42 posts tagged with moderators.
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LM retiring

Hi Mefites - over the last few months I've been stepping away from my role as moderator here. I wanted to take this chance to make it official and say Thanks for all the fish. [more inside]
posted by LobsterMitten on Jun 9, 2022 - 84 comments

Two new mods: welcome to travelingthyme and loup!

Please give a hearty hello to our newly-hired members of the MetaFilter moderation team: travelingthyme and loup! I'll let them introduce themselves a bit below, but I wanted to let folks know that they'll both be working part-time as of now so you can expect to see their names around the site. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jun 1, 2020 - 214 comments

Is This Moderators' Day?

It is. Please join me in a tradition stretching back to 2007 and help me thank the undeniably world-class moderators of MetaFilter Industries, LLC for all they do for our community. [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on Jun 13, 2018 - 45 comments

Happy Moderators' Covfefe

Well, not much has happened over the past year, and things have been pretty easy for the mods, so I hesitate to even make a post to celebrate Moderators' Day this year. It seems a bit off to thank the mods for all their hard work, thoughtfulness, excellent communication skills, and infinite patience when they have basically been lounging by the pool at MetaFilter World Headquarters eating bonbons and /hamburgers all year. [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on Jun 13, 2017 - 99 comments

Moderators' Day 2016 GET HYPE

Back in 2007 your humble narrator suggested, near the end of a rather challenging day at the comment factory, that we remember and honor June 13th as Moderators' Day henceforth-ish. Please join me in thanking all of our mods - past and present - for the hard and often thankless job they do every day to make MetaFilter one of the best places on the Internet. Thank you cortex, restless_nomad, taz, LobsterMitten, goodnewsfortheinsane, Eyebrows McGee, and vacapinta. Welcome and thank you to our new coder frimble, and special thanks to our moderators emeriti, jessamyn, mathowie, and pb. [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on Jun 13, 2016 - 111 comments

Sixteen Years

After 16 years of doing a bit of everything under the sun here, I’m stepping away from the day to day of running MetaFilter and moving into the background. Never fear, I’m leaving it in the best of hands and things are looking good for the future. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Mar 4, 2015 - 944 comments

Happy Moderators' Day!

We celebrate Moderators' Day 2014 with a slightly heavy heart, as this marks the first celebration of the holiday (which dates back to 2007) when we have fewer moderators than we did last year. Still, MetaFilter's recent "grassroots fundraising drive" demonstrates that the community and the website are in excellent health going forward, in no small part due to the efforts of our Best Of The Web moderating team, past, present and future (I for one, welcome our robot moderator overlords). [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on Jun 13, 2014 - 68 comments

State of MetaFilter

Today I need to share some unfortunate news: because of serious financial downturn, MetaFilter will be losing three of its moderators to layoffs at the end of this month. What that means for the site and the site’s future are described below. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on May 19, 2014 - 1668 comments

Happy Moderator's Day!

Five years ago I put forth a humble suggestion that June 13th be celebrated each year as Moderator's Day. We've celebrated it more or less enthusiastically over the years, and I just wanted to take this opportunity to specifically thank mathowie, jessamyn, cortex, vacapinta, restless_nomad, taz, LobsterMitten, goodnewsfortheinsane, and pb for their hard work and dedication. Thanks, guys. You can take the rest of the day off. We'll be good, I promise. [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on Jun 13, 2013 - 113 comments

Deleted post question. Was OP banned?

I have the greasemonkey script that allows me to see deleted posts, and I saw that this post was deleted. [more inside]
posted by InsertNiftyNameHere on Feb 18, 2013 - 117 comments


So are we officially too sensitive to talk about religion on the blue these days? [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Dec 29, 2012 - 157 comments

75: goodnewsfortheinsane interview

Episode 75 of the podcast features an interview with our newest moderator, goodnewsfortheinsane. Then we recap the best posts of November, the whole thing runs about 1hr 20min. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Dec 6, 2012 - 22 comments

New Mod Monday

It's New Mod Monday! (actually they'll filter in over the next two weeks, but anyway ...semantics!) [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Oct 1, 2012 - 202 comments

looking for a blog post 'users are the problem'

I remember a blog post somewhere advocating for strong moderation, with the theme 'users are the problem.' But now I can't find it. [more inside]
posted by the man of twists and turns on Aug 9, 2012 - 6 comments

Happy Moderator's Day!

Summer is not just the time for a MetaTalk queue. It also brings June 13. [more inside]
posted by bardophile on Jun 12, 2012 - 95 comments

Happy birthday, Cortex!

Coooooooooooooortex! Happy birthday, dude! I think dude deserves a shoutout for his mod duties, for MeFi music, for all the data crunching, for the fascinating subsites and just for being an all-around outstanding contributor to the site. So, thanks man and again, happy natal anniversary!
posted by Lynsey on Apr 26, 2012 - 146 comments

Ghost in the machine - bad moderating

Ninja Editing / Deleting by Moderators - how's about we see a bit of smoke? [more inside]
posted by Cheradine Zakalwe on Nov 12, 2011 - 6 comments

2nd Annual Moderator's Day

Ah, here I've let time get away from me, and I've missed Moderator's Day. mathowie, jessamyn, cortex, vacapinta, pb, and now restless_nomad, each of you is more on the ball than I've ever been. Cheers. [more inside]
posted by SirNovember on Jun 13, 2011 - 102 comments

Happy Moderator's Day

mathowie, jessamyn, cortex, vacapinta, and pb, thanks for all you do. This place is incomparable. [more inside]
posted by SirNovember on Jun 13, 2010 - 126 comments

Don't take this the wrong way, jessamyn...

Lacking confidence, I will not call this a pony. It's just a suggestion: how about setting that optionally removes moderators from the "contact activity" sidebar? I adore jessamyn, and many of her answers deserve to be favorites/best answers, but due to her high-profile here, my list has become a digest of jessamyn's activity, which crowds out all my other contacts. (This only affects people who have moderators as contacts.)
posted by grumblebee on Feb 25, 2010 - 66 comments

Flags with weight

Does the identity of a given flagger carry any weight? Or are they anonymous? [more inside]
posted by disillusioned on Jun 24, 2009 - 110 comments

Mod ahoy.

Repony Filter: Can we flag or otherwise make obvious posts by our benevolent mods? [more inside]
posted by disillusioned on Feb 21, 2009 - 62 comments

jessamyn, cortex, mathowie, thanks for your patience

Just wanted to say thanks to the mods for their patience with the links in my post about Indian architecture. [more inside]
posted by nickyskye on Oct 13, 2008 - 27 comments

Do mods and users see MetaFilter differently?

What does MetaFilter look like to moderators? [more inside]
posted by HotPatatta on May 4, 2008 - 56 comments

Checks and balances in Moderatorland?

How do mods resolve differences? [more inside]
posted by HotPatatta on Mar 16, 2008 - 43 comments

Double bad.

I'd just like to point out the very first double mod deletion. [more inside]
posted by puke & cry on Mar 14, 2008 - 88 comments

Thank you, admins.

This holiday season (yes, I said it), I'd like to give thanks for the wonderful deletions of our ruling triumvirate. By deleting mediocre junk posts, you guys make MetaFilter a better place. Thank you. Really. [more inside]
posted by Plutor on Dec 14, 2007 - 47 comments

I guess I could google-cache the page for "Jessamyn"...

MeTa-pony-request: Can we highlight the mods' responses in MeTa threads? [MI]
posted by allkindsoftime on Sep 3, 2007 - 51 comments


I, for one, would like to welcome our new overlord.
posted by timeistight on Feb 28, 2007 - 225 comments

Europe Admin Needed

Hey Matt and Jess, how's about promoting a mod from Europe, or dare I say Australia, so we can kill crap like this before we give the self-promoting little jerk a soapbox? (I'm only half kidding.)
posted by Jimbob on Sep 22, 2006 - 125 comments

Rejecting Anonymous Questions

Are anonymous posters to AskMe notified if their question is rejected? (I did a search but didn't see the answer to this question.)
posted by tastybrains on Jun 28, 2006 - 7 comments

Contacting the Admins

There seems to be no clear way to contact the administrators for users who are not familiar with the site. Could we add a contact link up in the top nav section, or somewhere obvious?
posted by spaghetti on May 31, 2006 - 23 comments

Self-Link Alert

Gratuitous self-link in an otherwise unrelated Askme question.
posted by Saucy Intruder on May 10, 2006 - 9 comments

Who is Moderating?

Just being nosy. Who are the 'admins' on metafilter? Obviously mathowie. Bless him. I just saw Jessamyn (hi!) delete a post. Who else are up there?
posted by movilla on Jan 20, 2006 - 6 comments

Our Distinguished Admins

In this thread, cribcage mentions that " ... blogrrrl has no way of identifying jessamyn (or mathowie, for that matter) as an admin ... ", which seems on its face to be silly because everyone knows that, of course. Right?

Anyway, it got me to thinking that perhaps Matt and Jess' remarks could be highlighted with something to indicate that they're the admins. Maybe a different color, a gold star a'la Stan Chin that's clickable and leads to a page with email/AIM/contact info? Something along those lines could help the filthy five-dolla noobs with their acclimatization to the site.

Just a thought.
posted by mr_crash_davis on Jan 19, 2006 - 122 comments

Mods can fix that for you....

Could we have a new category for MetaTalk for Oopsie! One day I swear I'll actually learn to type slowly enough to coordinate the output from my fingers with the output from my brain, or maybe just shut up, but in the meantime I've done something amazing even for me. In this thread, I mangled the anchor tag in my comment badly enough that I can't link to it here and refreshing the page will crash my browser. It's probably going to make messes for others, as well, or I'd just hide my red face in shame. Any friendly, helpful moderators looking for gratitude?
posted by dilettante on Nov 21, 2005 - 6 comments

Shoutout for the Mods

I'd be remiss after publicly joining in the criticism of silent edits by the admins if I didn't publicly thank jessamyn for demonstrating that she does listen to complaints. Thanks jessamyn!
posted by orthogonality on May 7, 2005 - 11 comments

Welcome jessamyn, our new user#1a

Welcome jessamyn, our new user#1a

Seeing as we didn't all get the memo..
posted by dash_slot- on Jan 26, 2005 - 89 comments

Admin for a Day

Admin for a day: To raise money (and give himself an occasional break) mathowie could occasionally auction off 24-hour admin rights. These temporary admins could delete posts, suspend miscreants and maybe even manually register new users.
posted by timeistight on Nov 10, 2004 - 57 comments

How much cash would it take for Matt to quit his job and devote himself to moderating Mefi?

mathowie has written that if it generated enough cash he'd quit his job and devote himself to moderating and maintaining MetaFilter. This prompts two questions:
posted by timeistight on Aug 8, 2004 - 161 comments

Mod worship

AutoMatt and the Template of God [[more inside]]
posted by seanyboy on Jul 2, 2003 - 18 comments

Moderating Uploads

I've been working on the image upload part of the site, and realized there's no way to limit what type of content gets uploaded.

So I've come to the conclusion that the only way to keep out off-topic scans & stories (like porn or pictures of your cat) is to induce a moderation process. Pretty much anything resembling a story along with an image of something that looks like a ticket stub will get through and posted (guidelines will be posted along with the site so this is clear).

Do you have any objections to such a setup? It would induce a bit of lag, but I don't know if submissions would be that substantial on a day-to-day basis. Also, I'll set it up so I get an email the instant something is submitted and after a simple glance at it, will approve it with a single click.

I know metafilter has always been wide open, but since this site is starting from scratch, I don't think it will affect the growth too much. Do you think it's a good or bad idea? why? Is there possibility that human intervention (i.e. me or some other possible moderators) would spoil the growth? Or would it ensure a quality site?
posted by mathowie on Jun 4, 2000 - 17 comments

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