29 posts tagged with collaboration.
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Making more room for nuanced discussion

I love Metafilter, especially the threads where we can come together as a community and share information, learn together, and come up with new ideas. But there’s been a really frustrating trend in some recent threads. [more inside]
posted by leslietron on May 9, 2021 - 42 comments

Thinking About a Post Thread #1

Following up to Pastor of Muppets' MeTa post, asking for a way to offer up a suggestion for a FPP, and more concretely, Not A Thing's idea of a regular MeTa to create such a space, here's a first thread -- share things you'd like someone to post! [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief on Nov 2, 2019 - 13 comments

Best way to ask MeFi for help with a project?

I'm not sure what if any is the best way to put out a general call for help with a project on MeFi. (Not to announce a completed project like in the Projects subsite, but to ask for help with one.) Has there ever been any thought/discussion given to the idea of creating a new subsite where MeFites can request help with things like art or writing projects from other MeFites? It could even be broader than that--call it "Hope Me, MeFi!" or something--and just make it a place where community members can seek out other members for help with whatever they might be doing.
posted by saulgoodman on Oct 1, 2015 - 30 comments

A Mefi place for project collaborations

There's been a few discussions here regarding MeFite project collaborations, and a placeholder Wiki listing page came out of it. It hadn't been active since, so I decided to add on to it to put it in line with the music collaboration listing, and create some awareness/discussion for it here. I'm guessing this could be useful for media such as art, writing, video, and podcasting.
posted by TheSecretDecoderRing on Oct 13, 2014 - 11 comments

MeFi Music Collaboration: A Tribute to Flood!

Just a brief heads-up to get more attention: Over at MeFi Music I've launched a project to cover They Might Be Giants' Flood in its entirety to celebrate the album's upcoming 25th anniversary. Three tracks are already spoken for, so hop on over if you want to get in on this! (Thanks to taz for approving this MetaTalk thread.)
posted by Faint of Butt on Oct 11, 2014 - 38 comments

New Resource for Collaborative FPPs on Same Sex Marriage Legalization

There has been some concern that some of the recent FFPs about state-level same sex marriage legalization have been relatively thin. For the states where legal SSM is still pending, prewriting draft text and collecting links to background information would help us create more substantial FPPs that could still be posted in a timely manner as soon a ruling is issued or a law is passed. To this end, all interested MeFites are invited to use these MetaFilter wiki pages to collaborate on future FPPs for each state.
posted by Jacqueline on Jul 19, 2014 - 29 comments

Poets and Bookworms - MeFiMusic Needs You!

Over at MeFiMusic, the latest Music Challenge has just been launched - Musicologize a Book. However, not all of us are lyric-writers, so please feel free to join the party! [more inside]
posted by greenish on Jan 8, 2014 - 17 comments

An improvement to how obituaries are done?

It might be time to consider how obituaries are posted on the Blue. [more inside]
posted by jscott on Nov 24, 2012 - 105 comments

MetaFilter Quilting Bee

Let's start a MetaFilter quilting bee! No previous quilting experience needed (I've only been sewing for a month, let alone quilting): just an ability to sew pieces of fabric together. [more inside]
posted by ocherdraco on Oct 19, 2011 - 155 comments

A Mefi place for project collaborations?

Is there a place on Mefi where members can hook up to work on new projects? Maybe expanding the scope of Mefi Projects or create something like Mefi Collab, a Mefi Music clone that's more general in scope?
posted by Foci for Analysis on Jul 26, 2011 - 25 comments

Thoughts about coordination of FPP authoring.

Would it be useful to have an official method for coordinating WIP FPPs with other users? [more inside]
posted by MrFTBN on May 24, 2011 - 35 comments

Mmmmm, collaborative book project

Wanted: 4 writers, a couple of editors and a designer/artist or two to finish up a collaborative zombie love story novel. Let's have some creative fun. [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Mar 31, 2011 - 74 comments

My little wiki draft/collaboration pony

Pre-MetaFilter-Filter: a Drafts and Collaborations section is now open on the (unofficial) Mefi Wiki, as a place to share your ideas for MeFi posts, and work with other MeFites on new posts. [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief on Feb 1, 2011 - 51 comments

Project Help Pony

Could there be a Project Help sub-sub-site? I envision something akin to Music Talk where folks can post their Kickstarter campaigns, requests for collaboration, brainstorm sessions, etc. [more inside]
posted by domnit on Oct 25, 2010 - 9 comments

Hall & Oates can't file jointly under the current system.

Mefi Music pony request: Could it be possible for a song collaboration to be posted under two or more usernames? [more inside]
posted by umbú on Jul 7, 2010 - 10 comments

I was preparing a post like this!

Is there any interest in creating a space on the wiki to collaborate on future posts and prevent sniping? [more inside]
posted by shii on Dec 19, 2009 - 42 comments

Who wants to play on a project?

No-profit labor of love project - Any way to announce and seek help from the MetaFilter community? [more inside]
posted by frwagon on Aug 28, 2009 - 22 comments

Celebrity Dead Pool.

A lot of discussion has been had lately on obituary threads and more specifically on how crappy the initial post(s) of well known people are as posters try to take advantage of Metafilter's usual first post stays policy. Several people have proposed that Metafilter run a vetting system for obit posts or take other actions to reduce the need for multiple post deletions along with their attendant comments. One suggestion was for users to maintain a prewritten obituary pool for famous people similar to those used by news services. I've set up a proof of concept on the wiki here. [more inside]
posted by Mitheral on Jul 22, 2009 - 59 comments

i need feedback/help and don't know if mefi is appropriate.

I'm trying to get feedback/helpers on a collaborative Google Map of bike paths in the Boston area. It's pretty small and unambitious, hardly something I've spent "a few months" on. Is this appropriate for MeFi Projects? [more inside]
posted by Muffpub on Jun 18, 2009 - 29 comments

Metafilter Music Collaboration #2

Hello, Citizens of MetaFilter! Over in the MeFi Music section, MeFi musicians have been playing a game of Exquisite Corpse for the last year or so. Now we have something that you can listen to. [more inside]
posted by Karlos the Jackal on Jun 1, 2009 - 11 comments

I've got a hostage and a list of demands. No, wait, an ageing iBook and a midi controller. Sup?

So, who else is doing the make-an-album-in-a-month rpm challenge? Anyone in London interested in some collaboration? [more inside]
posted by Cantdosleepy on Jan 23, 2009 - 3 comments

Are you good with words?

Got any lyrics you'd like to see turned into songs? Got any songs that need lyrics? Post em on here and have fun collaborating with your fellow mefites. There's some cool stuff goin on over in the music section, if you haven't checked it out you should, it's awesome, if you don't mediocre might punch you in the dick [more inside]
posted by BrnP84 on Aug 6, 2008 - 56 comments

Metafilter Music Collaboration #2

A bunch of us had fun with goodnewsfortheinsane's "It's the End of the World..." project last year. I think it's time to try another project, Exquisite Corpse style. [more inside]
posted by Karlos the Jackal on Apr 29, 2008 - 87 comments

File Under: Finished.

It's here: the Metafilter Music Collaboration. [more inside]
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane on Dec 30, 2007 - 34 comments

'Tis the season for secrets

I am looking for a fellow MeFite who is both a Daft Punk fan and proficient with (preferably) Fruity Loops and/or Reason. I'm working on a top secret project that I'd like to collaborate with someone on. Who will bite?
posted by kepano on Dec 11, 2007 - 28 comments

everybody record a cover of Elliott Smith's "Waltz #2

Music collaboration fun / favor: everybody record a cover of Elliott Smith's "Waltz #2". [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 19, 2006 - 30 comments

cortex records matthewchen is spamming

This is a litle weird, maybe, but so cool I wouldn't want anyone to miss it before it drops off the MeTa front page. adamrice said 'matthewchen is spamming', so I said 'there's a jangly, wistful guitarpop song somewhere in the phrase 'mathewchen is spamming'....' and cortex agreed and went ahead and recorded the song. How cool is that? I love this place sometimes.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Mar 28, 2006 - 148 comments

inter-media collaboration

Artists in every media, I'm thinking about the creative process, generating ideas for inter-media (is there such a word?) collaboration, and where abstract art originates.
posted by Julia Gill on Feb 25, 2006 - 25 comments

I don't see that there is any history of collaborative FPPs.

I don't see that there is any history of collaborative FPPs. Is there any precedence for this? Yes or no, how should one let it known that the post was a collaboration?
posted by snsranch on Oct 7, 2005 - 12 comments

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