8 posts tagged with Raffle.
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Hello Everyone!
It's a Tuesday filled with many 2s. Two's Day Giveaway! And to celebrate that we're giving User ID 22222 away. [more inside]
MeFiMusic Request Raffle: The Results!
The Great Metafilter Request Raffle hove out of town, leaving a trail of happy requestors and celebrated musicians, as the deadline drew in yesterday. The musical trail it leaves behind ranges from the delightful unexpected to extreme aural oddity. [more inside]
MeFi Music: The Great Request Raffle!
You are cordially invited over to MeFiMusic where we would like your music/song requests, to be fulfilled for the next music challenge! [more inside]
One year old and no name.
Alright, this morning some of us were entertained by an FPP which reminded me that we're now one year on from the 100k raffle and jamaro has yet to name the 100k-reserved account. What's up and when can we expect the suspense to end??!? [more inside]
Donated, thanked
When we threw the 100k raffle back in November, we raised almost $1,000 for DonorsChoose.org. Since I couldn't find a direct organizational donation, I ended up funding several projects in science, culture, and special needs around the country. The thank you letters came pouring in this week and here are some screenshots: (1, 2, 3, 4). Thanks again all for donating.
47: Creepypasta
Our last podcast of the year was recorded on December 11th and covers the last month or so on the sites including the charity drive/raffle and the favorites kerfuffle. It runs about an hour long, with notes inside. [more inside]
100K raffle is over! Congrats to jamaro!
The 100K raffle is over! In just four days, we raised $12,745 for five good causes thanks to the generosity of several hundred mefites. Video of the drawing here...or if you can't stand the suspense, winners and miscellaneous details are below the fold. [more inside]
Raffling off the big 100K
We're raffling off usernumber 100000! For the next week Through Friday, you can buy $5 raffle tickets (to benefit your choice of five charitable orgs) for a chance to win the big account and airfare to a meetup of your choice. [more inside]