rest. It went fairly well, although we wrapped up fairly early, 'cause the out of towners had to leave early.
New NYC meetup thread.
NYC Meetup
What day is the NY MeFi Meet? I signed up thinking it was in August, but I've just responded to an RSVP request from meetup. com with a date for this upcoming Thursday. Since the August date is still listed here, I'm mighty confused. So -- which day is it? Both? Neither? Anybody? Beuller?
NYC World Cup Meetup
I believe I'll be watching the France-Senegal World Cup match at 7:30 a.m. at Nevada Smith's on Third Avenue in NYC on Friday 31 May. Would anyone like to join me?
NYC Meetup Photos
More Pictures of the New York MetaFilter meet-up. Anyone else have any more, from other MetaFilter party localities? Post a link to them in here...
NYC Meetup
Reminder: NYC MeFi gathering *tomorrow night* at Pioneer (218 Bowery btw. Prince & Spring. 212.334.0484) 8PM.
NYC Meetup
april 25th new york city metafilter gathering update: camworld has suggested a change of venue to the remote lounge, where a friend of his is sysadmin and can guarantee space for a large group. i think this is a great idea...[more inside]
Please label the NYC meetup photos.
Hope the good souls who post photos from the NY Mefi party will let the rest of us have some vicarious fun by attaching users names to users faces. Will make future posts and comments so much more vivid.
NYC Meetup
Yay! It's on! NYC MeFiesta! Thursday, 24 January at Blah Blah, at 8 PM. (I think it might be near the 7th Avenue stop on either the F or the Q.) Be there, or be, uh, absent. Worst case, me and Paris are going to buy each other drinks until we find something to disagree about — it won't be this!.
New York City Meetup
Portal to this thread about a NYC Mefi meet in a few weeks (since there's no other way to get the thread higher up).
New York Meetup
OK. Getting back to the Mefi New York Get Together open question... ...
NYC Meetup
Since my last proposal was hijacked by others such that I was unable to attend, I will again propose a Mefi Get Together in NYC. But this time I'll go out on a limb, proposing a rough date--a Thursday or Friday evening in December--and the venue--most controversial, I suppose--the Blah Blah Lounge in Park Slope, a 24 minute F Train ride from the Broadway Lafayette stop. Cool place; a fireplace, a few couches; a sense of adventure in coming to the Slope (see the Statute of Liberty and Ground Zero from high above Brooklyn!). Also, if anyone wants to fly in from Europe, it's about 100 minutes from JFK on the A Train + F Train (very convenient).
NYC Meetup
Some good news in Manhattan: an NYC webloggers' get-together. We are assuming that south of 14th street will be open by Friday night, but if not we will find a good replacement, I'm sure.
It'll do us all a world of good to get out and live a little.
It'll do us all a world of good to get out and live a little.
NYC Meetup
Again, a non-virtual Metafilter gathering in NYC should be proposed. Cool/odd/appropropriate location? Williamsburg, BK, or within line of sight of the computer. Does anyone know anyone who owns or has connections with such a venue?