30 posts tagged with boston and meetup.
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Live from Boston!
posted by grateful on Feb 28, 2013 - 66 comments

Somerville, MA meetup on the 23rd?

Hey, Boston area people. Anyone going to the Jonathan Coulton show on the 23rd in Somerville? Should we do a thing? [more inside]
posted by danb on Jul 15, 2010 - 17 comments

Boston, MA meetup(s?), July 28th - August 1st

I'll be in the Boston area from July 28th - August 1st. Let's meetup and do fun things!
posted by iamkimiam on Jul 11, 2010 - 47 comments

Get out of town!

Since no one in Boston wants to hire me, I'm heading to New York City to work on a contract for the rest of the year. That means GOING AWAY PARTY! *YAAAAAY!* [more inside]
posted by Eideteker on Apr 30, 2010 - 59 comments

Where my nerds at?

PAX East meetup? Boston, MA, March 26-28. We discussed planning a meetup a month ago, and it generated a lot of interest but no solid plans, and a lot of people may have missed or forgotten the original thread. [more inside]
posted by Metroid Baby on Mar 10, 2010 - 95 comments

Pax East, Boston Meetup

I know that about 90% of the target constituency is already covered in the thread over on mefightclub, but I figured I'd ask back here as well - any more MeFites planning to head to Penny Arcade's Pax East in Boston, MA, 26th-28th March? [more inside]
posted by Nice Guy Mike on Feb 4, 2010 - 32 comments

I thought maybe you could come and give me notes...

Calling Boston Mefites: Lets do this. [more inside]
posted by Aizkolari on Jan 7, 2010 - 247 comments

Cortex-tastic Boston Meet-Up.

Cortex in Boston! 9/11! [more inside]
posted by grapefruitmoon on Aug 20, 2009 - 181 comments

Sita's Singing in Boston

The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston will be showing Sita Sings the Blues several times in the next week. Since many Mefites are admirers of the film, this seems like a good excuse for a Meetup. Thoughts?
posted by pxe2000 on Mar 12, 2009 - 23 comments

Last-minute meetup in Boston

Impromptu meetup in Boston tomorrow (Friday) night to welcome an old friend... [more inside]
posted by Melismata on Feb 19, 2009 - 6 comments

You know you want to meet up, baby!

Boston area MST-up, Feb. 21. [more inside]
posted by Horace Rumpole on Feb 2, 2009 - 112 comments

I gots those Metafilter blues...

Boston Blues Jam Meetup? [more inside]
posted by backseatpilot on Jan 5, 2009 - 73 comments

One last round for 2008

Boston, it's been too long. Is anyone down for one last 2008 meetup? [more inside]
posted by Ryvar on Dec 7, 2008 - 93 comments

Brainwaves meetup?

Any other Mefites planning on attending Brainwashed Records' Brainwaves Festival in Boston (well, Arlington) this weekend? [more inside]
posted by Cat Pie Hurts on Nov 19, 2008 - 12 comments

And no she never returned, until she did.

Last minute, late notice, totally overkill Boston meetup: In my continuing practice of showing up in a city immediately AFTER a meetup has been successfully held with beer'n'everything, I will be in Boston for the next few days, from Friday May 30 til mid-day Wednesday June 4. Anyone game for a couple beers sometime in there? [more inside]
posted by fuzzbean on May 29, 2008 - 20 comments

Boston Meetup, Friday 5th October

Boston meetup! Myself and wimpdork happen (independently!) to be visiting the area at the same time, so how about a meetup on Friday 5th October? [more inside]
posted by chrismear on Sep 25, 2007 - 19 comments

Boston meetup photos: January 26, 2007

Boston Meetup Photos start here and move forward. From this weekend's meetup, not last weekend's meetup.
posted by Eideteker on Jan 28, 2007 - 6 comments

Boston Meetup: January 2007

Pictures from yesterday's Boston meetup, otherwise known as World's Smallest MeFi Meetup EVOR!
posted by Kattullus on Jan 21, 2007 - 35 comments

Nine photos of the Boston/Cambridge meetup on Saturday.

Nine photos of the Boston/Cambridge meetup on Saturday.
posted by Plutor on Aug 29, 2006 - 12 comments

Boston and Cambridge meetup reminder.

Reminder: Boston/Cambridge area meetup, tomorrow, Saturday, August 26. Cambridge Brewing Company at Kendall Square in Cambridge at 6pm for dinner, followed by a very short walk to Flat Top Johnny's for pool. (Previously)
posted by Plutor on Aug 25, 2006 - 32 comments

Boston Meetup

Hey Boston, how are you? ... Yeah? ... Hey, that's great. ... Right in the mouth, you say? ... Wow, down a whole flight of stairs? ... I would have lent you my sandwich board if I'd have known. Anyhow, the reason I'm posting: How'd you like to get together to do a meetup thing sometime this month?
posted by Plutor on Aug 3, 2006 - 35 comments

Boston meetup: October 2005

Sudden Boston/Cambridge meetup: tonight! Seriously. I'm in town and I leave tomorrow morning. I have nothing to do tonight. Any takers?
posted by bingo on Oct 28, 2005 - 11 comments

Boston Meetup

Thought I'd do the reminder for the Boston meetup - tomorrow night, 8pm, Grendel's in Harvard Sq.
posted by ArsncHeart on Jul 18, 2005 - 16 comments

Boston Meetup

The 2005 Boston Mefi Meetup is still on! 7:30 at The Burren in Davis Square Friday the 14th (tomorrow). Any MeFibrarians who are in town for ALA are encouraged to attend, as are all you civilians.
posted by robocop is bleeding on Jan 13, 2005 - 33 comments

Boston Meetup?

Since I missed the last one, any interest in a short-notice MeFi Boston?
posted by christian on May 16, 2004 - 10 comments

Boston Meetup

So, was Mefi Boston II more fun than having your alternator die in Berwick during a snowstorm and having to be towed home?
posted by anastasiav on Feb 21, 2004 - 10 comments

Boston Meetup

Reminder: Boston area MeFi gathering this Saturday, November 22, in Cambridge, MA. More info here.
posted by anathema on Nov 20, 2003 - 16 comments

Boston Meetup

What: Boston Area MeFi Orgy Party.
Where: Darwin's Ltd., 148 Mount Auburn Street (Harvard Square), Cambridge, MA
When: Saturday, November 22, 2003, 5:00 p.m.
Why: Because this guy being in town gives us a good excuse. [more inside...]
posted by anathema on Nov 4, 2003 - 64 comments

Boston Meetup

Has Boston ever had a meetup? I can't find a record of one, so I'm going to suggest it.
posted by Mayor Curley on Jul 9, 2003 - 22 comments

Boston Meetup

Feeling restless as the New England SpringTime (?) flirts with ya? Any Boston MetaFilterians up a for a Gathering?
posted by crankyrobot on Apr 6, 2002 - 17 comments

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