23 posts tagged with banned.
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Policies on Trans Issues: Current and Future

This post includes Information from loup about how the site's policies on trans people/issues are currently implemented including how transphobic content, sources and members are dealt with, the information they've given me about planned changes based on some brief feedback I've given, and an invitation for other trans members to share their thoughts, concerns, feedback, and suggestions [more inside]
posted by Chrysopoeia on Apr 1, 2023 - 115 comments

"Is you takin' notes on a... criminal conspiracy?!"

In the poster's defense, kinder eggs are delicious and almost as addictive as heroin. But still, maybe memail or email would be a better choice for composing a list of businesses who sell illegal goods? Especially since helpful answerers are including some phone numbers and addresses on a publicly-accessible and search engine-indexed thread?
posted by zarq on Nov 6, 2017 - 32 comments

Spam from a MeFi user.

I don't know what the policy is on this but I just got this spam via MeFi email from someone I don't know or care to know: [more inside]
posted by stbalbach on Jul 16, 2008 - 96 comments

This account is differently-abled?

Hey, I see we now have a "This account is disabled" flag to slap on banned users' profiles. Any other additions along these lines?
posted by yhbc on Aug 30, 2007 - 101 comments


Self Link
posted by Stynxno on Aug 24, 2007 - 24 comments


Aww man... Priyatam was the man. His UG Krishnamurti links were the best things I have ever seen on mefi.Wasn't permanent bannination a little harsh? Damn Jess - why you gotta be so gangsta? How about banning me, and letting him come back?
posted by vronsky on Jul 20, 2007 - 1 comment

Shilling projects in askme

Uh oh.
posted by MrMoonPie on Nov 27, 2006 - 14 comments

nearly every one of cleverusername's FPPs contains, somewhere in it, a link to The Escapist.

For instance, nearly every one of cleverusername's FPPs contains, somewhere in it, a link to The Escapist. It's true. Check it out.
posted by interrobang on Sep 25, 2006 - 73 comments

Callout of self-link by known spammer in FPP

posted by Malor on Mar 16, 2006 - 13 comments

Why/when was this user banned?

Protocols of the Elders of Awesome was banned? When & why did that happen?
posted by jonson on Mar 2, 2006 - 284 comments

What happened to airnxtz?

Remember airnxtz? He's the dude who came to AskMefi to help plan his eventual EBay scams. The thread is a must read if you haven't already been.

Here's the thing.. it's missing an ending! I want more! But where the hell should I post it? What more can be done? We did so much... to end up signifying nothing. :(
posted by cavalier on Mar 2, 2006 - 43 comments

Please kill this linkspamming whore.

Please kill this linkspamming whore. Thanks.
posted by loquacious on Jan 18, 2006 - 48 comments

help me out here

help me out here - whatever happened to Pretty_Generic? was he banned for good?
posted by jonson on Jan 17, 2006 - 49 comments

self link

Self Link
posted by squirrel on Dec 23, 2005 - 16 comments

Danger! Danger!

Danger, Matt Haughey! Danger! Danger!
posted by armoured-ant on Mar 4, 2005 - 60 comments

Fucking maniacs, or, the life and oeuvre of one luckyclone.

Fucking maniacs, or, the life and oeuvre of one luckyclone. Though a prior specialist in one-liner snark (rare exceptions), this user hasn't made a coherent comment since December 6.
posted by dhartung on Feb 1, 2005 - 17 comments

TinyURL'd goatse in the title field of an otherwise excellent thread.

TinyURL'd goatse in the title field of an otherwise excellent thread. Please edit, thanks. And Merry Christmas.
posted by brownpau on Dec 25, 2004 - 60 comments

Was this user banned?

has 111 been banned ?
posted by sgt.serenity on Jul 9, 2004 - 98 comments

The look of being banned

I'm just curious. What does one see when they've been banned from MeFi? After a smoting, do they just get the 404, or is there some neener-neener message? (I would have emailed number 1 with this query, but I'll bet dollors-to-donuts I'm not the only one who wants to know.)
posted by Wulfgar! on Oct 18, 2002 - 40 comments

spammer! banninate!

what's the deal with kileregreen spamming threads with a porn site?
posted by modge on Oct 18, 2002 - 12 comments

Two self links in one post.

Two self links in one post. And they're kind of creepy, to boot. Not a particularly auspicious beginning for the 16K club.
posted by pardonyou? on Sep 25, 2002 - 23 comments

Banned IP ranges get you redirected to plastic.com

This past week I've tried to access metafilter from a public library computer and an internet cafe computer, but each time I've gotten redirected to plastic.com. Very strange - from my PC at work it's fine. I live in France.
posted by hazyjane on Jun 26, 2001 - 6 comments

does anyone get a redirect to plastic.com when they hit mefi?

does anyone get a redirect to plastic.com when they hit mefi? i've just started working at a copy place that starts with kink and ends with o's, and when i try to access mefi at work i get sent to plastic.com.
posted by sugarfish on May 17, 2001 - 6 comments

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