21 posts tagged with Staff.
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MeFi mod travelingthyme needs help

If you've noticed that moderator travelingthyme has not posted here recently, it's for a grave reason: while on a cross-country move, they were involved in a horrible accident that totaled their car, destroyed nearly all of their personal possessions, and tragically cost the life of their father. Now their friend has organized a GoFundMe to help cover medical bills, funeral arrangements, and replacement of everything from lost family keepsakes to household essentials (if you're in the Boston area, contact the organizer to donate items directly!). If you've found any value in this community in the last few years, travelingthyme is part of the reason why it's able to work -- please give what you can to help them recover from this terrible loss. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Jun 26, 2024 - 58 comments

Welcome Kirkaracha: Our New Web Development Team Member

Hello MetaFilter!

We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to our team, a hire that has been highly anticipated - Kirkaracha!
[more inside]
posted by loup on Feb 9, 2024 - 60 comments

positive feedback

this is your opportunity to share what you appreciate about the people who comment at metafilter as well as the people who work at metafilter. [more inside]
posted by aniola on Sep 7, 2023 - 37 comments

New Moderation Team Member

Hello Everyone! Please join me welcoming our newly-hired Moderator: Brandon Blatcher! [more inside]
posted by loup on Feb 15, 2023 - 92 comments

LM retiring

Hi Mefites - over the last few months I've been stepping away from my role as moderator here. I wanted to take this chance to make it official and say Thanks for all the fish. [more inside]
posted by LobsterMitten on Jun 9, 2022 - 84 comments


Hey MetaFilter! I have some happy/sad news: I’ve taken another job! I will still be around here, but professionally I’ll be moving on. [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Apr 17, 2022 - 54 comments

Two new mods: welcome to travelingthyme and loup!

Please give a hearty hello to our newly-hired members of the MetaFilter moderation team: travelingthyme and loup! I'll let them introduce themselves a bit below, but I wanted to let folks know that they'll both be working part-time as of now so you can expect to see their names around the site. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jun 1, 2020 - 214 comments


Hey all! As you might have guessed from the post below, there’s a vacancy being created for a new hire to fill, and I’m the one creating the vacancy. I’m going to be leaving Metafilter in the next month or two - not immediately, but soon. I’ve been staff here for almost nine years - by far the longest job I’ve ever held! - and it’s been fantastic, and it’s also time for me to do something else for a while. [more inside]
posted by restless_nomad on Jan 6, 2020 - 92 comments

Staff tags expanded to the Blue and the Green

To make mod notes a tiny bit easier to see and find, we've added Staff badges, like the ones currently used in MetaTalk, to MetaFilter and Ask MetaFilter. [more inside]
posted by frimble on Jan 6, 2018 - 18 comments

Identifying mods on the blue and the green

Mods are identified as staff on MetaTalk, but not identified as such on AskMe or on the blue. Why is that? [more inside]
posted by Rob Rockets on Mar 8, 2017 - 44 comments

Say hello to our new tech person, frimble!

I'm pleased to announce that we have found a new tech person to pick up the reins pb's setting down; I'm doubly pleased that it has worked out to be a member of the MetaFilter community, our very own frimble. Come say hello! [more inside]
posted by cortex on May 27, 2016 - 151 comments

Hiring a new tech person, revisiting expectations

I mentioned yesterday in the post about pb moving on that we are, in turn, hiring a new tech person. We're looking both within and outside the MetaFilter membership, so please put the job listing out there! But this is also a big transition for the site, so I want to talk a bit about my, and your, expectations as we go through this process. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Apr 27, 2016 - 59 comments

*end theme from Incredible Hulk plays*

After nine years of fixing bugs and granting pony requests, pb is taking his leave as MetaFilter's technical wizard. Come inside and wish him well! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Apr 26, 2016 - 285 comments

Please welcome our new part-time moderator

A couple weeks back, we announced that we were hiring, and I'm thrilled to report that we'll be bringing a new part-time MetaFilter moderator onto the team starting in the new year. Please give a hearty welcome to Eyebrows McGee! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Dec 23, 2015 - 304 comments

Hiring a part-time MetaFilter moderator

Happy news: we're hiring. Specifically, a part-time, mostly-weekends US daytime moderator to help add a little wiggle room to the current daytime schedule. Take a look at the Jobs post, and drop us an application if it sounds like a good fit. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Dec 7, 2015 - 257 comments

Sixteen Years

After 16 years of doing a bit of everything under the sun here, I’m stepping away from the day to day of running MetaFilter and moving into the background. Never fear, I’m leaving it in the best of hands and things are looking good for the future. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Mar 4, 2015 - 944 comments

MeFi State of the Update

After a couple months of fundraising and general money belt-tightening and Google up and downing, I wanted to give an update. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Aug 5, 2014 - 110 comments

State of MetaFilter

Today I need to share some unfortunate news: because of serious financial downturn, MetaFilter will be losing three of its moderators to layoffs at the end of this month. What that means for the site and the site’s future are described below. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on May 19, 2014 - 1668 comments

New Mod Monday

It's New Mod Monday! (actually they'll filter in over the next two weeks, but anyway ...semantics!) [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Oct 1, 2012 - 202 comments

I ain't payin' for this wifi

"Hotel internet down. I scanned the network, found wifi router running port 80, logged in as admin/admin, rebooted, fixed. All on my iPhone." Tweet by @mathowie earlier tonight. Does nothing stop the super hero staff of MetaFilter? Are there other stories of MetaStaff extraordinary efforts to stay online?
posted by lee on Jun 17, 2012 - 46 comments

Staff Markers in MetaTalk

We just added (staff) markers in the bylines here in MetaTalk if the commenter is a mod. [more inside]
posted by pb on Oct 4, 2011 - 273 comments

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