287 posts tagged with users.
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Proposing a Brand New Day
I’d like to suggest that the MeFi largely undergo a Brand New Day when the new executive director starts. (I expect we are several months away from that.) This BND would apply to both users (including former users) and mods. [more inside]
In memory of progosk
Hi everyone, unfortunately I have some very sad news to share: our fellow mefite Philip Rogosky aka progosk has passed away. [more inside]
Community Free Chat Threads
This should not be paid moderator work. Let's discuss. [more inside]
How are new users discovering Metafilter?
I'm always a little surprised when I see a new user on Metafilter, since talk about it elsewhere online seems to have been erased by all the talk about billion-dollar sites. If you're a relatively new user - within the past three or four years, say - how did you find Metafilter?
how metafilter works??
i want to study about metafilter. when a person ask a question similar question that in the past asked by other user will show to the active user. this work called recommendation. i want to know how metafilter recommend similar question to the active user??
Results from The Big MetaFilter Survey 2015
After too long a wait, here are some initial results from The Big MetaFilter Survey 2015.
What We Talk About When We Talk About MetaFilter - information about your interactions with the site.
Tell Us A Little About Yourself - information about the personal lives of your fellow users.
The Food Wars - what kinds of foods are acceptable and what kinds are garbage nightmares.
Other Results [pdf] - includes curated responses to the more interesting open-ended questions and some other numerical data. [more inside]
What We Talk About When We Talk About MetaFilter - information about your interactions with the site.
Tell Us A Little About Yourself - information about the personal lives of your fellow users.
The Food Wars - what kinds of foods are acceptable and what kinds are garbage nightmares.
Other Results [pdf] - includes curated responses to the more interesting open-ended questions and some other numerical data. [more inside]
The Big MetaFilter Survey 2015
Please take an informal, light-hearted survey that is designed to let us all discover some fun, fascinating and potentially insightful things about MetaFilter and each other. Here is the link to The Big MetaFilter Survey 2015.
[more inside]
Planning a MetaFilter survey
Inspired by this post about the XKCD Survey and this comment by The Underwear Monster, I thought it might be fun to do a Big MeFi Survey along the same lines - mostly goofy questions that we can sic our local datawranglers on and see what fun, weird, fascinating things drop out. [more inside]
Tagging Users In Comments and Posts
I know that things are rough right now, and Metafilter is understaffed and all that (everybody donate $10 right now!), but I was hoping that maybe there could be a way to tag other users easily a la Facebook and Twitter, etc, so that if we add an @ in a comment or post, we could just add the username and the name would link to that person's profile. [more inside]
Mefi users' extreme locations?
Geographic extremes of all kinds of Mefi users. [more inside]
It's ok... you can do it, you can make a decision by yourself.
Is Ask Metafilter a place for people afraid to learn from their own experiences? [more inside]
looking for a blog post 'users are the problem'
I remember a blog post somewhere advocating for strong moderation, with the theme 'users are the problem.' But now I can't find it. [more inside]
MeFi Olympians?
Are there any MeFi Olympians? Olympics involved MeFites?
late night missive
The recent Hegel post made me miss seeing Lovecraft In Brooklyn around the site, maybe you'll be back again some day. [more inside]
Which Active Users have been here the Longest?
Which Active Users have been here the Longest? [more inside]
languagehat: "my work here is done"
Five dollars!
Meta-metafilter: What are examples of some other online communities that have successfully kept the quality of posts/forums at a high level by requiring a nominal $5 to $10 signup fee? [more inside]
Another One Bites The Dust?
Forktine is gone? No! Why? Does anyone know what happened, or if he's coming back?
Where My (MetaFilter) Homies Is At?
Is there a search-for-contacts, find-your-friends feature buried somewhere in MetaFilter? I'd love to see if any other folks that I know are MeFites, and would gladly grant the site temporary access to my GMail address book to find out... if ONLY there were a WAY to DO it!
MacArthur in the House
What ever happened to foo?
Is it cool to inquire about users who have seemingly disappeared from the site? [more inside]
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
Pony request: number users logged on and when user last logged on. [more inside]
Take My Wife -- $20, SAIT
...and, and what about those--those... "MeFite comedians," anyway? Yooouu know the ones I'm talking about: stand-ups, sketch comedians, "kooky performance artists"--I mean, come on, who *are* these people and are there any links to their stuff? Really!
Survey says....
Still curious where MetaFilter users are from?
The survey results are in. [more inside]
A Chance for a Brand New Day
So how do the mods feel about the user base, really? [more inside]
Search Through User's Activity?
Would it be possible to have a search box on Activity subpages -- in other words, a search function that limits itself to a single user's comments or posts? [more inside]
See Astro Space Laboratory
I'd just like to take a moment to misuse MetaTalk and draw your attention to this lame gawker list type post revealing the origin of MetaFilters own Astro Zombie.
Procession of user numbers
For the upcoming meetups, or more exactly for press and blog coverage of upcoming meetups, could PB or Cortex or somebody gin up a kind of graph or visualization of brute quantities of user signups over time, along with user numbers? [more inside]
Crowded behind the green curtain.
From a profile:
I inherited this account from my mom who died three years ago. I am, apparently, a sub-par contributor.
(My Dad uses it sometimes, too. He's the one with the more intelligent comments)
(Later. At this point, several, well, three or five, people are using this account but none will ever match the original account holder in terms of The Right Stuff)
I don't think there's a guideline for multiple people using one account, but maybe there should be? [Not a callout, hence no link.]
I inherited this account from my mom who died three years ago. I am, apparently, a sub-par contributor.
(My Dad uses it sometimes, too. He's the one with the more intelligent comments)
(Later. At this point, several, well, three or five, people are using this account but none will ever match the original account holder in terms of The Right Stuff)
I don't think there's a guideline for multiple people using one account, but maybe there should be? [Not a callout, hence no link.]
Don't do it Hermitosis
list members who frequently answer threads with a particular tag
AskMeFi pony request: list members who frequently answer threads with a particular tag [more inside]
feed for personal activity
I've been playing with a lifestream app, and it would be interesting to be able to pull my metafilter posting/commenting history into that. The most streamlined way for that to happen would be via RSS. It doesn't seem like there's any way to do that currently.
Obviously this is a low priority, but if it's just a matter of flipping a switch, it could be interesting. [more inside]
No one here but ghosts and odes to Dan Savage.
Disabled accounts show up in "nearby users." I clicked on this profile and then had to click on this username (because, WTF? Was santorum taken?). Well, to make matters slightly weirder, a search for santorum brings up the username and the user's "real" name, though it's no longer visible in the profile.
reasons for leaving
Lately, I've noticed that quite a number of people whose presence I've enjoyed have disabled accounts. Are the majority of those people closing accounts leaving of their own accord?
Users are people too
I'm tired of the word 'user'. can we use 'members' or 'readers' instead when referring to them e.g. "X users favourited this" etc? [more inside]
Suddenly Nicky
Whoa - security/cookie issues?
Whoa - security/cookie issues? [more inside]
How to find Mefites by city
How to find Mefites in a specific location? I want to find all Mefites in Panama City, Panama. Is it possible to do this; if so, how?
Someone suggested editing my profile and changing my location to the city I want to locate others in and then looking at nearby mefites but that didn't work.
Can't find it.
I'm looking for a member's homepage that was a collection of weird and interesting facts. Can anyone point me in the right direction? [more inside]
Best Answer(er)
Is there a way to see how many of a person's AskMeFi comments are marked as best answer? [more inside]
AskMe OP Fervor
Which AskMe threads have been most dominated by the OP? [more inside]
Feeling crowded?
Growth [more inside]
MyAskme pony
Pony request: Ability to add questions from particular members to "My Askme." [more inside]
is there a way to search for every MeFiter who has posted to Music, but from a particular city?
is there a way to search for every MeFiter who has posted to Music, but from a particular city? Seems like if the search terms are not in the post or tagged by the poster, the MeFi search engine doesn't include the user info... [more inside]
Searching for users by email address?
I tried to gift a membership to a minor internet celebrity, but I got the message "It appears your friend already has an account, as this email address is in use". Really? That's cool -- now who is it? Can there be a way of entering in an address and getting a username back, so I can add that account to my contacts?
User Activity Search
User activity search is available on profile pages. [more inside]
Who are you and why do I like you so much?
In a large and steadily-growing community, and possibly because I'm getting old and stuff, I find myself having trouble sometimes remembering who said what, especially when it's a newer user. So, a possibly small and easy-to-implement feature request. [more inside]
Wo bist du, Peter?
What happened to koeselitz? Come back! I always appreciate your intelligent, thoughtful, learned comments. [more inside]
Usernames on the 'who favorited this post' page
Minor usability quibble: When you're looking at who favorites a post, and click a username, it shows their favorites instead of showing their profile page, like every other linked username on the site does. Maybe a different link to show their favorites from that page?