48 posts tagged with denied.
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IRL Request: When posting, notification of other IRL events on same day

As someone who frequently posts IRL events, I'd really love if, when I previewed the post, the page told me about other meetups on that day within a 50 mile radius of my location. It would be awesome, because then I could say, "Oh, so-and-so is having their ice cream meetup that afternoon; I'll just make the post for the next week instead." It would also have the benefit of showing me events that might be outside the radius I've set for my own personal IRL notifications, but that might still be in range for attendees. What do you think? Would other IRL posters appreciate such a feature?
posted by ocherdraco on Jul 18, 2013 - 30 comments

"Ignore" feature

Please add an "ignore" feature to MeFi [more inside]
posted by stewiethegreat on Sep 22, 2008 - 100 comments

MefiMail Improvements

Pony request: Would like more MefiMail options. [more inside]
posted by sluglicker on Aug 16, 2008 - 52 comments

My Little Pony Express

One thing that annoys me about long MeMail conversations is the lack of threading; before services like GMail and Facebook, which thread messages, this wouldn't have been such a big deal, but anymore I find it kind of irritating to have to click through several pages to read old messages in a thread. So how's about some conversation threading in MeMail? [more inside]
posted by Pope Guilty on Jun 30, 2008 - 19 comments

More than one category for AskMes?

I, too, would enjoy a pony: the ability to select more than one category for an AskMe question. [more inside]
posted by 2or3whiskeysodas on Jun 29, 2008 - 22 comments

Best Answer(er)

Is there a way to see how many of a person's AskMeFi comments are marked as best answer? [more inside]
posted by phunniemee on Jun 5, 2008 - 39 comments

A little? AskMe front page tweak

My little pony: how much work would be required to turn the "contains answers marked as best" checkmark on the front page of AskMe into a link to the first best answer?
posted by flabdablet on Mar 27, 2008 - 18 comments

View Only Favorited Comments?

I assume this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find it. So maybe not. So maybe I'll ask: For those of us who might like to get the cream of the comments without spending so much time digging through them -- such as on posts with hundreds of 'em -- could we have a "view only favorited comments" button or something? [more inside]
posted by chasing on Feb 19, 2008 - 44 comments

2am, Last Call!

PonyRequest: Put the expected closing date at the bottom of threads? [more inside]
posted by blue_beetle on Jan 31, 2008 - 18 comments

Mefimail all local users

Feature request: Send MefiMail to all users within an n mile radius. [more inside]
posted by PercussivePaul on Jan 28, 2008 - 33 comments

Let me know about the Mefi Lovin'

This may be a stupid question; it may well have been discussed in the posts regarding the Metafilter messaging system, but they are legion and I am inebriated. But can we have a message sent to our inbox if someone adds us as a "contact"? [more inside]
posted by Jimbob on Jan 8, 2008 - 38 comments

Please bring my pony back to life!

Fields in user profiles used to have a different color background if they contained information only visible to logged in community members. Can we have this back please? [more inside]
posted by grouse on Dec 16, 2007 - 23 comments

I can haz Markdown?

Can we have Markdown? It's so neat. I subconsciously compose everything in it and it's now a slight pain writing actual HTML tags. For instance, you can do a quote by starting the first line of a paragraph "> " instead of having to wrap it in blockquote/close blockquote tags. It's way easier to do useful things.
posted by evariste on Nov 17, 2007 - 67 comments

Friend? Neighbor? Spouse? SWORN ENEMY?

"Keep your (MetaFilter) friends close and your enemies closer," a Contacts Pony Request. [more inside]
posted by wendell on Nov 3, 2007 - 50 comments

Making tags viewable from the front page?

Suggestion: Can we somehow make the tags of a post viewable from the front page. Whether it is just printed out directly on the page, or whether you need to hover or click on something to see them. [more inside]
posted by empath on Oct 8, 2007 - 38 comments

How many flags do I have?

Can we find out how many flags our posts get? [more inside]
posted by empath on Sep 11, 2007 - 66 comments

Mass update of public facing info

I had this idea when encountering the problem of wanting to contact a metafilter member of their public facing email address not being filled in... How about doing what PayPal, banks and universities do - they present a user on login with a page which they click 'confirm' on to get to the usual start page. On the confirm page would be form fields with the information metafilter currently has for them: lat, lon flickr ID email address URL etc it would give them a chance to update it (and the email address field would have some *decent* obfuscation, either images ala Facebook or the current SOTA JavaScript). I think often the reason this isn't filled in isn't out of choice it's because the user in question simply hasn't got around to it, doesn't know he/she has a profile or hasn't changed it since they first enrolled. What say you? I don't think doing this would cheese people off and I think it would really be a boon for the site.
posted by dance on Aug 11, 2007 - 59 comments

Post Title

Would it be a huge inconvenience to actually have Post Titles heading posts on the blue? Yea, I understand the face of the blue is tried and true, however, some, if not all, posts need "Headlines". Why even have them if they only show up AFTER you check into the post/thread? (not complaining, I love Mefi!)
posted by snsranch on Jul 31, 2007 - 27 comments

Rollover questions? $5 per question? Pony?

God help me, but I'm starting a thread on getting additional AskMe questions. There are weeks that go by with no need to ask anything ... but then there are times when a second question would be a life-saver. Whatabout either (a) "rollover questions," a la Cingular's rollover minutes, say, up to a maximum of 2-3 in the bank at any time; or (b) a fee to ask a second question in one week? I can think of several times when I would have ponied up an additional $5 to ask, say, a work-related question where I knew AskMe's community would have the best answer.
posted by jbickers on Jun 27, 2007 - 127 comments

Jobs Expiration

Expiry date for MeFi Jobs. Jobs should expire automatically after 30 days, and should not appear in the main page/map/tags after that. There should be a possibility to prolong the expiry date if necessary.
posted by Sharcho on Nov 12, 2006 - 10 comments

Can we link the FAQ from the header?

I was having trouble figuring out how long I needed to wait before I posted again. I eventually found it in the FAQ, and that's all well and good, but I found the FAQ itself difficult to find. Sure, it's linked at the bottom of the various MeFi sites, but only on MeTa is it linked at the top. That's an issue for people like myself that mostly read MeFi through the RSS feed and don't normally scroll through the site to the bottom. Heck, I didn't even know the footer existed prior to today! So my request is to link to the FAQ from the header on the sites that don't currently have it there.
posted by taumeson on Sep 11, 2006 - 12 comments

Google Apps for Metafilter?

Google apparently now provides email, calender, and IM services for your own domain. Do you think this would be a useful addition to MetaFilter?
posted by monju_bosatsu on Aug 28, 2006 - 26 comments

Will MetaFilter get persistent SSL?

Will MetaFilter get persistent SSL, like Craigslist?
posted by The Jesse Helms on Jul 3, 2006 - 16 comments

Reorder AskMe by answers

What if the most recent posts on AskMe were displayed on the front page according to how many answers they had already received in ascending order, i.e. with those having the fewest answers remaining near the top for longer than they currently do?
posted by xanthippe on Jun 15, 2006 - 13 comments

Can we have pictures of ourselves?

With meetups gearing up, and an eventual section to handle this being engineered (did I read that right?) - would it make sense to have an area that allowed/promoted users to upload (links to) images of themselves?
posted by strawberryviagra on Apr 26, 2006 - 8 comments

Add a fantastic flag scoreboard to profiles

Idea: Add links to a person's fantastic posts/comments/answers to their profile pages, as a kind of personal scoreboard.

Been wondering how to give people "attaboys" for good commentary and answers. Why not list these accomplishments on their profile pages? I did some searches, and the idea has been proposed before, but I can't find a similar suggestion that's more recent than four years ago.

Profiles already have links to a person's posts, and if I drill down I can see which ones have been flagged as fantastic -- so why not put this front and center on the profiles?
posted by frogan on Mar 25, 2006 - 32 comments

I would like a slow pony.

I would like a slow pony.

I, question-filled as I am, would love it if I could front-load my AskMeFi questions which are then autoposted at the end of my week's delay. I'd even be happy if that happened a day later (8 days wait)...the important point is that I forget the question I absolutely needed to ask because I'm kind of dumb.
posted by Kickstart70 on Jan 25, 2006 - 29 comments

Can we get a character limit put on the front portion of AskMeFi questions?

Can we get a character limit put on the front portion of AskMeFi questions?
posted by TunnelArmr on Jan 24, 2006 - 46 comments

Downtime notice?

WhenMeFiIsDownFilter: Any chance we could see a message a la Flickr-style like MetaFilter is getting a massage and will return soon or something to that effect? Not trying to sound snarky, but ideally I think it'd be better than the hanging pages and timeouts we usually get.
posted by sjvilla79 on Nov 30, 2005 - 7 comments

Is there a way we can delete our own comments?

Is there a way we can delete our own comments? I understand that this could lead to confusing threads if people commented on a subsequently-removed comment, so if it needs to be limited to instances where the commenter left the last comment on a thread, that could work.
posted by sachinag on Mar 15, 2005 - 54 comments

Flag the troll

Could we get a "troll" option for flagging?
posted by norm on Mar 7, 2005 - 30 comments

Posting limits reallocation?

Instead of one AskMe/MetaTalk thread a week, can we get four a month?
posted by Jairus on Feb 17, 2005 - 31 comments

could the blue have a 'spoiler' tag?

Skoosh's reply here reminded me - could the blue have a 'spoiler' tag added to the [B][i][link] tags by the reply box?

By using blue text on a blue background then anything spoilerish for Flash games (etc) would only be visible to those who highlight the text with their mouse.
posted by twine42 on Jan 20, 2005 - 28 comments

Can we have karma in AskMe?

Ask MeFi Karma - I think it would be cool that if you are reading the comments of an AskMeFi thread that you created, you could rate an answer by granting or taking away a karma point from the answerer. In this way, there will be a new mechanism of MeFi elitism to encourage constructive replies.
posted by plinth on May 13, 2004 - 20 comments

it would be really handy to be able to edit your posts

Linking to my own post as an example, it would be really handy to be able to edit your posts at times. Would this pony ever grow legs and run around the field chasing butterflies and scaring children?
posted by twine42 on Feb 25, 2004 - 13 comments


So I can't be the only person consistently hitting preview and correcting all my UBB to HTML. It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to automagically correct the standardest of standard UBB ([b] [i] [u] are pretty much the only ones I ever use) codes to HTML. So, I'm requesting it as a feature.
posted by kavasa on Nov 8, 2003 - 69 comments

I want to delete my account

in most communities, you can leave when you're ready to move on.
posted by patricking on Jul 31, 2003 - 211 comments

I'm proposing a voting method for taking FPP posts down in Mathowie's absence.

I'm proposing a voting method for taking FPP posts down in Mathowie's absence. Details inside...
posted by woil on Jun 29, 2003 - 42 comments

'export my comments' feature, please

An 'export my comments' feature. [more inside]
posted by rory on Apr 2, 2003 - 22 comments

Can we have an alternative frontpage where all the posts which mention Iraq are filtered out?

Can we have an alternative frontpage where all the posts which mention Iraq are filtered out? I'm getting a bit tired of this war thing and would like to enjoy my MetaFilter Iraq free. Something like www.metafilter.com/noiraq.mefi would be greatly appreciated!
posted by sebas on Mar 22, 2003 - 42 comments

Why can't I subscribe to the MeFi front page posts via email?

Why can't I subscribe to the MeFi front page posts via email (either digest or real-time)?

I don't understand why most blogs don't also allow at least read-only email subscription.
posted by hitsman on Mar 13, 2003 - 15 comments

How about sticky threads?

How about sticky threads? You know, one thread that stays at the top of the page where everyone can post their War on Terrorism Link of the Day and then say the same thing about it that they did the day (or hour) before?
posted by Mick on Sep 20, 2002 - 28 comments

Ring of Death feature

I want me a Ring of Death feature (more inside).
posted by obiwanwasabi on Jan 3, 2002 - 17 comments

Would it be possible to make every post compulsively go through Spell Check first?

Would it be possible to make every post compulsively go through Spell Check first? It's very distracting but, worse of all, it diminishes the poster, who is unfairly judged on pedantic, orthographic criteria.
posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 14, 2001 - 47 comments

display gender?

Most people's usernames aren't indicative of their gender. This leads to people automatically assuming all posters are male until proven otherwise, and this seems to be ticking off a number of female posters. Possibly a preference of 'display user's gender next to their username' would be useful? Turned on, it would display the male or female symbol next to the username (or (m)/(f) in text-only mode), if the user's gender is set in the profile. (Say, depending on what letter it starts with.) People not logged in wouldn't see any of this.
posted by darukaru on Oct 5, 2001 - 12 comments

It's too easy to post to the wrong part of Metatalk

It's too easy to post to the wrong part of Metatalk.
posted by ParisParamus on Jul 18, 2001 - 2 comments

How about a "Requested Feature" page?

How about a "Requested Feature" page?
posted by fooljay on Jun 6, 2001 - 5 comments

Edit posts pony

just wondering.... any way we could get a way to edit our own posts? ... i know there is a preview , but hey, mistakes happen
posted by a11an on Apr 11, 2001 - 5 comments

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