32 posts tagged with demographics.
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Do we know the demographics of metafilter users?

Reading the recent user survey summary, I see a lot of talk about the identity of the user base. Do we actually know what the demographics are of MetaFilter users? Has there ever been an attempt to survey the users' identities? It would be interesting to know how people think of themselves in terms of nationality, politics, gender, race, sexuality, class, etc. I often read assertions in comments about the identities of the user base, but I am wondering if they correspond to the user base in reality.
posted by mortaddams on Aug 17, 2022 - 31 comments

Results from The Big MetaFilter Survey 2015

After too long a wait, here are some initial results from The Big MetaFilter Survey 2015.
What We Talk About When We Talk About MetaFilter - information about your interactions with the site.
Tell Us A Little About Yourself - information about the personal lives of your fellow users.
The Food Wars - what kinds of foods are acceptable and what kinds are garbage nightmares.
Other Results [pdf] - includes curated responses to the more interesting open-ended questions and some other numerical data. [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on Dec 9, 2015 - 358 comments

The Big MetaFilter Survey 2015

Please take an informal, light-hearted survey that is designed to let us all discover some fun, fascinating and potentially insightful things about MetaFilter and each other. Here is the link to The Big MetaFilter Survey 2015. [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on Sep 14, 2015 - 237 comments

Planning a MetaFilter survey

Inspired by this post about the XKCD Survey and this comment by The Underwear Monster, I thought it might be fun to do a Big MeFi Survey along the same lines - mostly goofy questions that we can sic our local datawranglers on and see what fun, weird, fascinating things drop out. [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on Sep 3, 2015 - 316 comments

Political survey, now with two dimensions.

MetaFilter "Political Compass" Survey, 2011 Edition [more inside]
posted by Salvor Hardin on May 5, 2011 - 200 comments

This is not a demographic marketing question, I swear

Has there ever been an attempt at a kind of Metafilter community census? [more inside]
posted by dobie on Feb 15, 2010 - 93 comments

Request for an interesting statistic about MeFi make up

Request for an interesting statistic about MeFi make up... [more inside]
posted by fcummins on Dec 2, 2007 - 30 comments

It's MetaFilter Survey Time!

As part of my final paper for a grad class, I wanted to ask the hivemind a few questions. It's just 20 quick questions about MetaFilter and AskMetaFilter, since those are the two most active parts of this community. I had to break it up into two parts since I'm a poor grad student and don't want to drop $20 for one survey: Part One Part Two It's also limited to the first 100 responses, but if even get close to 100 responses I'll be extremely happy. Thanks in advance! [more inside]
posted by lovetragedy on Nov 26, 2007 - 167 comments


When was the last time we had a Mefi survey? Given the growing number of members, it would be interesting to learn how the demographics have changed (or stayed the same).
posted by Krrrlson on Aug 29, 2007 - 57 comments

Who are we?

Just a curious question... what is the real demographic of MeFi users? As much as we think of this as the hive mind, my sense is that about 80% of the poeple on here fit in the white, male, 24-35 variety. A very homogenous set of bees me thinks. Am I totally off?
posted by elfollador on Jan 4, 2007 - 198 comments

To Assume is to make an ass out of u and me

What is wrong with people who make their own determination of the gender of a person mentioned in an AskMe question even though that person's gender is clearly stated?

This seems to happen a lot with short and mostly useless hit and run answers. I guess people don't read the more inside, or just skim the question. Is this "male answer syndrome" at work? Why do some people answer the question they wish had been written, regardless of the actual question?

As seen today here, by majick and here, by DakotaPaul
posted by crabintheocean on Mar 15, 2006 - 47 comments

black Americans on MeFi?

No offense or anything, but I am also curious to know how many black Americans are posting to Metafilter. Someone posted this to Metafilter and it looks like it was deleted. I am also curious. raise yr hand in this thread.
posted by dydecker on Dec 30, 2005 - 123 comments

what brought you to non-belief?

There has been a number of religion oriented threads recently. In these threads it becomes apparent that, compared to the population at large, Metafilter has a higher frequency of non-believers. Inspired by this thread* at another website, what brought you to non-belief?

* it starts a little shallow, but more indepth stories come eventually
posted by jsonic on Nov 25, 2005 - 344 comments

Why have these Terry Gross interviews been mentioned in the blue, and not others?

In the past year, Terry Gross has been mentioned in the blue a total of three times, regarding her interviews with William Gibson, Tommy Chong, and Daniel Clowes. I'm just curious: why these three guys, and not her countless other interviews? [more]
posted by ZachsMind on Jun 26, 2005 - 35 comments

Calculating helpfulness

We know who posts the most, who comments the most, etc. Do we know who the most helpful users of AskMe are (as expressed by the ratio [questions/answers])?
posted by stupidsexyFlanders on Apr 26, 2005 - 51 comments

Collectively smarter than all of you put together

It would appear that Metafilter is collectively smarter than Scott McNealy, Mitch Kapor, and a lot of other people ... and quicker than Snopes (as least in this case). Collectively is the operative word, of course, but I thought this was worth a chuckle.
posted by pmurray63 on Dec 9, 2004 - 19 comments

mefi is an american weblog

MetaFilter is an American weblog. Europeans here, whether British or continental, are mere tokens. Perhaps we should all give up the international pretense. The truth is that MetaFilter, for those of us not lucky (or, to be frank, unluckly) enough to live in the U.S. or Canada, is fast becoming a domestic concern with an ever-decreasing regard for what happens in the (enormous) rest of the world. Whereas (the few remaining) Europeans here are curious about America, Americans here seem boringly and predictably obsessed with themselves. Is isolationism the growing trend on this board? It certainly seems so. Say the word, by the way, and you can have it all to yourselves, no hard feelings.

It is not a good idea but it's a stone's throw away...
posted by MiguelCardoso on Aug 15, 2004 - 370 comments

How old are you?

so who's the oldest mefite here? the youngest?
posted by bob sarabia on Jul 5, 2004 - 92 comments

Metafilter User Survey Results

It turns out we really are a boring bunch. (results for the survey posted here.)
posted by fvw on Apr 25, 2004 - 64 comments

The First, Last and Only MeFi Survey (to date)

As promised here, we bring you the first and last semi-bi-annual MeFi survey. Matt, I hope you don't mind my stealing your CSS.
posted by fvw on Apr 9, 2004 - 107 comments

Is the MeFi demographic overwhelmingly white and pale-faced?

Is the MeFi demographic overwhelmingly white and pale-faced? Where are the minorities?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Jul 2, 2003 - 112 comments

What do Mefites do for a living?

What do Mefites do for a living? I know we have just over A Trio Of Librarians, but is there a "most common" choice of career for a Metafilter member, or are most of us unemployed?
I imagine we have a gaggle of programmers & web designers, but are there any welders, boat builders, porn stars, farmers or bassoonists out there? What's the least common profession for a member?
I swear this was discussed once, I couldn’t seem to find it, but maybe it’s time to discuss again?
posted by Blake on Jun 25, 2003 - 250 comments

I miss newbies.

Newbies. I miss newbies. Are there still any newbies out there? Remember newbies? I miss newbies. [More inside.]
posted by MiguelCardoso on Jun 2, 2003 - 90 comments

Generational issues

Old farts; hippies; soixante-huitards; baby boomers - there are a few of us on MetaFilter who are over 40, aren't there? To what extent is a lot of internal conflict here attributable to simple generational differences that are commonplace - though no less violent and, I should add, inevitable and ultimately unimportant - in our everyday lives?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Apr 23, 2003 - 95 comments

political predispositions out in the open just this once

Hey all. Yesterday the user aeschenkarnos provided a cool link for a political compass. I thought it might be somewhat worthwhile, and possibly entertaining, if just this one time, for the sake of posterity, we could all put our political predispositions out in the open. We might even be able to better answer that age-old FAQ question: Are we guilty of lefty groupthink?
posted by dgaicun on Feb 18, 2003 - 348 comments

Demographics of planet MeFi

Not so much a feature as a one-time feature. The thread on tort reform (quite entertaining and refreshingly civil, given the number of comments it spawned) left me surprised that so many MeFites are attorneys. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
But I often wonder about the demographics of planet MeFi.
Isn't there a simple way we could have a town census (a/s/l occupation etc. It would be mildly fascinating to have such info in our profiles as well, but maybe thats raising the veil too high.
posted by BentPenguin on Jan 3, 2003 - 43 comments

free demo- and psychographics for your zip code

Marketing, demographics, psychographics, no matter what key-word I try I can't seem to find the post I'm searching for. It was a link to two different sites that provided free demo- and psychographics for your zip code. I seem to remember seeing it on MeFi about a year ago, sometime between November and this Febuary. Anyone remember this, or am I imagining things?
posted by Grod on Oct 22, 2002 - 4 comments

Longtime user making first FPP prompts query on posting demographics

This one got me to thinking…
I was surprised that someone who had been a member for over 2 years had just now posted their first story. I’m curious about other demographic oddities and averages like that.
Who holds the record for the most threads?
Many more questions inside....
posted by Blake on Sep 13, 2002 - 188 comments

MeFi Demographics: Let's have a census!

"The best mirror is an old friend." -Peter Nivio Zarlenga.
With all the questions about who make up us, is it time that we organized some sort of demographic survey of Whom Constitute Mefi?
posted by UncleFes on Feb 25, 2002 - 41 comments

Metafilter's demographics

It seems like every so often when I click on someone's URL here it's some Gen Y'ers deep thoughts & pouting blog in those horrid microscopic fonts--well, there are the occasional Phil Hartman lookalikes from Portugal, too...

So, um, what are the demographics here at Metafilter exactly or, inexactly, for that matter? Has anyone kept track of this?

posted by y2karl on Oct 23, 2001 - 35 comments

would you like to know where all MeFi users are from?

Topic drift... would you like to know where all MeFi users are from? Discuss.
posted by SpecialK on May 9, 2001 - 11 comments

MeFi user demographics

Curious, Matt, if you or anyone has studied the distribution of membership: East-West; International; Age, Gender, and all that...
posted by ParisParamus on Apr 20, 2001 - 3 comments

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